K Asrian 
Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia Commons 
Karen Asrian
Number of games in database: 435
Years covered: 1975 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2630
Highest rating achieved in database: 2646
Overall record: +106 -51 =278 (56.3%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (111) 
    B90 B33 B92 B84 B83
 Ruy Lopez (42) 
    C77 C67 C90 C88 C65
 Sicilian Najdorf (32) 
    B90 B92
 Sicilian Scheveningen (21) 
    B84 B83 B85
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (19) 
    C90 C88 C92 C97 C96
 Caro-Kann (15) 
    B12 B17 B19
With the Black pieces:
 Caro-Kann (70) 
    B12 B18 B14 B19 B10
 Queen's Gambit Declined (23) 
    D35 D37 D30 D36
 Semi-Slav (22) 
    D45 D43 D47
 Orthodox Defense (22) 
    D58 D52 D53 D55 D59
 French Defense (15) 
    C18 C15 C07 C06 C01
 Nimzo Indian (10) 
    E32 E21 E30 E34 E54
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NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   K Asrian vs A Pashikian, 2006 1-0
   Kasimdzhanov vs K Asrian, 1999 0-1
   K Maslak vs K Asrian, 2007 0-1

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(born Apr-24-1980, died Jun-09-2008) Armenia

[what is this?]
Karen Asrian, born 1980, was one of Armenia's leading grandmasters. He won the national Armenian Championship in 1999, 2007, and 2008, and the tournaments of Dubai 2001 and Stepanakert 2004. In 2006 he won a gold medal at the Chess Olympiad in Turin playing on board #3 for the Armenian team.

He died suddenly in 2008 at the age of 28.

 page 1 of 18; games 1-25 of 435  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. V Vepkhvishvili vs K Asrian  0-125 1975 Ch SU \\C41 Philidor Defense
2. K Asrian vs Kasimdzhanov  0-143 1993 Wch U16B83 Sicilian
3. Vasiukov vs K Asrian  ½-½50 1994 Moscow opB19 Caro-Kann, Classical
4. A Yegiazarian vs K Asrian  1-044 1995 ARM-chA14 English
5. K Asrian vs Razuvaev  ½-½18 1996 Yerevan opB47 Sicilian, Taimanov (Bastrikov) Variation
6. K Asrian vs Movsesian  ½-½80 1996 ARM-chB43 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
7. V Tukmakov vs K Asrian  1-061 1996 Yerevan opE05 Catalan, Open, Classical line
8. K Asrian vs Aronian  ½-½23 1996 ARM-chB75 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
9. K Asrian vs Savon  ½-½15 1996 Petrov memC97 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin
10. K Asrian vs A Yegiazarian  ½-½47 1996 Yerevan opB58 Sicilian
11. K Asrian vs Gulko  ½-½17 1996 PCA Qualifier g/25 Moscow RUSB17 Caro-Kann, Steinitz Variation
12. A Yegiazarian vs K Asrian  ½-½31 1996 ARM-chA07 King's Indian Attack
13. Fedorov vs K Asrian ½-½69 1997 Chigorin mem openB12 Caro-Kann Defense
14. K Asrian vs Kharlov  ½-½42 1997 RUS-Cup8C92 Ruy Lopez, Closed
15. Razuvaev vs K Asrian  ½-½28 1997 RUS-Cup9D37 Queen's Gambit Declined
16. K Asrian vs Tiviakov  ½-½17 1998 Groningen TournamentB36 Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto
17. Tiviakov vs K Asrian ½-½17 1998 Groningen Invitational (Men)B18 Caro-Kann, Classical
18. V Milov vs K Asrian  ½-½35 1998 Groningen TournamentD35 Queen's Gambit Declined
19. Yermolinsky vs K Asrian  ½-½38 1998 Groningen Invitational (Men)D58 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) Syst
20. K Asrian vs Xu Jun  ½-½43 1998 Ubeda opB74 Sicilian, Dragon, Classical
21. K Asrian vs Yermolinsky  ½-½31 1998 Groningen TournamentB84 Sicilian, Scheveningen
22. Z Almasi vs K Asrian  ½-½20 1998 Groningen Invitational (Men)B18 Caro-Kann, Classical
23. K Asrian vs Tseshkovsky  ½-½34 1998 RUS-CupB08 Pirc, Classical
24. K Asrian vs Z Almasi  0-148 1998 Groningen Invitational (Men)C67 Ruy Lopez
25. K Asrian vs Xu Jun 1-047 1998 Linares Anibal opB84 Sicilian, Scheveningen
 page 1 of 18; games 1-25 of 435  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Asrian wins | Asrian loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  OhioChessFan: Psalms 89:48, NIV What man can live and not see death, or save himself from the power of the grave?
Premium Chessgames Member
  veigaman: I would like to join the grieve.
Premium Chessgames Member
  maxi: Years ago, I was in my early thirties, my brother died, at the young age of 28, in a car accident. There is something obscene in the death of the young. Parents should not have to bury their children.
Jun-11-08   OneArmedScissor: He is a fortune cookie from hell that happened to land in heaven.


Premium Chessgames Member
  malthrope: That's so true <maxi> - <"Parents should not have to bury their children."> I'm truly sorry for the loss of your brother.

I, like you, remember well when my late mom, Dorothy, told me the worst thing that a parent bereaves is the sad loss of one of their children... The 'Chess Giants' Rapids Chess tourney has now been postponed for two days (Round #2 play resumes on June 12th). It's not only the right move - it's the only move... Regards, - Mal

Premium Chessgames Member
  maxi: Thank you, Malthrope. I was struck by Asrian's age, also 28. My family was changed forever, and neither of my parents really ever recovered.
Premium Chessgames Member
  malthrope: <maxi: Thank you, Malthrope. I was struck by Asrian's age, also 28. My family was changed forever, and neither of my parents really ever recovered.>

I fully understand <maxi> - I'm sure all of us here do... Regards, - Mal

Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: For someone to die so young is always a shock. A great loss for the Armenian team!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Ken MacGillivray: When I read of this talented young man's tragic death, I wept. I am so sorry and wish I could help ease the awful pain that his family and loved ones feel at this time.
Premium Chessgames Member
  notyetagm: RIP
Jun-11-08   dshxouhi: A very sad loss. May he rest in peace.

Those who wish to read about the funeral can follow this link.

Jun-11-08   dazone3: Does anyone have any idea why chessbase has neglected to report this news? They had three articles up yesterday, and three today, and nary a reference to this tragedy.
Jun-11-08   DUS: <dshxouhi> Thank you for the link.

Grandmaster Karen Asrian left both as Olympic Champion and Champion of Armenia. May he rest in peace.

Jun-11-08   DUS: <dazone3>

Jun-12-08   dazone3: Thank you, <DUS>. For some reason that wasn't coming up when I went to

This man was an immensely strong chessplayer (stronger than anyone who kibitzes on this site, save maybe Nigel Short). He spent a lifetime devoted to the game, and it was tragically cut short. A reminder not to waste a single moment, and to be grateful for the time you have. Any single person could go in a similar fashion at any time.

Jun-12-08   Petrosian63: Rest in peace GM Karen Asrian.

Nice tribute to Asrian on Chess Base.

Premium Chessgames Member
  chancho: I can imagine him in the great beyond having a ball and playing blitz with the likes of Tal, Fischer, and Petrosian. Rest in Peace.
Jun-12-08   Riverbeast: RIP GM Asrian!

You achieved quite a bit in your (too short) life

Jun-15-08   Atking: I want to congratulate the armenian people for their dignity to have rename their tournament in the memory of their great player Asrian.
Jun-15-08   DUS: <dazone3> indeed some time they do not come up. Also there are so many news each day it is not easy to find the one you need.

Jun-15-08   DUS: A chessbase report on GM Karen Asrian memorial.

Jun-15-08   DUS: In previous link you may see a photo of IM Lilit Mkrtchian and GM Katerina Lahno (the very last photo). Here is the final report of chessbase.

Jun-17-08   DUS: Sorry for too many postings, but I think the following link is interesting...

Premium Chessgames Member
  pawn to QB4: No need at all to be sorry for your postings: thanks for that link, and my best wishes to all who loved or admired Karen Asrian. The author of that sympathetic piece is an Iranian master who came to England and left a lot of good memories, at much the same time as England and chessgames' own Nigel Short was teaching in Iran.
Jul-17-08   Jafar219: He was good player.
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