Vladimir Alatortsev
Number of games in database: 249
Years covered: 1929 to 1965
Overall record: +71 -82 =96 (47.8%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Nimzo Indian (31) 
    E21 E54 E34 E46 E37
 Orthodox Defense (12) 
    D53 D51 D63 D64 D50
 Catalan (12) 
    E01 E04 E02 E08 E06
 Queen's Gambit Declined (8) 
    D31 D37 D30 D35
 Queen's Pawn Game (7) 
    E00 A40 A41 D02 A46
 Grunfeld (7) 
    D85 D71 D97 D80 D83
With the Black pieces:
 Slav (16) 
    D13 D11 D15 D19 D12
 French Defense (13) 
    C18 C11 C05 C01 C19
 Ruy Lopez (12) 
    C82 C87 C98 C85 C61
 English, 1 c4 e5 (9) 
    A25 A27 A20 A22
 Nimzo Indian (7) 
    E43 E26 E41 E34 E32
 Queen's Pawn Game (6) 
    A40 D02 A45 E00
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Bronstein vs Alatortsev, 1944 0-1
   Taimanov vs Alatortsev, 1948 0-1
   Alatortsev vs Riumin, 1935 1-0
   Alatortsev vs F Bohatirchuk, 1935 1/2-1/2

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   Chess a la Torte: Games of Vladimir Alatortsev by Resignation Trap

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(born May-14-1909, died Jan-13-1987) Russia

[what is this?]
Vladimir Alexeyevich Alatortsev was born on the 14th of May 1909 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Awarded the IM title in 1950 and an Emeritus GM title in 1983 he was joint Leningrad Champion in 1933-34 and joint Moscow Champion in 1936 and 1937. He also competed 'hors concours' in the Latvian Championship of 1945, which he also won. He came to the fore in Soviet Chess in the early 1930's and finished 2nd to Mikhail Botvinnik in the 1933 USSR Championship. He drew a match with Andre Lilienthal (+4, =4, -4) in 1935 and became a chess organiser and teacher. From 1954 - 1961 he was head of the Soviet chess organization. He played in nine USSR Championships from 1931 to 1950.

 page 1 of 10; games 1-25 of 249  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. A Batuyev vs Alatortsev  0-131 1929 LeningradD13 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation
2. Alatortsev vs Rokhlin  0-136 1929 LeningradD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
3. Rokhlin vs Alatortsev 1-039 1929 LeningradA44 Old Benoni Defense
4. Alatortsev vs Botvinnik 0-132 1930 Leningrad chcE21 Nimzo-Indian, Three Knights
5. Alatortsev vs Botvinnik  0-132 1930 Leningrad ch-cityE21 Nimzo-Indian, Three Knights
6. Alatortsev vs Lisitsin  0-131 1931 URS-ch07E21 Nimzo-Indian, Three Knights
7. Alatortsev vs Verlinsky  ½-½57 1931 URS-ch07D31 Queen's Gambit Declined
8. Ilyin-Zhenevsky vs Alatortsev  0-150 1931 URS-ch07C01 French, Exchange
9. Alatortsev vs M Yudovich Sr.  1-027 1931 URS-ch07E12 Queen's Indian
10. Alatortsev vs Zamikhovsky 1-027 1931 URS-ch07D46 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
11. Alatortsev vs Goglidze 1-034 1931 URS-ch07D37 Queen's Gambit Declined
12. Rauzer vs Alatortsev  ½-½69 1931 URS-ch07D93 Grunfeld, with Bf4 & e3
13. V Sozin vs Alatortsev  ½-½67 1931 URS-ch07C01 French, Exchange
14. A Budo vs Alatortsev  0-142 1931 URS-ch07D10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
15. Botvinnik vs Alatortsev  1-027 1931 Moscow ch-SUE85 King's Indian, Samisch, Orthodox Variation
16. Alatortsev vs N Sorokin  1-023 1931 URS-ch07E09 Catalan, Closed
17. V G Kirillov vs Alatortsev  ½-½74 1931 URS-ch07A25 English
18. F Bohatirchuk vs Alatortsev 1-028 1931 URS-ch07C19 French, Winawer, Advance
19. Alatortsev vs Riumin  ½-½52 1931 URS-ch07D52 Queen's Gambit Declined
20. Kasparian vs Alatortsev 1-053 1931 URS-ch07D15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
21. Alatortsev vs I Mazel 1-022 1931 URS-ch07A40 Queen's Pawn Game
22. Kan vs Alatortsev  ½-½47 1931 URS-ch07C15 French, Winawer
23. A Budo vs Alatortsev  0-130 1932 Leningrad-chE60 King's Indian Defense
24. Alatortsev vs I Rabinovich  1-048 1932 Leningrad-chD64 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox, Rubinstein Attack
25. Botvinnik vs Alatortsev 1-046 1932 RussiaD26 Queen's Gambit Accepted
 page 1 of 10; games 1-25 of 249  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Alatortsev wins | Alatortsev loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  waddayaplay: Vladimir Alatortsev (14.05 1909 - ? )

He wrote a chess book in 1960 called something like Modern Chess Theory. Its first part deals with the development of style, spanning from Morphy to Tal. The second part (the largest part) is about piece development, pawn structures, space, etc. Many examples from contemporary games. Also examples from older games by Chigorin, Steinitz and Morphy. 401 diagrams, 335 pages.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Resignation Trap: Date of death: January 13, 1987.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: <Resignation Trap> Thanks mate!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gypsy: Trener of Smyslov in late 1940's. His theoretical speciality was utilization of weak collor-complexes in middle game. (ref. Kotov-Yudovich)
Jul-26-05   euripides: <utilization of weak collor-complexes in middle game> As in Alatortsev vs Capablanca, 1935
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gypsy: <euripides> Smooth play by Black and rather dis-harmonious by White. Maybe this game inspired Alatorcev to study such things. Of course, it is easy to like an idiot when losing to Capablanca.
Jul-27-05   euripides: <gypsy> very true.
Aug-22-08   myschkin: . . .

aka <V. Alatorcev> never got the opportunity to compete outside the Soviet Union. He was awarded an Honorary Emeritus Grandmaster title by FIDE in 1983. This was clearly well deserved, since his win at Leningrad 1938 and his second place in the Soviet Championship 1933 were definitely strong Grandmaster results.

E-Book "Interaction of figures and pawns in chess"
(1956, in Russian, Format: DjVu)

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