W Arencibia 
Walter Arencibia
Number of games in database: 450
Years covered: 1984 to 2007
Current FIDE rating: 2536
Highest rating achieved in database: 2579
Overall record: +172 -100 =178 (58.0%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

With the White pieces:
 Queen's Gambit Declined (19) 
    D37 D38 D36 D31 D35
 Sicilian (19) 
    B22 B40 B92 B20 B36
 Modern Benoni (16) 
    A57 A69 A56 A68 A58
 King's Indian (15) 
    E76 E60 E94 E92 E77
 Nimzo Indian (14) 
    E25 E20 E32 E48 E38
 Queen's Pawn Game (12) 
    A41 A45 A46 E00 A40
With the Black pieces:
 Sicilian (39) 
    B43 B42 B51 B90 B93
 French Defense (25) 
    C05 C16 C02 C10 C17
 King's Indian (18) 
    E62 E97 E92 E76 E90
 Sicilian Kan (16) 
    B43 B42 B41
 Ruy Lopez (13) 
    C78 C68 C67 C98 C65
 Queen's Pawn Game (11) 
    D02 A40 D00 A46 A45
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   J Klinger vs W Arencibia, 1986 0-1
   W Arencibia vs Granda-Zuniga, 1986 1-0
   W Arencibia vs Jobava, 2005 1-0
   J Linan Baena vs W Arencibia, 2001 0-1

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(born Jul-21-1967) Cuba

[what is this?]
Walter Arencibia was born in Cuba in 1967. He learned chess at the age of eight and has won various tournaments, including the 1986 World Junior Chess Championship. Other tournament victories include the Cuban Youth Championships in 1985, and tied for 1st at the Canadian Open Championship in 2006 with Abhijit Kunte. He has also represented Cuba at many Chess Olympiads from 1986 to 2006.

 page 1 of 18; games 1-25 of 450  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. W Arencibia vs L Bueno Perez  1-043 1984 Capablanca mem-BD34 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch
2. F Braga vs W Arencibia  1-026 1984 10s, CUB [Hiarcs 7.32B22 Sicilian, Alapin
3. R Hernandez vs W Arencibia  ½-½115 1985 Havana-BD34 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch
4. W Arencibia vs Dlugy  0-154 1985 Havana-BB56 Sicilian
5. L Ortega vs W Arencibia  1-029 1985 Havana-BA09 Reti Opening
6. Vaisser vs W Arencibia  1-041 1985 Havana-BD32 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch
7. W Arencibia vs S Garcia-Martinez  ½-½10 1985 Havana-BB04 Alekhine's Defense, Modern
8. K Beckman vs W Arencibia  0-150 1985 Havana-BD34 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch
9. W Arencibia vs V Zaltsman  0-139 1985 Havana IIA13 English
10. W Arencibia vs M Knezevic  0-151 1985 Havana-BA10 English
11. W Arencibia vs E Pigusov  ½-½21 1985 Havana-BA00 Uncommon Opening
12. J L Vilela vs W Arencibia  1-032 1985 Havana-BA09 Reti Opening
13. W Arencibia vs C Garcia-Palermo  0-138 1985 Havana-BA25 English
14. A Barreras vs W Arencibia  ½-½24 1985 Havana-BD34 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tarrasch
15. W Arencibia vs T Thorhallsson  ½-½61 1986 Wch U20D31 Queen's Gambit Declined
16. W Arencibia vs Anand ½-½54 1986 GausdalD29 Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical
17. W Arencibia vs Granda-Zuniga 1-026 1986 GausdalA53 Old Indian
18. E Rojas Sepulveda vs W Arencibia  ½-½53 1986 Wch U20A84 Dutch
19. W Arencibia vs S Agdestein  1-040 1986 Wch U20E25 Nimzo-Indian, Samisch
20. W Arencibia vs P Motwani  0-126 1986 Dubai ol (Men)A52 Budapest Gambit
21. P Staniszewski vs W Arencibia  0-149 1986 Wch U20D89 Grunfeld
22. W Arencibia vs R Saunders  ½-½18 1986 Wch U20A57 Benko Gambit
23. W Arencibia vs J Howell  1-061 1986 Wch U20A68 Benoni, Four Pawns Attack
24. M Schlosser vs W Arencibia  0-126 1986 Wch U20C06 French, Tarrasch
25. Hecht vs W Arencibia  1-031 1986 Dubai ol (Men)A15 English
 page 1 of 18; games 1-25 of 450  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Arencibia wins | Arencibia loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Apr-12-04   Bitzovich: Wow, one of the few GMs i got to meet becomes player of the day. Actually, i got one of my games annotated by him (for quite a bit of money).. i just remember the way i couldn't understand a word of what he was saying :) (he has this really strong accent)
Jul-21-06   rustamrocks: Happy birthday Walter. Nice way to celebrate (by beating Evgeny Bareev)!
Jul-21-06   BIDMONFA: Walter Arencibia


Premium Chessgames Member To celebrate Walter's birthday, we just uploaded over 200 new games.
Premium Chessgames Member
  brankat: W.Arencibia must be a phenomenon. According to his Bio, born in 1987, won the World Junior Championship in 1986 :-)
Jul-21-07   Akuni: <Brankat> it says 1967 as well. So not only did he become a grandmaster before he was born, but he was born twice.
Premium Chessgames Member
  MindCtrol9: Everybody liked him at the Pupo's Academy,in Holguin,Cuba.I used to play there when he was a child.Walter.I am Octavio Salazar.Im very proud of you,my friend.I do hope to shake your hand next year as well as other good players like Adelkis Remon,Pupo the teacher and many others.Congratulations!!!
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