Villarrobledo International Rapid Open

Player profile: Manuel Rivas-Pastor

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Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Topalov vs M Rivas-Pastor  1-030 2008 Villarrobledo International Rapid OpenE16 Queen's Indian

Kibitzer's Corner
Aug-14-08   Inf: First!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Stonehenge: No, Topalov was.
Aug-14-08   Inf: I didn't say at what ^^
Aug-14-08   ILikeFruits: i like topalov...
king topalov wants you...
im third...
Aug-14-08   OneArmedScissor: fourth
Aug-14-08   swordfish: Kind of an unbalanced field. The only strong opponent Topalov defeated was Shirov. I have to think Kamsky is getting better preparation for their match by playing in the Grand Prix.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Dr. Funkenstein: Swordfish: Finishing first in a tournament that includes Mamedyarov, Ponomariov, and Shirov isn't doing too bad. Yes Topalov was the top seed and the rest of the field wasn't as strong, but you still have to convert and he did so with a crushing 8/9

I think Topalov is more than prepared for Kamsky as he has the experience of going toe to toe with Kramnik in a much more high pressure situation. Additionally, Topalov is always extremely prepared in openings and his opponent's preferences so I don't think the lack of classical time control games against 2700's before their match is as big a disadvantage as you might think.

Premium Chessgames Member
  just a kid: Not a bad tournament for topalov.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Madman99X: Is this every match from the tournament? Or did it get truncated?
Premium Chessgames Member
  wolfmaster: <just a kid> <Not a bad tournament for topalov.> Yes, but he did yield draws (as white) to Mamedyarov and Ponomariov.
Aug-16-08   ILikeFruits: stop hating your king topalov....
topalov wants you....
long live adam sizzler...
Aug-17-08   blackburne: Information and photos of Villarrobledo Open in:


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