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Member since Jan-27-05 · Last seen Aug-26-08
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   RookFile has kibitzed 10838 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Aug-26-08 Robert James Fischer (replies)
RookFile: I think there was a period of time where, in any match involving Spassky, Fischer, or Petrosian, depending upon the breaks, the match might end up 12.5 to 11.5 or something, in favor of somebody. There were basically the same strength. Fischer was capable of winning even then, but ...
   Aug-25-08 Geza Fuster
RookFile: In Wade and OConnell's book on Fischer, Fuster is described as "luckless". He had a winning game against Fischer, but misplayed it, and Fischer came back to win: G Fuster vs Fischer, 1958
   Aug-24-08 Steinitz vs Anderssen, 1866
RookFile: I think it's the man with the golden gun.
   Aug-16-08 Karpov-Fischer World Championship Match (1975) (replies)
RookFile: <Spassky disagrees with you, Artar1.> According to Susan Polgar, Spassky says that Fischer would have won in 1975, Karpov in 1978. That's rather a diplomatic statement that honors the strength of both players, I think.
   Aug-15-08 Fischer vs Myagmarsuren, 1967 (replies)
RookFile: <MaxxLange: Why is there no "Queen's Indian Attack"? > There is, it's just called Zukertort's opening.
   Aug-14-08 Steinitz vs Mongredien, 1862 (replies)
RookFile: This game shows one of the risks of fianchettoing the queen's bishop when you have black. For all the good the b7 bishop did, black was effectively a piece down when white started to attack. Even worse, had black done nothing with it (or delayed developing it like modern GM's do), ...
   Aug-14-08 The World vs G Timmerman, 2007 (replies)
RookFile: But Dom - the Qg4 Qe2 business in the GMAN game wasn't a tempo loss for white (compared to simply playing Qe2 for example), because all black did was play ...g6.
   Aug-14-08 Winawer vs Chigorin, 1882 (replies)
RookFile: <I thought it was white to move... > Me too, LOL.
   Aug-13-08 Tal vs Suttles, 1972
RookFile: You've got to admire the way Tal routinely made strong players look like Duke Karl Von Braunschweig playing against Morphy.
   Aug-11-08 White Rook Youth Club vs Tal, 1970 (replies)
RookFile: Just another boring positional battle from Tal. :)
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