King's Indian, Orthodox (E94)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 Nf3 O-O 6 Be2 e5
7 O-O

Number of games in database: 2186
Years covered: 1932 to 2008
Overall record:
   White wins 38.7%
   Black wins 24.2%
   Draws 37.1%

Popularity graph, by decade

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Ljubomir Ftacnik  32 games
Loek Van Wely  31 games
Jeroen Piket  19 games
Igor V Glek  40 games
Sergei Movsesian  32 games
Zdenko Kozul  25 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
Kramnik vs Shirov, 2001
V Ruban vs A Poluljahov, 1994
Piket vs Smirin, 1993
Rellstab vs Najdorf, 1950
Sasikiran vs P Thipsay, 2002
Spiridonov vs Tal, 1969
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 page 1 of 88; games 1-25 of 2,186 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. V Berger vs Koltanowski ½-½41 1932 LondonE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
2. R P Michell vs Flohr  0-124 1934 Hastings (England)E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
3. R Llorens vs Koltanowski  0-132 1934 SitgesE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
4. Znosko-Borovsky vs A Becker  0-138 1935 Tatatovaros itE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
5. Bogoljubov vs Grob 1-025 1936 DresdenE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
6. G Fontein vs Flohr  0-138 1939 Amsterdam (Netherlands)E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
7. R Flores-Alvarez vs Najdorf  0-126 1939 Buenos Aires ol f-A ;HCL 37E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
8. Lisitsin vs Konstantinopolsky  1-063 1940 URS-ch12E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
9. Lisitsin vs Bronstein  ½-½46 1944 URS-chE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
10. R Renter vs Keres  ½-½27 1945 Tallinn ,Est op ch (10.10.45)E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
11. B Tot vs Pirc  0-135 1945 YUG-chE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
12. V Soultanbeieff vs Euwe 0-132 1946 MaastrichtE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
13. W Wolthuis vs Euwe 0-121 1946 MaastrichtE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
14. Euwe vs M Christoffel 1-056 1946 ZaanstreekE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
15. Kotov vs Solntsev Yu ½-½79 1946 Ch Moscow 07E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
16. Vidmar vs Najdorf ½-½68 1946 GroningenE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
17. Vidmar vs U Christoffel  0-152 1946 Staunton Groningen NEDE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
18. H Kramer vs M Christoffel  0-154 1946 Zaandam it, NEDE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
19. E R Lundin vs Boleslavsky  0-122 1946 Groningen NEDE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
20. H Steiner vs M Christoffel  ½-½48 1946 Groningen NEDE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
21. M Christoffel vs Boleslavsky  0-142 1946 Groningen NEDE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
22. Flohr vs Aronin  0-143 1947 Ch URSE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
23. G Melngailis vs Keres  0-130 1947 Tallinn ,Kalev-Daugava team m (19.06.47)E94 King's Indian, Orthodox
24. Stahlberg vs Najdorf 1-036 1947 Buenos AiresE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
25. Stahlberg vs Najdorf  0-195 1947 Mar del PlataE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
 page 1 of 88; games 1-25 of 2,186 
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  jperr75108: I'm thinking about taking up the Kings Indian Defence... Anyone here have any specific suggestions?
Premium Chessgames Member
  who: What level of a player are you?
Mar-30-08   Gameaddict: Does anyone know of a book or other source of material on 7....exd4? It seems like a playable way to avoid the intimidating theory of 7....Nc6.
Premium Chessgames Member
  computer chess guy: Nunn & Burgess, The New Classical King's Indian, covers 7 .. exd4 (in Chapter 5), but it's 10+ years old now.
Premium Chessgames Member
  J4z: Very "deep" opening... get ready to put your study hat on! =D Though I do use it when my opponent opens with 1.d4. I like how it allows me to set up and absorb what my opponent tries to do.
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