Assem Afifi
Number of games in database: 46
Years covered: 1981 to 2001
Current FIDE rating: 2272
Highest rating achieved in database: 2405
Overall record: +3 -28 =15 (22.8%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 English, 1 c4 e5 (5) 
    A26 A22 A20
 English (5) 
    A13 A16 A10
 Queen's Pawn Game (4) 
    D00 D02 A41
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (6) 
    B38 B23 B32 B42 B43
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(born Jan-03-1947) Egypt

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International Master from Egypt. He played in the 1985 Tunis Interzonal (+1-10=5), and took 16th place. He played in the 1990 Manila Interzonal (+0-6=7) and tied for 60th-63rd place.

 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 46  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. A Afifi vs Velimirovic  0-140 1981 Budva ztA56 Benoni Defense
2. A Afifi vs Ivkov  0-126 1981 BudvaE11 Bogo-Indian Defense
3. A Afifi vs S Mariotti  0-139 1981 BudvaE15 Queen's Indian
4. A Afifi vs B Ivanovic  0-152 1981 Budva ztA43 Old Benoni
5. A Afifi vs Miles  0-146 1982 Luzern olm ;BIGE15 Queen's Indian
6. Myagmarsuren vs A Afifi  ½-½38 1982 Lucerne olmC26 Vienna
7. E Torre vs A Afifi  1-057 1982 OlympiadD61 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox, Rubinstein Attack
8. A Afifi vs Ulf Andersson  0-155 1984 Olympiad, Salonika (Greece)A13 English
9. A Afifi vs Suttles 1-029 1984 Thessaloniki ol.B06 Robatsch
10. A Afifi vs Portisch  0-130 1985 LuzernA34 English, Symmetrical
11. A Afifi vs Karpov  0-170 1985 7, Lucerne WTCA22 English
12. A Afifi vs Suba  0-140 1985 Lucerne WTCA34 English, Symmetrical
13. A Afifi vs Spassky  ½-½20 1985 Luzern cqA26 English
14. A Afifi vs Beliavsky 0-126 1985 IztA13 English
15. I Morovic vs A Afifi  ½-½31 1985 InterzonalB43 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
16. Quinteros vs A Afifi  1-069 1985 OlympiadE81 King's Indian, Samisch
17. A Afifi vs Sosonko  0-151 1985 TunisienA20 English
18. Miles vs A Afifi 1-027 1985 TunisienD61 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox, Rubinstein Attack
19. A Afifi vs DeFirmian ½-½72 1985 IztA04 Reti Opening
20. A Afifi vs Portisch  0-155 1985 TunisienA34 English, Symmetrical
21. Hort vs A Afifi  1-037 1985 TunisienB23 Sicilian, Closed
22. Korchnoi vs A Afifi  1-063 1985 Lucerne WTCB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
23. Suba vs A Afifi  1-045 1985 Tunis iztA86 Dutch
24. A Afifi vs Yusupov  ½-½33 1985 Tunis InterzonalA81 Dutch
25. A Afifi vs Miles  0-146 1985 Lucerne WTCA41 Queen's Pawn Game (with ...d6)
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 46  PGN Download
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