Christian Bauer
Number of games in database: 406
Years covered: 1981 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2592
Highest rating achieved in database: 2641
Overall record: +133 -88 =174 (55.7%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.
      11 exhibition games, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (42) 
    B33 B50 B30 B23 B32
 French Defense (20) 
    C11 C03 C07 C00 C05
 King's Indian (12) 
    E67 E70 E63 E66 E95
 Queen's Pawn Game (10) 
    A46 E00 A45 D00 E10
 French (9) 
    C11 C00 C10
 French Tarrasch (9) 
    C03 C07 C05 C09
With the Black pieces:
 French Defense (25) 
    C16 C11 C03 C04 C01
 Sicilian (24) 
    B27 B40 B30 B80 B57
 Queen's Pawn Game (22) 
    A40 E00 A46 A41 E10
 Pirc (14) 
    B07 B09 B08
 Nimzo Indian (11) 
    E38 E54 E32 E30 E44
 Dutch Defense (9) 
    A88 A81 A84 A90 A86
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   C Bauer vs Nakamura, 2005 1-0
   Yu Shaoteng vs C Bauer, 2006 0-1
   C Bauer vs A Minasian, 2000 1-0
   A David vs C Bauer, 2004 0-1

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(born Jan-11-1977) France

[what is this?]
Christian Bauer was born January 11, 1977 in Forbach. He became French national champion in 1997, the same year he achieved the GM title. He took part in the 1999 FIDE World Championship in Las Vegas, and knocked out Rustam Kasimdzhanov in the first round before losing to Peter Leko in the second. He achieved his best-ever FIDE rating (2640) in January of 2005, when he was ranked 57th in the world. He currently lives with his family in Montpellier.

 page 1 of 17; games 1-25 of 406  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. C Bauer vs X Scherfke 0-142 1981 corr 17. DFM/EC44 King's Pawn Game
2. C Bauer vs A Kunte 1-066 1991 WchJ-14C35 King's Gambit Accepted, Cunningham
3. C Bauer vs M Sharif  ½-½12 1994 Ch FranceC30 King's Gambit Declined
4. C Bauer vs Shirov  0-127 1995 Ch France (team)B06 Robatsch
5. C Bauer vs Barsov  1-034 1996 Metz op 14thC05 French, Tarrasch
6. C Bauer vs Adams  0-154 1996 It (active)C53 Giuoco Piano
7. C Bauer vs Smejkal  0-144 1996 Bundesliga 9697A20 English
8. Yusupov vs C Bauer  ½-½25 1996 Bundesliga 9697E29 Nimzo-Indian, Samisch
9. C Bauer vs I Sokolov  ½-½57 1996 It (active)C50 Giuoco Piano
10. Smirin vs C Bauer  1-021 1996 EU-ch Rapid-30'B09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
11. C Bauer vs Aronian  1-061 1996 Cannes opB70 Sicilian, Dragon Variation
12. C Bauer vs D Marciano  ½-½20 1997 FRA-chC42 Petrov Defense
13. A Hauchard vs C Bauer  0-141 1997 FRA-chE32 Nimzo-Indian, Classical
14. C Bauer vs J R Koch  ½-½41 1997 FRA-chC24 Bishop's Opening
15. E Neiman vs C Bauer  ½-½29 1997 FRA-chA56 Benoni Defense
16. Smejkal vs C Bauer  0-141 1997 Bundesliga 9798A04 Reti Opening
17. C Bauer vs Vaisser  ½-½50 1997 FRA-chC09 French, Tarrasch, Open Variation, Main line
18. E Prie vs C Bauer  0-162 1997 FRA-chC67 Ruy Lopez
19. C Bauer vs Ftacnik  1-045 1997 Bundesliga 1996/97, GermanyD95 Grunfeld
20. C Bauer vs M Santo Roman  1-032 1997 FRA-chB33 Sicilian
21. M Leski vs C Bauer  0-142 1997 FRA-chA88 Dutch, Leningrad, Main Variation with c6
22. C Bauer vs R Fontaine  1-041 1997 FRA-chB61 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, Larsen Variation, 7.Qd2
23. E Relange vs C Bauer  ½-½18 1997 FRA-chA35 English, Symmetrical
24. C Bauer vs D Anic  0-136 1997 FRA-chC59 Two Knights
25. E Bricard vs C Bauer  1-047 1997 FRA-chA08 King's Indian Attack
 page 1 of 17; games 1-25 of 406  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Bauer wins | Bauer loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Oct-13-04   capablancakarpov: Christian Bauer won yesterday,12th of October of 2004, The VI City of Bilbao International Chess Open, Swiss system to 10 rounds with 15 minutes for player to finish,ahead of such important names like Topalov,Ponomariov,Karjakin,Milov and Van Wely.Here are the final standings:

Premium Chessgames Member
  iron maiden: Last week Bauer won a nine-round open tournament in Calviā, finishing a point ahead of a field including Paco Vallejo, Vladimir Epishin and Ulf Andersson.
Jan-07-06   BIDMONFA: Christian Bauer

BAUER, Christian

Nov-22-06   crzyknight: does anyone have a 1..b6 game collection? Bauer has written a book on this opening and is supposed to be an expert on this opening!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Archives: I heard he is related to Jack Bauer. Can anyone verify this?
Nov-22-06   crzyknight: HAHA!!!
Premium Chessgames Member
  SwitchingQuylthulg: Well I suppose that he himself has a 1...b6 game collection! I've studied his 'Play 1...b6' book which really does help you to understand what this move is about (even if I'm too weak a player to get all the benefits!). Last yesterday I managed to beat a much stronger opponent just because it was a very sharp variation and I knew what I was supposed to do - wouldn't have stood a chance if I hadn't known the variation. In short, this book is a very good introduction to 1...b6 - it doesn't have an in-depth look at quite everything of course but imagine a 200-page book about 1 e4 that tells you 90 per cent of what's useful to know!

Looking at my recent games, I've gone for 1...b6 as Black in 59 out of last 60 games :)

Jan-11-08   spirit: must be an experienced GM...wondering how the "lip balm girl" vanquished him with blac despite being more than 300 ELO below him.They say it must have been rybka...they say its in her lip balm...they say her bag is a modem..."kids beware!!!"
Jan-11-08   Phoenix: I'll give you a clue as to how she did it: Bauer opened with 1.b4.
Premium Chessgames Member
  SwitchingQuylthulg: Happy birthday to GM Bauer!
Jan-11-08   DarthStapler: Isn't this the guy who Lasker invented the double - bishop sacrifice against?
Jan-11-08   Manic: <DarthStapler> I'm not sure whether your comments were a joke or not, but I'll take them seriously. Christian Bauer was not even born when Lasker died. The person you are thinking of is Johann Hermann Bauer
Jan-12-08   rover: So he had 100 years to find a reply and still lost the game? That's pretty bad.
Jan-14-08   DarthStapler: I can tell I have a bad sense of humor when people can't even tell that my jokes were jokes
Jun-10-08   stanleys: Got a draw against GM Bauer in a rapid game last weekend.He won the tournament anyway with 8 points from 9

Bauer(2619) - stanleys (2240)

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.0-0 d6 6.a4 Nbd7 7.a5 a6 8.d5 Nc5 9.Nc3 Rb8 10.Be3 e6 11.de6 Nxe6 12.Ra3 Ng4 13.Bc1 Nc5 14.Nd5 Nf6 15.c4 Nxd5 16.cd5 Re8 17.Bg5 Bf6 18.Bxf6 Qxf6 19.Qd4 Kg7 20.b4 Ne4 21.Rc1 c5 22.dc6 bc6 23.Re3 Qxd4 24.Nxd4 Rxb4 25.Nxc6 Ra4 26.Rd1 Bb7 1/2 - 1/2

Jun-10-08   stanleys: Some corrections to the move order:
9.Be3 e6 10.de6 Nxe6 11.Nc3 Ng4 12.Bc1 Tb8 13.Nd5 Nf6 14.c4 Nxd5 15.cxd5 Nc5 16.Ra3 Re8
Nov-07-08   Whitehat1963: Who knew Gary Bauer (such an obvious moron) could also be such a good chessplayer? Perhaps I'm confusing the two? Nah, I never do that!
Nov-07-08   Phoenix: <Whitehat1963> May I redirect you to the Odd Lie page? It's right over here -------> Odd Lie


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