Genadi Ageichenko
Number of games in database: 29
Years covered: 1966 to 2007
Current FIDE rating: 2391
Highest rating achieved in database: 2402
Overall record: +9 -11 =9 (46.6%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

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Most played openings
A15 English (2 games)
B14 Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik Attack (2 games)
C63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense (2 games)

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(born Jun-11-1941) Russia

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Russian master. In 1970, he won the championship of the Central Chess Club in Moscow.

 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 29  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Ageichenko vs A Roshal  1-047 1966 URS-chTE70 King's Indian
2. Ageichenko vs Bronstein  ½-½34 1967 MoskvaB15 Caro-Kann
3. Ageichenko vs Smyslov  0-132 1967 t, MoscowE25 Nimzo-Indian, Samisch
4. Ageichenko vs Kholmov  1-032 1968 MoscowC36 King's Gambit Accepted, Abbazia Defense
5. Suetin vs Ageichenko  0-142 1968 Moscow (Russia)B54 Sicilian
6. Petrosian vs Ageichenko 1-041 1968 Ch MoscowD45 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
7. Ageichenko vs Vasiukov  0-134 1969 URS-ch sfE61 King's Indian
8. Shamkovich vs Ageichenko  1-036 1971 USSRD37 Queen's Gambit Declined
9. Ageichenko vs Vyzmanavin  0-134 1980 Ch URSB40 Sicilian
10. Ageichenko vs Ivanchenko  1-048 1984 USSRB93 Sicilian, Najdorf, 6.f4
11. Kholmov vs Ageichenko  0-151 1987 Moscow-chC61 Ruy Lopez, Bird's Defense
12. Kholmov vs Ageichenko  1-065 1988 URS-ch sfB33 Sicilian
13. Ageichenko vs G Timoshenko  0-140 1988 URS-ch sfA25 English
14. Ageichenko vs C C Kuzmina  1-053 1991 Moscow (Russia)C55 Two Knights Defense
15. A Korotylev vs Ageichenko  ½-½61 1996 Alekhine opE11 Bogo-Indian Defense
16. Kholmov vs Ageichenko  ½-½53 1996 Alekhine opC63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
17. Kholmov vs Ageichenko  1-075 1997 Moscow-chC63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
18. Ageichenko vs Burlachenko  ½-½46 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)A31 English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation
19. I Frog vs Ageichenko  ½-½58 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)E90 King's Indian
20. Ageichenko vs S Zhelesny  1-037 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)B14 Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik Attack
21. Ageichenko vs V Vorotnikov  ½-½27 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)B07 Pirc
22. R Abdulov vs Ageichenko  0-153 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)A15 English
23. N Daschian vs Ageichenko  ½-½35 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)E97 King's Indian
24. Ageichenko vs V Zaitsev  0-130 1999 Ch Moscow, Moscow (Russia)B01 Scandinavian
25. V Burmakin vs Ageichenko  1-029 1999 Geller Memorial (Cup Russia)E69 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Classical Main line
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 29  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Ageichenko wins | Ageichenko loses  

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