Ladislav Alster
Number of games in database: 92
Years covered: 1944 to 1989
Overall record: +26 -29 =37 (48.4%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (7) 
    B31 B89 B52 B30 B81
 Queen's Indian (4) 
    E15 E12 E14
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (19) 
    B76 B24 B56 B58 B80
 King's Indian (7) 
    E60 E92 E98 E74 E72
 Sicilian Dragon (4) 
    B76 B73
 Dutch Defense (4) 
    A88 A92 A91
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(born Apr-02-1927, died Jan-11-1991) Czech Republic

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Ladislav Alster born 1927 was Czech Champion in 1956.

 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 92  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. L Alster vs Prochazka 1-011 1944 Melnik, CZEA51 Budapest Gambit
2. L Alster vs G Van Doesburgh  0-140 1947 Team match NED-CZEC11 French
3. L Alster vs R W Bonham ½-½51 1947 Match MCCU-CZED62 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox, Rubinstein Attack
4. R W Bonham vs L Alster 1-040 1947 Match MCCU-CZEE72 King's Indian
5. G Van Doesburgh vs L Alster  ½-½30 1947 Team match NED-CZEB58 Sicilian
6. L Alster vs Sajtar  ½-½16 1948 CSR-chD59 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower
7. L Alster vs C Kottnauer  1-041 1948 CSR-chA19 English, Mikenas-Carls, Sicilian Variation
8. Ujtelky vs L Alster  0-147 1948 CSR-chD75 Neo-Grunfeld, Nxd5, 7.O-O c5, 8.dxc5
9. Bobotsov vs L Alster  1-034 1950 CSR-BULB73 Sicilian, Dragon, Classical
10. L Alster vs Filip  0-146 1953 CSR-ch PragueD86 Grunfeld, Exchange
11. J Vesely vs L Alster  ½-½23 1953 CSR-ch PragueB80 Sicilian, Scheveningen
12. L Alster vs J Sefc  1-056 1953 CSR-chA08 King's Indian Attack
13. L Alster vs Sajtar  1-031 1953 CSR-ch PragueB52 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
14. Ujtelky vs L Alster  ½-½26 1953 CSR-chA47 Queen's Indian
15. J Kozma vs L Alster 1-027 1953 CSR-ch PragueB76 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
16. L Alster vs Sajtar  ½-½52 1954 CSR-chA02 Bird's Opening
17. L Alster vs Filip  ½-½15 1954 CSR-chE15 Queen's Indian
18. Ujtelky vs L Alster  ½-½17 1954 CSR-chE16 Queen's Indian
19. F Blatny vs L Alster  ½-½25 1954 CSR-chB26 Sicilian, Closed, 6.Be3
20. L Alster vs J Kozma  ½-½40 1954 CSR-chE40 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3
21. J Sefc vs L Alster  0-140 1954 CSR-chB84 Sicilian, Scheveningen
22. L Alster vs J Sefc  1-056 1955 CSR-54ch playoff 3rd placeD44 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
23. L Alster vs J Kozma  0-131 1955 CSR-ch ArmyA06 Reti Opening
24. J Rejfir vs L Alster  1-075 1955 CSR-chE80 King's Indian, Samisch Variation
25. J Kozma vs L Alster  0-156 1955 CSR-chB40 Sicilian
 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 92  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Alster wins | Alster loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Oct-20-05   Eastfrisian: Ladislav Alster died on January 11, 1991 in Prague.
Dec-11-08   whiteshark: Any relations to D Hamburg ?
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