Fridrik Olafsson vs Robert James Fischer
Yugoslavia ct 1959  ·  Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation (B90)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Apr-03-05   RookFile: Olafsson plays Fischer's own 6.Bc4
against him and wins.
Aug-20-07   Inf: Here Fischer lost on the exchange. a rook for knight? that cost him the game...
Aug-20-07   euripides: The Rxc3 sacrifice is often very good for Black in the Sicilian. Here the problem is f6. Gligoric later played the same sacrifice a move earlier, omitting Nb6, and retaining more control over f6: D Ciric vs Gligoric, 1965
Aug-20-07   Cactus: Why not 37...Qxa1?
Aug-20-07   euripides: <Cactus> I think <37...Qxa1> 38.Qxg5 and mate on g7 cannot be prevented.
Aug-21-07   Cactus: Oh! How didn't I see that?
Sep-24-07   smarterthanbobby: how old was fisher IN THIS GAME?
Sep-24-07   smarterthanbobby: Aug-20-07
Cactus: Why not 37...Qxa1?


MOVE white 37Qxa1 - black QXG5

see the queen is OUT OF PLACE TO
PRVENT THE MATE, That's why the catle
is able to FORCE fisher out OFF THE BACK RANk.... HOPE THAT HELPED...

euripides: <Cactus> I think <37...Qxa1> 38.Qxg5 and mate on g7 cannot be prevented. YES THIS IS TRUE.. just confirming...

Aug-24-08   PAWNTOEFOUR: crafty,after 1.1 millions nodes gives this line pv 46.d6 hxg3+ 47.Kxg3 Kg6 48.h4 Kg7 49.Re5 Bd7 50.Re7 Ba4 51.d7 Bxd7 52.Rxd7 Kf6 53.Rc7 Ke5 54.h5 f5 55.Rc5+ Ke6 56.Rxc4 +534 Crafty
Sep-01-09   meth0dSNK: 14.. Nc5
Nov-08-09   Plato: <meth0dsnk: 14... Nc5>

More like 14...Rxc3!

14...Nc5 does not control the critical d5 square. After 15. Bxf6 Bxg6, 16.Qg4 followed by Bd5, White's game is more pleasant. Fischer's move 14...Nb6 is better than that.

But 14...Rxc3! is a great thematic exchange sacrifice that would have given Fischer great compensation after 15.bxc3 Nxe4, 16.Bxe7 Qxe7, 17.Nxe4 Bxe4, because of White's horrible pawn structure.

Bobby Fischer Tribute Shirt
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