King's Indian (E73)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 Be2

Number of games in database: 1045
Years covered: 1926 to 2008
Overall record:
   White wins 43.2%
   Black wins 24.9%
   Draws 32.0%

Popularity graph, by decade

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Wolfgang Uhlmann  39 games
Margeir Petursson  33 games
Lev Alburt  29 games
Ilya Smirin  16 games
Wolfgang Uhlmann  16 games
Efim Geller  13 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
Polugaevsky vs Vasiukov, 1967
Jasnikowski vs F Borkowski, 1988
Petrosian vs S Schweber, 1962
Petrosian vs Geller, 1961
Alburt vs Kasparov, 1982
Seirawan vs Gelfand, 1990
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 page 1 of 42; games 1-25 of 1,045  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. H Van Hartingsvelt vs Euwe  0-138 1926 WatersnoodE73 King's Indian
2. V Berger vs Reti  0-128 1926 Hastings 2627E73 King's Indian
3. H Price vs Menchik  0-153 1929 Ramsgate schevE73 King's Indian
4. Menchik vs G A Thomas  1-030 1929 Hastings 2930E73 King's Indian
5. J Holas vs V Stulik  0-135 1943 ZlinE73 King's Indian
6. Roedl vs G Menke  1-044 1947 Lueneburg GERE73 King's Indian
7. E Canal vs Najdorf  0-138 1950 DubrovnikE73 King's Indian
8. B Rabar vs G Primavera  1-028 1950 Dubrovnik olmE73 King's Indian
9. Flohr vs Liublinsky  1-053 1952 Ch MoscowE73 King's Indian
10. Tolush vs Geller  0-149 1952 USSRE73 King's Indian
11. Szabo vs G Negyesy  1-040 1952 HUN chE73 King's Indian
12. Gligoric vs Ivkov  ½-½22 1954 BelgradeE73 King's Indian
13. G Ilivitsky vs Nezhmetdinov 0-129 1954 ?E73 King's Indian
14. Szabo vs F Olafsson  1-042 1954 PragueE73 King's Indian
15. G Borisenko vs Novopashin  1-037 1954 URS-ch sfE73 King's Indian
16. Gligoric vs G Porreca  1-036 1954 BelgradeE73 King's Indian
17. Averbakh vs D Byrne 1-042 1954 USSR-USAE73 King's Indian
18. A Tikovsky vs J Marsalek  1-034 1954 CSR-ch sfE73 King's Indian
19. F Olafsson vs T Salo  1-076 1954 Amsterdam olmE73 King's Indian
20. Letelier vs W Estrada Degrandi  1-031 1954 MontevideoE73 King's Indian
21. G Borisenko vs H Heemsoth  ½-½50 1955 olm3 corr5562E73 King's Indian
22. Schmid vs Mross  1-035 1955 FRG-ch 03rdE73 King's Indian
23. Y Kamenetsky vs Boleslavsky  0-140 1955 URS-ch sfE73 King's Indian
24. S Bernstein vs Feuerstein  1-060 1955 Manhattan CC-ch 5556E73 King's Indian
25. M Bertok vs R Bogdanovic  ½-½40 1955 JUG-chE73 King's Indian
 page 1 of 42; games 1-25 of 1,045  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Apr-22-05   Backward Development: A possible gambit line for white in the KID is 5...0-0 6.Bg5 Na6!?<Gallagher's choice> 7.c5!?<the idea is to weaken black's structure, possibly exchange the light-squared bishop for a black knight, further weakening the structure, play Qd2 and 0-0-0 with definite compensation>7...dxc5 8.d5 Nb8<apparently the only move, and one that shows me 6...Na6 might not be so strong.>9.Qd2 c6 10.0-0-0 cxd5 11.e5 Nfd7 12.Nxd5 and white definintely has compensation, and the game is 'complex'. It's a good psychological choice because most KID players are very aggressive and forcing them to defend is a good idea. While black has saved his structure, White has a 5-2 lead in development and should continue actively with moves like h4 and play for mate. Any comments?
Premium Chessgames Member
  ravel5184: <E73> What's up with your ECO page? Only 1 kibitz? (well 2 now).

P.S. Chessmaster always plays this against me!

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