Adlane Arab
Number of games in database: 25
Years covered: 2000 to 2006
Current FIDE rating: 2432
Overall record: +7 -11 =7 (42.0%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

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   Beliavsky vs A Arab, 2006 0-1

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: [what is this?]
   FIDE World Championship Knockout Tournament (2004)

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 page 1 of 1; games 1-25 of 25  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. D Khaled vs A Arab  0-126 2000 ALG-chD11 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
2. A Arab vs Karim Merad  ½-½57 2000 ALG-chE76 King's Indian, Four Pawns Attack
3. A Arab vs Amar Tilmatine  0-122 2000 ALG-chD10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
4. A Arab vs A Aleksandrov  0-131 2002 Bled OlympiadD38 Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin Variation
5. G Lane vs A Arab  ½-½87 2002 Bled OlympiadB15 Caro-Kann
6. A Arab vs M Karttunen  1-074 2002 Bled OlympiadE12 Queen's Indian
7. Meng-Kong Wong vs A Arab  1-043 2002 Bled OlympiadA13 English
8. A Arab vs M Tratar  0-133 2002 Bled OlympiadE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
9. I Abdelnabbi vs A Arab  1-041 2003 ch-AfricaB61 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, Larsen Variation, 7.Qd2
10. E El Gindy vs A Arab  0-150 2003 TCh-AfricaE32 Nimzo-Indian, Classical
11. A Arab vs Ivanchuk 0-183 2004 FIDE World Championship Knockout TournamentE35 Nimzo-Indian, Classical, Noa Variation, ed
12. Ivanchuk vs A Arab 1-034 2004 FIDE World Championship Knockout TournamentB63 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack
13. H Hamdouchi vs A Arab  ½-½60 2005 Zonal 4.1B12 Caro-Kann Defense
14. A Arab vs S Belkhodja  ½-½13 2005 zt 4.1D08 Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin Counter Gambit
15. A Arab vs Meng-Kong Wong  ½-½23 2006 37th Chess OlympiadD22 Queen's Gambit Accepted
16. Paneque Hector Leyva vs A Arab  1-046 2006 37th Chess OlympiadE05 Catalan, Open, Classical line
17. A Arab vs A David  ½-½58 2006 37th Chess OlympiadD30 Queen's Gambit Declined
18. A Arab vs Ngoc Truongson Nguyen  0-126 2006 37th Chess OlympiadA46 Queen's Pawn Game
19. A Arab vs J Nogueiras  ½-½45 2006 37th Chess OlympiadD31 Queen's Gambit Declined
20. M Lodhi vs A Arab  0-146 2006 37th Chess OlympiadA46 Queen's Pawn Game
21. Beliavsky vs A Arab 0-155 2006 37th Chess OlympiadE15 Queen's Indian
22. A Arab vs D Collutiis  0-167 2006 37th Chess OlympiadA57 Benko Gambit
23. A Arab vs P Piscopo  1-059 2006 37th Chess OlympiadA64 Benoni, Fianchetto, 11...Re8
24. L Williams vs A Arab  1-051 2006 37th Chess OlympiadE35 Nimzo-Indian, Classical, Noa Variation, ed
25. A Arab vs B Gonzalez  1-069 2006 37th Chess OlympiadA88 Dutch, Leningrad, Main Variation with c6
 page 1 of 1; games 1-25 of 25  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Arab wins | Arab loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  OhioChessFan: Let me tell you about Ahab the Arab
The sheik of the burning sand
He had emeralds and rubies just drippin' off 'a him
And a ring on every finger of his hand
He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
And a scimitar by his side
And, every evenin', about midnight
He'd jump on his camel named Clyde, and ride

[Spoken] Silently through the night to the sultan's tent where he would secretly meet up with Fatima of the Seven Veils, swingingest grade "A" number one US choice dancer in
the sultan's whole harem, 'cause, heh, him and her had a thing goin', you know, and they'd been carryin' on
for some time now behind the sultan's back and you
could hear him talk to his camel as he rode out across the dunes, his voice would cut through the still night desert air and he'd say (imitate Arabic speech and finish with "Sold! American) which is Arabic for, "Stop, Clyde!" and Clyde'd say, (imitate camel sound), which is camel for, "What the heck did he say anyway?"

Well, he brought that camel to a screechin' halt (verbal screeching sound) In the rear of Fatima's tent
Jumped off Clyde, snuck around the corner
And into the tent he went.
There he saw Fatima layin' on a zebra skin rug
[Spoken in falsetto and possibly with female backups] "Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes and a bone in her nose ho, ho."

[Spoken] There she was, friends, lyin' there in all her radiant beauty, eating on a raisin, grape, apricot, pomegranate, bowl of chittlin's, two bananas, three Hershey bars,
sipping on a RC co-cola listenin' to her transistor,
watchin' the Grand Ole Opry on the tube, readin' a Mad magazine while she sung, "Does your chewing gum lose
it's flavor?" Yeah, Ahab walked up to her and he say, (imitate Arabic speech), which is Arabic for "Let's twist again like we did last summer, baby.!!" Ha, ha, ha!!
You know what I mean! Whew! She looked up at him from off the rug, give him one of the sly looks,

She said (suggestive giggles, then outright laughter) "Crazy, crazy, crazy baby!"

('round and around and around and around, and around and around and around)

Yeah, and that's the story 'bout Ahab the Arab
The sheik of the burnin' sand
Ahab the Arab, the swingin' sheik of the burnin' sand

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