Roberto Gabriel Alvarez
Number of games in database: 23
Years covered: 1998 to 2000
Highest rating achieved in database: 2557
Overall record: +10 -11 =2 (47.8%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

Repertoire Explorer
Most played openings
B90 Sicilian, Najdorf (5 games)
C45 Scotch Game (2 games)

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Chess player from Argentina. He is a correspondence Grandmaster.

 page 1 of 1; 23 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. R G Alvarez vs M Umansky  1-028 1998 Pappier mem-A emailC78 Ruy Lopez
2. U Neumann vs R G Alvarez  0-144 1999 WC.2000.S.00001B50 Sicilian
3. R G Alvarez vs W F R Braakhuis  1-031 1999 WC.2000.S.00001C00 French Defense
4. P Verdier vs R G Alvarez  0-154 1999 WC.2000.S.00001A68 Benoni, Four Pawns Attack
5. R G Alvarez vs K Neven  1-035 1999 WC.2000.S.00001C18 French, Winawer
6. A Samraoui vs R G Alvarez  ½-½26 1999 WC.2000.S.00001B92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation
7. R G Alvarez vs D Marshall  1-045 1999 WC.2000.S.00001C60 Ruy Lopez
8. Ernesto Rovan vs R G Alvarez  0-138 1999 WC.2000.S.00001B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
9. R G Alvarez vs Bernd Honig  1-040 1999 WC.2000.S.00001C45 Scotch Game
10. Thomas Niessen vs R G Alvarez  1-047 1999 WC.2000.S.00001A81 Dutch
11. R G Alvarez vs John Bleddyn Claridge  1-031 1999 WC.2000.S.00001C45 Scotch Game
12. R G Alvarez vs John Bleddyn Claridge  0-141 2000 WC..F.00001D44 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
13. A Fester vs R G Alvarez  1-061 2000 WC..F.00001B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
14. R G Alvarez vs A Sirota  0-146 2000 WC..F.00001E92 King's Indian
15. K Chorfi vs R G Alvarez  0-137 2000 WC..F.00001B33 Sicilian
16. R G Alvarez vs C L Siefring  0-134 2000 WC..F.00001B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
17. G Brueckel vs R G Alvarez  1-031 2000 WC..F.00001B85 Sicilian, Scheveningen, Classical
18. R G Alvarez vs A Scheffner  0-142 2000 WC..F.00001D45 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
19. J S Morgado vs R G Alvarez  ½-½33 2000 WC..F.00001E98 King's Indian, Orthodox, Taimanov, 9.Ne1
20. M Bennedik vs R G Alvarez  1-041 2000 WC..F.00001B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
21. R G Alvarez vs R Polaczek  0-130 2000 WC..F.00001B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
22. V I Ivanov vs R G Alvarez  1-027 2000 WC..F.00001E12 Queen's Indian
23. R G Alvarez vs A A Szrama  0-126 2000 WC..F.00001B67 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack, 7...a6 Defense, 8...Bd7
 page 1 of 1; 23 games  PGN Download 
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Alvarez wins | Alvarez loses  

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