King's Indian (E92)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 Nf3 O-O 6 Be2 e5

Number of games in database: 2324
Years covered: 1923 to 2008
Overall record:
   White wins 36.4%
   Black wins 24.0%
   Draws 39.6%

Popularity graph, by decade

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Gennadi Timoshchenko  40 games
Borislav Ivkov  32 games
Svetozar Gligoric  30 games
Ilya Smirin  33 games
Wolfgang Uhlmann  29 games
Mark Hebden  27 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
E Tegshsuren vs Y Shulman, 2002
S Shipov vs Kupreichik, 1990
Kasparov vs Chiburdanidze, 1980
Kramnik vs Kasparov, 1994
Krogius vs Leonid Stein, 1960
Kramnik vs Kasparov, 1995
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 page 1 of 93; games 1-25 of 2,324  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Grondman vs Euwe 0-136 1923 AmsterdamE92 King's Indian
2. Graafland vs Euwe  ½-½48 1925 ?E92 King's Indian
3. E Straat vs Euwe  0-126 1925 AmsterdamE92 King's Indian
4. Flohr vs Aronin  0-135 1948 Ch URSE92 King's Indian
5. Flohr vs Aronin ½-½35 1948 USSR ChampionshipE92 King's Indian
6. W Fairhurst vs P F Schmidt  ½-½27 1948 Hastings 4849E92 King's Indian
7. Flohr vs Geller 0-161 1949 Ch URSE92 King's Indian
8. Lilienthal vs Geller  1-043 1949 MoscowE92 King's Indian
9. Flohr vs Bronstein ½-½20 1950 BudapestE92 King's Indian
10. Gruenfeld vs Geller 0-155 1950 Schiavno ZdrojE92 King's Indian
11. Szabo vs Boleslavsky 0-146 1950 BudapestE92 King's Indian
12. E Arlamowski vs Szabo  0-135 1950 Szczawno ZdrojE92 King's Indian
13. P Devos vs Prins  ½-½26 1950 Dubrovnik olmE92 King's Indian
14. G Primavera vs M Kupferstich  1-040 1950 Dubrovnik olmE92 King's Indian
15. Petrosian vs Geller  ½-½23 1951 USSRE92 King's Indian
16. L Sanchez vs Geller 0-145 1952 Saltsjobaden iztE92 King's Indian
17. M Pasman vs Tal 1-064 1952 RigaE92 King's Indian
18. S Krivec vs Gligoric  0-150 1952 YUG-chE92 King's Indian
19. E R Lundin vs B Rabar  ½-½35 1952 Helsinki ol (Men)E92 King's Indian
20. Shocron vs Najdorf  0-139 1953 Mar del PlataE92 King's Indian
21. Tal vs Keres 0-143 1954 Tallinn ,Est-Latvia team m (29.01.54)E92 King's Indian
22. Kholmov vs Nezhmetdinov  ½-½16 1954 BucharestE92 King's Indian
23. Niebult vs Tal 0-129 1954 URSE92 King's Indian
24. R Levit vs Kholmov  0-156 1954 URS-ch sfE92 King's Indian
25. W Morena vs B E Horberg  0-134 1954 Amsterdam ol (Men)E92 King's Indian
 page 1 of 93; games 1-25 of 2,324  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Dec-02-03   babakova: Difficult opening for black, though dynamism makes it clearly playable
Dec-02-03   Benjamin Lau: I used to think the KID was completely unsound, but in recent times, I've reassessed my evaluation and it seems to me that the opening is sound, but only for players with a certain style, like Fischer and Kasparov. If you look at the statistics for practically any other player though, you'll notice that he/she tends to get slaughtered.
Dec-06-03   babakova: True, I myself often get tied down as black when playing the KID, but anyway its fun
Apr-29-05   chessboyhaha: I think that KID is playable I've play KID many times and I won 20 I drawned 3 and I lose just 5
Apr-29-05   tanginamo: same here chessboyhaha. i like the KID. black plays for a win.
May-01-05   chessboyhaha: The variation here is very complex. An error and you are bad
Jun-14-05   ArturoRivera: If i had just a wish, and i could elminate an opening from the earth, it sure would be the kings indian.
Jul-30-05   Dudley: Btw Fischer never had a chance to defeat Karpov or Kasparov although he could have in his prime, and was certainly not afraid of any player.
Sep-18-05   BaranDuin: I don't know why white should be afraid of the KID.
Sep-18-05   aw1988: Because, while White can be very good and make it not dangerous, he normally attacks with full force on the queenside. But at the same time, Black attacks on the opposite wing: the kingside, which ends up in many spectacular mates.
Dec-02-05   daromott: The KID is one of the most widely studied and popular opening systems. Use if fearlessly and anticipate an exciting game.
Premium Chessgames Member
  e4Newman: Anyone experienced with the following line?

7.O-O Na6 8.Bg5 h6 9.Bh4 g5 10.Bg3 Nxe4! 11.Nxe4 f5 12.Nfd2 fxe4 13.Nxe4 Bf5

Premium Chessgames Member
  e4Newman: The complete game (correspondence):

[Event "P-4064"]
[Site "IECC"]
[Date "2006.01.08"]
[White "anon."]
[Black "Newman, Ben"]
[Result "0-1"]

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.d4 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Be2 O-O 6.Nf3 e5 7.d5 c5 8.O-O Na6 9.h3 Nc7 10.a4 a5 11.b3 h6 12.Bd3? Nh5 13.Be2 f5 14.Ne1 Qe8 15.Bxh5 gxh5 16.f3 Qg6 17.Nd3 Bd7 18.Bd2 h4 19.Be3 f4! 20.Bf2 Bxh3 0-1

It appears as though my opponent was trying to play very defensively, and finally blundered by allowing the loss of material. I certainly didn't want to end up with such a closed game.

Jun-26-07   get Reti: What do you guys think about the exchange variation? (7. dxe5 dxe5 8. Qxd8 Rxd8 9. Bg5) Even though it has a low win percentage with white, I've had good success against it with Jester (Computer) and it stops black from attacking white's kingside.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Cactus: <Reti> Ever since reading its endorsement in From the Opening to the Endgames, thats my sole responce against the KID, and it's very underestimated, especcially since KID players want crazy complications and mating attacks, and you take them out of 'their game'.
Aug-14-08   ughaibu: What does "practitioners" mean?
Smirin 33 games, Geller 71 wins:
Premium Chessgames Member
  ganstaman: <ughaibu: What does "practitioners" mean? >

It's for this particular ECO code, and nothing more.

Aug-15-08   ughaibu: I see. Thanks.
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