James Macrae Aitken
Number of games in database: 115
Years covered: 1937 to 1976
Overall record: +38 -38 =39 (50.0%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (21) 
    B74 B91 B84 B32 B21
 Ruy Lopez (15) 
    C88 C97 C71 C61 C70
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (8) 
    C88 C97 C98 C84 C99
 French Defense (8) 
    C11 C05 C02 C18 C01
 Sicilian Dragon (7) 
    B74 B37 B73
 Caro-Kann (6) 
    B10 B19 B13
With the Black pieces:
 Ruy Lopez (18) 
    C78 C71 C75 C79 C86
 Orthodox Defense (10) 
    D55 D51 D54 D64 D52
 Queen's Pawn Game (5) 
    E10 A45 A46
 English (4) 
    A13 A12
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Tartakower vs Aitken, 1949 0-1
   Aitken vs G A Thomas, 1945 1-0

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   Hastings 1945/46 by suenteus po 147

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(born Oct-27-1908, died Dec-03-1983) United Kingdom

[what is this?]
Dr. James Macrae Aitken was born on the 27th of October 1908 in Calderbank Lanarkshire, Scotland. He was Scottish Champion in 1935, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961 and 1965 (jointly). He was also London Champion in 1950. His PhD dissertation was on the Lisbon Inquisition. He passed away in Cheltenham in 1983.

 page 1 of 5; games 1-25 of 115  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Aitken vs V Mikenas  0-144 1937 7th olm finalB32 Sicilian
2. J Enevoldsen vs Aitken  1-024 1937 7th olm finalD51 Queen's Gambit Declined
3. Aitken vs Lilienthal  0-142 1937 7th olm finalC11 French
4. E Gilfer vs Aitken  0-169 1937 7th olm finalD69 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense, Classical,
5. Aitken vs Tartakower  0-194 1937 7th olm finalC71 Ruy Lopez
6. Pirc vs Aitken  1-063 1937 7th olm finalD54 Queen's Gambit Declined, Anti-Neo-Orthodox Variation
7. Aitken vs Keres  0-142 1937 Stockholm ol (05.08.37)B05 Alekhine's Defense, Modern
8. Aitken vs V Castaldi  0-146 1937 7th olm finalC01 French, Exchange
9. Aitken vs A Dunkelblum  0-152 1937 7th olm finalB10 Caro-Kann
10. Aitken vs S Herseth  1-040 1937 7th olm finalC11 French
11. G A Thomas vs Aitken  0-151 1937 7th olm finalC78 Ruy Lopez
12. T Gauffin vs Aitken  ½-½50 1937 7th olm finalD55 Queen's Gambit Declined
13. Stahlberg vs Aitken  0-138 1937 7th olm finalD55 Queen's Gambit Declined
14. Aitken vs S Landau  ½-½55 1937 7th olm finalB04 Alekhine's Defense, Modern
15. Aitken vs Reshevsky  ½-½57 1937 7th olm finalC98 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin
16. Aitken vs P N Wallis  ½-½50 1939 BournemouthD45 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
17. G Abrahams vs Aitken  0-128 1939 BournemouthC50 Giuoco Piano
18. Mieses vs Aitken 0-129 1939 BournemouthC27 Vienna Game
19. Aitken vs E Klein  0-138 1939 BournemouthC41 Philidor Defense
20. S Landau vs Aitken  ½-½42 1939 BournemouthD55 Queen's Gambit Declined
21. Aitken vs F Kitto  1-027 1939 BournemouthC67 Ruy Lopez
22. I Koenig vs Aitken  ½-½44 1939 BournemouthA13 English
23. Aitken vs Flohr 0-129 1939 BournemouthB13 Caro-Kann, Exchange
24. Euwe vs Aitken  1-036 1939 BournemouthD40 Queen's Gambit Declined, Semi-Tarrasch
25. Aitken vs A G Conde  ½-½86 1939 BournemouthB10 Caro-Kann
 page 1 of 5; games 1-25 of 115  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Aitken wins | Aitken loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: James Macrae Aitken
Born 27th October 1908 in Calderbank, Lanarkshire
Died 3rd December 1983 Cheltenham
Scottish champion 1935, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961 and jointly in 1965. He was also London Champion in 1950.
Jul-20-06   Morphystyle: Aitken is a great attacker. He played one of my favorite games (that is not here yet), it is from the 1937 Olympiad. He was white in a French exchange. He was strong, but always got beaten by the top players. Entertaining player of the day.
Jul-27-06   WTHarvey: Here is a little collection of his otb combinations:
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