Ahmed Adly
Number of games in database: 161
Years covered: 2001 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2578
Overall record: +70 -47 =44 (57.1%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Queen's Pawn Game (22) 
    A46 D04 A40 A41 D05
 King's Indian (11) 
    E67 E61 E60 E63 E68
 Reti System (7) 
    A04 A05
 King's Indian Attack (6) 
 English (5) 
    A11 A15 A14 A10
 Nimzo Indian (5) 
    E46 E48 E54 E56
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (38) 
    B90 B22 B52 B96 B99
 Sicilian Najdorf (16) 
    B90 B96 B99 B92 B91
 Orthodox Defense (11) 
    D52 D51
 Queen's Gambit Declined (10) 
    D35 D30 D37
 Semi-Slav (6) 
    D48 D43 D47 D49
 English (4) 
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NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   A Adly vs V Laznicka, 2007 1-0
   A Adly vs G Meier, 2007 1-0
   Carlsen vs A Adly, 2006 0-1
   Kamsky vs A Adly, 2007 1/2-1/2

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   The Bold, The Dangerous and The Beautiful Adly by alaa.mattar

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(born Feb-19-1987) Egypt

[what is this?]
Grandmaster (2005) from Egypt--the first GM in Egyptian history, and the youngest-ever from Africa. He was African U20 champion in 2001 where he obtained his first IM and GM norms, and finished the 2004 World Under-18 Championships in third place. He qualified for the FIDE world championship in 2004, but lost the first-round match, after rapid tiebreaks, to Sergei Rublevsky. In 2005 he won the Arab Junior Championship and qualified once more for the knockout phase of the FIDE cycle, but he was again eliminated in the first round, this time by Ruslan Ponomariov. Recently he became the first player from the continent of Africa to win the World Junior Championship (2007).

 page 1 of 7; games 1-25 of 161  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. A El Arousy vs A Adly  ½-½26 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenA01 Nimzovich-Larsen Attack
2. Batkhorol Bilegt vs A Adly  0-140 2001 WYB14B84 Sicilian, Scheveningen
3. A Adly vs M Himdan  0-141 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenE61 King's Indian
4. J Strauss vs A Adly  0-123 2001 MTOB24 Sicilian, Closed
5. S Joksic vs A Adly  1-024 2001 MTOA13 English
6. R Mankeyev vs A Adly  1-030 2001 WYB14D35 Queen's Gambit Declined
7. A Surjadnji vs A Adly  1-047 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenD30 Queen's Gambit Declined
8. A Adly vs I Khamrakulov  0-187 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenA48 King's Indian
9. A Adly vs S Guliev  0-127 2001 MTOA80 Dutch
10. T Roschina vs A Adly  1-033 2001 MTOB91 Sicilian, Najdorf, Zagreb (Fianchetto) Variation
11. Nakamura vs A Adly 1-073 2001 WYB14A30 English, Symmetrical
12. A Adly vs M Ezat  1-053 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenA48 King's Indian
13. A Adly vs I Chahrani  1-035 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenA80 Dutch
14. A Afifi vs A Adly  ½-½15 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenD00 Queen's Pawn Game
15. C Astengo vs A Adly  0-128 2001 MTOB96 Sicilian, Najdorf
16. S Zavgorodniy vs A Adly  1-053 2001 WYB14B52 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
17. A Fominyh vs A Adly  1-033 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenE08 Catalan, Closed
18. A Adly vs R Mamedov  0-132 2001 WYB14E61 King's Indian
19. A Adly vs A Frhat  0-165 2001 Golden Cleopatra OpenD04 Queen's Pawn Game
20. I Nemet vs A Adly  1-028 2001 MTOD30 Queen's Gambit Declined
21. A Adly vs A Thaler  0-143 2001 MTOA10 English
22. A Adly vs I Abdelnabbi  0-195 2003 1st Misr Closed, Cairo EGYA49 King's Indian, Fianchetto without c4
23. M Molla vs A Adly  0-136 2003 TCh-AfricaD52 Queen's Gambit Declined
24. A Kveinys vs A Adly  ½-½38 2003 1st Misr Closed, Cairo EGYD37 Queen's Gambit Declined
25. Barsov vs A Adly  ½-½55 2003 ADCF MastersD35 Queen's Gambit Declined
 page 1 of 7; games 1-25 of 161  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Adly wins | Adly loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  Nepa Pugna: I haven't heard of this Adly Ahmed myself until now. The games he's played to date should be analyzed for originality and style content.

Who knows, in time he may come into the upper echelons of the chess world as one of its newest stars. We'll have to wait and see.

Oct-16-07   joebuck: Congrats to the new World Junior Champion!
Premium Chessgames Member
  notyetagm: Congratulations to our new World Junior Champion!
Premium Chessgames Member
  ahmadov: Congratulations! It is nice to see the representative of a different continent to win the title! This undoubtedly shows chess is becoming more popular in the world...
Oct-16-07   samsal27: <ahmadov> I agree with you. The World Champion from Asia and the World Junior Champion from Africa! Congrats to Vishy and Adly!!
Premium Chessgames Member
  chessmoron: The women's world champion is from Asia as well. A hat trick for Asia. Asia has all the gold!!!
Oct-16-07   aragorn69: While the Sinai Peninsula is technically in Asia, it is quite a stretch to portray Egypt as an Asian country. Long live the new African Junior WC! ;-)
Oct-16-07   Jim Bartle: Congratulations...but does he understand that a game can end not only as a win or loss, but also as a draw?
Oct-16-07   pawnofdoom: Congratulations to Adly. Really deserved the title, though I wished Wang Hao could have won it. I hadn't heard of this guy at all, and I probably would have given him almsot no chance of winning, but suddenly, he appeared out of nowhere and won this big tournament
Oct-16-07   cbpatzer: Great performance by Adly. Let's see if he can keep up things. As far as i am aware the official site is and there were frequent reports on However, no picture of Adly playing on both sites.
Oct-17-07   Ezzy: Great stuff. A world champion from the African continent! Nice victory from a player who seems to blow hot and cold. Joint first at the 2006 Reykjavic open with a 2704 performance, then a terrible Corus group C performance losing 22 rating points in that 1 event.

He can put in 2700 performances and also lose often to 2200 - 2300 players.

He was blowing hot in this comp though. This puts his chess career well back on track!

Oct-22-07   pawnofdoom: <cbpatzer> Check They have pictures of him. And look at bidmonfa's link below
Oct-25-07   Riverbeast: When I visited Cairo I checked out a cool old chess club they had - maybe one of Adly's haunts: Mirrors and an old wood interior, it looked like it had been built in the 20s or something. Of course they served coffee and tea, and everyone was smoking. I remember playing blitz with the locals and making some fast friends there. They seemed to love chess. I'm sure Adly has brought them great pride.

Good for you, bro! Keep it up.

Oct-26-07   averroes02: congratulations for ahmed adly from egypt, the first african champion in the history of this continent.I know this player when he play in olympics but I was not sure that he can win this championship and he did it, you are incredible and famous and genius my son. your father from algeria: AMMAR.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: Report on and interview with GM Adly:

<I read in a German chess magazine that several years ago you were playing in a tournament in Nigeria, and that all the participants got malaria. Is it true that you survived because your next tournament was in Greece and you had access to a good hospital?

<Yes, unfortunately. It happened at the African Olympic games. I was very sick and almost died. I was 60 kgs before contracting malaria and 32 kgs after. So you can imagine how bad it was. This stopped me from playing good chess for two years. However, I was more upset to lose two of my team mates, who were less ill than I was. I thank God I am still alive.>>

Premium Chessgames Member
  sallom89: he must be rated 2650+ in no time ,i was totally shocked of some games that he played. Just awesome.
Nov-21-07   superuser171: Thanks for the link Karpova. It's nice to see chessbase having an article about Adly..
Nov-21-07   hovik2003: It is good to see that Arabs are playing chess again, a game was played and flourished in Baghdad courts during muslem rule of MiddleEast from 7th-13th century on.
Nov-22-07   pawnofdoom: Adly is going to play in the 2007 FIDE World Cup. I hope he does well. He was chosen as a player from Africa. Though he is rated pretty low, beign only 2500 compared to all the other 2600s and 2700s there, he should fare well.
Nov-26-07   papynchase: He just drew with Black against Kamsky in 83 moves. A chessbase caption of the picture of them playing against each other, "Kamsky managing just a draw...", sounds very belittling.
Premium Chessgames Member
  ahmadov: Unfortunately, this guy did not qulify... I wanted to root for him...
Nov-26-07   Udit Narayan: <papynchase> Chessbase are always biased.
Dec-10-07   Eti fan: GM Ahmed Adly wins the Egyptian chess championship

Dec-10-07   cotdt: this guy was able to fight kamsky to a draw, which is better than what carlsen was able to accomplish!
Dec-26-07   superuser171: Here's a link to a nice video interview with Ahmed Adly..he seems to be a cheerful guy..


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