Ruy Lopez (C67)
1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nf6 4 O-O Nxe4

Number of games in database: 1871
Years covered: 1803 to 2008
Overall record:
   White wins 32.1%
   Black wins 22.7%
   Draws 45.2%

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Alexey Shirov  22 games
Siegbert Tarrasch  18 games
Georg Marco  15 games
Vladimir Kramnik  28 games
Alexey Aleksandrov  26 games
Arthur Bisguier  23 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
Judit Polgar vs Kasparov, 2002
A W Fox vs J Bauer, 1901
Kasparov vs Kramnik, 2001
Judit Polgar vs Topalov, 2005
Shabalov vs Bologan, 2005
Chigorin vs Zukertort, 1883
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 page 1 of 75; games 1-25 of 1,871  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. H Hesse vs NN 1-019 1803 CasualC67 Ruy Lopez
2. Szen vs Horwitz  1-028 1851 2, London3 m3C67 Ruy Lopez
3. Bird vs Horwitz 1-061 1851 Londen mC67 Ruy Lopez
4. F Greenaway vs Anderssen  0-135 1851 LondonC67 Ruy Lopez
5. Harrwitz vs Lowenthal 1-088 1853 LondonC67 Ruy Lopez
6. Zytogorski vs R Brien  ½-½27 1855 Kling's Coffee HouseC67 Ruy Lopez
7. Eichborn vs Anderssen  1-029 1857 CasualC67 Ruy Lopez
8. Paulsen vs Morphy ½-½53 1857 New York USA-ch 4th matchC67 Ruy Lopez
9. T W Barnes vs Dubois  0-135 1862 LondonC67 Ruy Lopez
10. J Robey vs Anderssen 0-140 1862 LondonC67 Ruy Lopez
11. J Rosanes vs Anderssen  1-029 1862 BreslauC67 Ruy Lopez
12. J Rosanes vs Anderssen  ½-½38 1862 BreslauC67 Ruy Lopez
13. Blackburne vs Steinitz ½-½16 1862 LondonC67 Ruy Lopez
14. Anderssen vs Steinitz 1-042 1862 LondonC67 Ruy Lopez
15. P & Rosanes J Bloch vs Zukertort  1-031 1862 PostalC67 Ruy Lopez
16. E Schallopp vs Anderssen 0-152 1864 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
17. G Neumann vs Anderssen  ½-½71 1864 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
18. G Neumann vs Anderssen  1-038 1864 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
19. G Neumann vs Anderssen  ½-½36 1864 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
20. Neumann & Treskow vs Gohle / Schallopp  1-025 1864 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
21. G Neumann vs Anderssen  0-139 1865 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
22. G Neumann vs Anderssen  1-033 1865 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
23. G Neumann vs Anderssen  1-028 1865 BerlinC67 Ruy Lopez
24. S Mieses vs Anderssen  1-054 1865 BreslauC67 Ruy Lopez
25. G Neumann vs V Knorre 0-118 1865 Berlin m4C67 Ruy Lopez
 page 1 of 75; games 1-25 of 1,871  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Secrets of Opening Surprises

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Helloween: The Rio De Janerio Variation is essential study for positional 1...e5 players.
Premium Chessgames Member
  RonB52734: I notice that in the C67 as currently played, after 4...Nxe4 and 5.d4, black immediately retreats the N to e6. Obviously, there is some known trap afoot if he doesn't. Can anyone explain?
Aug-06-04   BiLL RobeRTiE: The threat of Re1, pinning the Knight to the King, needs to be parried. 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Bb5 Nf6 4 O-O Nxe4 5 d4 exd4? 6 Re1, for example. 5...Be7, blocking the King off, is playable as well.
Premium Chessgames Member
  RonB52734: Thanks, <Bill>, I can see it now. The attraction of 5...Ne6 as opposed to 5...Be7 is that the N move attacks the B at b5. Nevertheless, my computer at 9 ply (admittedly shortsighted) prefers the B move slightly. I appreciate the reply.
Aug-11-05   atripodi: What are the differences (insofar as the nature of the game is concerned) between all of black's possible moves after 9.Nc3 in the main line? It looks like 9...Ne7, 9...Ke8, 9...Be6 and 9...h6 are all playable, and that most Berlin players play more than one of these. What is the reason for this?
Dec-13-05   Kriegspiel: <RonB52734> You have a typo in both posts: 5...Ne6 is impossible after 4...Nxe4; that should read 5...Nd6.

Incidentally, what is the name of the Open Berlin Defense variant which continues: 5.d4 Nd6 6.Bxc6 dxc6 7.dxe5? These moves are common in the Opening Explorer and programmed into Jester's opening book, but I can't find this variation at any of three Internet sites, e.g., containing lists of opening variation names, though there are two with 6.dxe5 instead of Bxc6.


Jan-18-06   SniperOnG7: I have always answered 1.e4 with c5...never 1...e5! However, recently iv begun to get very interested in playing the open game. To avoid a ruy lopez theory overload, iv decided to play the Berlin Defence. Can anyone suggest a good book on it? Also, i realize its better to have 2 defences so i am also wondering what other defence is good (ie sound but not 2 much theory or transpositions)? Help will be much appreciated. Thx
Feb-06-06   hamworld: maybe 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d4 Be7 is more popular than Nd6 since I believe it's complicated and Be7 in devolopment is better!
Dec-06-06   atripodi: <Can anyone suggest a good book on it?> Kaufman's Chess Advantage in Black and White uses the Berlin as it's major response to 1.e4 and explains ideas pretty well. Of course you're also paying for the rest of the repertoire that may be useless for you.
Aug-07-07   get Reti: Could someone explain to me why in the Berlin if after d4 black plays 5... Nd6 6. Bxc6 white should capture with the d pawn, but if he plays 5...Be7 6. Qe2 Nd6 7.Bxc6 black should capture with the b pawn?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Cactus: <get Reti> In the first variation, by taking with the d pawn, black gets a nice queenside pawn formation and an open file. In the second one, white can play 7.dxe5 Nf5

This is extremely awkward. It has to be answered with Bd7 (not the best square for the bishop), and then there is a pin of the bishop, and black can't castle queenside (which he would in many other Berlin variations) because the queen won't move. Not very good :P

Aug-06-08   ILikeFruits: ich bin ein berliner....
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