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Member since Jul-10-07
I am a pre-med student at the University of Miami starting fall of '08. I am beginning college as a junior after testing out of a bunch of classes. I played chess on my school team in high school, second board behind a very strong player. I don't have an established rating for "real" OTB chess, but my FICS rating hovers in the 1600s. I like playing the King's Gambit as white and the Sicilian Najdorf/Scheveningen as black. Lately I've taken up Alekhine's defense as Black and scored very well with it (almost no losses, unlike in the riskier Najdorf). I've run into a bit of a wall as white. The King's Gambit isn't really sound enough to work against decent opposition, and I can't find anything I like in the Open Games. Suggestions are welcome.
   Current net-worth: 409 chessbucks
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   offtherook has kibitzed 408 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-09-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
offtherook: <Cactus: <offtherook> Not only that, but Kamsky seems a bit out of form. It seems Topalov is the only Wch Candidate doing well. Our worst nightmares have come true! :)> He's only doing well because he installed a bluetooth chip in his head and is relaying with Rybka ...
   Sep-02-08 Team White vs Team Black, 2008 (replies)
   Aug-30-08 Tal Memorial Blitz (2008) (replies)
offtherook: Where's Anand? I thought he was one of the top fast players... or we could throw in Nakamura instead of Kamsky as the US representative.
   Aug-22-08 Ponomariov vs Gelfand, 2008
offtherook: <ajile: Looks like the Petrov refutes 1.e4. > I wouldn't say refutes. There are lines in the Petroff that aren't currently in vogue but give a somewhat more dynamic game. Of course, they tend also to be riskier. If you mean it refutes e4 as a winning try at the top level, ...
   Aug-22-08 Shirov vs Gelfand, 2008 (replies)
offtherook: Gelfand has been playing the Petroff quite a bit lately- a pity, I always enjoyed his Najdorfs. I actually had a recent Petroff to play against in an online tourney because my opponent saw one of my earlier games and, unfamiliar with and nervous about the system I used against ...
   Aug-21-08 Morozevich vs Kramnik, 2008 (replies)
offtherook: Interesting. Kramnik certainly does seem to be having a bad year so far. Is he starting to decline, merely out of form, or what? At this point, I don't think we can attribute all his lackluster performances this year to being focused on the match with Anand, so something else is ...
   Aug-14-08 Topalov vs Shirov, 2008 (replies)
offtherook: I don't believe Topalov would have missed a great combination, so could someone show me the refutation to 57 Nf6+?
   Aug-10-08 just a kid chessforum (replies)
offtherook: <just a kid: If you want to see a game with 3.Nf3 g5.I am playing a gae with <Open Defence in my forum> Interesting. Were you going for Muzio with 4 Bc4? I always used to play that, but ran into too much difficulty against 4...Bg7 and switched to the Kiesseritsky, even ...
   Jul-30-08 madlydeeply chessforum (replies)
offtherook: Thanks for the advice. I do need to work on endgames a lot. I remember a chess match against one of my school's biggest rivals (where I played a King's Gambit, btw) and got into an excellent position for the middle/endgame. My opponent even acknowledged that he had no chance ...
   Jul-30-08 Sergei Rublevsky
offtherook: Rublevsky's bio: <he has never been able to string enough consistent results together to raise his rating past the 2700 mark> He recently topped 2700 in the live ratings.
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