Eldis Cobo Arteaga
Number of games in database: 113
Years covered: 1952 to 1978
Highest rating achieved in database: 2420
Overall record: +12 -60 =41 (28.8%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 King's Indian (8) 
    E95 E70 E82 E97 E98
 Modern Benoni (6) 
    A56 A59 A61 A62
 Grunfeld (6) 
    D94 D90 D98 D93 D80
 Queen's Indian (5) 
    E12 E15 E19
 Sicilian (4) 
    B94 B46 B92 B66
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (12) 
    B44 B33 B60 B23 B52
 King's Indian (9) 
    E69 E94 E74 E61 E79
 Ruy Lopez (8) 
    C96 C88 C77 C80 C67
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (5) 
    C96 C88 C93
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(born Sep-05-1929) Cuba

[what is this?]
Eldis Cobo Arteaga born 1929 was awarded the IM title in 1967 and was joint Cuban Champion in 1950.

 page 1 of 5; games 1-25 of 113  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. E Cobo Arteaga vs Gligoric  0-147 1952 HavanaE95 King's Indian, Orthodox, 7...Nbd7, 8.Re1
2. E Cobo Arteaga vs H Platz  1-037 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)B66 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack, 7...a6
3. L Barden vs E Cobo Arteaga  0-153 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)C26 Vienna
4. E Cobo Arteaga vs David Vincent Hooper  ½-½27 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)D68 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense, Classical
5. W Litmanowicz vs E Cobo Arteaga  ½-½22 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)E19 Queen's Indian, Old Main line, 9.Qxc3
6. F Scafarelli vs E Cobo Arteaga  ½-½42 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)D69 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense, Classical,
7. E Cobo Arteaga vs Eliskases  0-133 1952 HavanaE70 King's Indian
8. G Pfeiffer vs E Cobo Arteaga  1-047 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)C77 Ruy Lopez
9. A Beni vs E Cobo Arteaga  0-131 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)C88 Ruy Lopez
10. E Pedersen vs E Cobo Arteaga  0-140 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)D04 Queen's Pawn Game
11. P Kremer vs E Cobo Arteaga  0-130 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)B20 Sicilian
12. Najdorf vs E Cobo Arteaga  1-029 1952 HavanaD45 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
13. E Cobo Arteaga vs J H Donner  0-140 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)E95 King's Indian, Orthodox, 7...Nbd7, 8.Re1
14. C Kottnauer vs E Cobo Arteaga  1-061 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)A19 English, Mikenas-Carls, Sicilian Variation
15. E Cobo Arteaga vs E Weichselbaumer  1-027 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)E41 Nimzo-Indian
16. E Cobo Arteaga vs I Aloni  0-142 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)D43 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
17. E Cobo Arteaga vs H Rossetto  0-125 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)D38 Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin Variation
18. E Cobo Arteaga vs Schmid  0-127 1960 Leipzig ol (Men) qual-DB03 Alekhine's Defense
19. Ivkov vs E Cobo Arteaga  1-049 1962 Havana Cap memB45 Sicilian, Taimanov
20. E Cobo Arteaga vs Polugaevsky  0-150 1962 Habana (Cuba)B94 Sicilian, Najdorf
21. E Cobo Arteaga vs Najdorf  0-142 1962 Havana Cap memA55 Old Indian, Main line
22. E Cobo Arteaga vs Julio Bolbochan  ½-½40 1962 OlympiadE46 Nimzo-Indian
23. E Cobo Arteaga vs Smyslov  0-143 1962 19, Havana Cap memB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
24. E Cobo Arteaga vs Gligoric  0-140 1962 Capablanca memB92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation
25. Spassky vs E Cobo Arteaga  ½-½43 1962 Habana (Cuba)D19 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Dutch
 page 1 of 5; games 1-25 of 113  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Cobo Arteaga wins | Cobo Arteaga loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: Eldis Cobo Arteaga
Born 5th September 1929
Joint Cuban Champion in 1950 he was awarded the IM title in 1967.
Apr-23-06   szunzein: CG: I'm affraid that M. Eldis Cobo passed away long ago; would you update the information above? I'm aware that there are tournaments in Cuba on "Eldis Cobo in memorian". Thanks
Apr-23-06   szunzein: BTW he was a strong player, 22.7% doesn't reflec his strength, but CG is not to blame for that of course.
Sep-05-06   BIDMONFA: Eldis Cobo Arteaga

COBO, Eldis

Premium Chessgames Member
  Joshka: This guy also won the US Open in 1958!! year after Bobby did.
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