Queen's Pawn Game (D05)
1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 e3 e6

Number of games in database: 727
Years covered: 1875 to 2008
Overall record:
   White wins 43.6%
   Black wins 25.2%
   Draws 31.2%

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Georges Koltanowski  22 games
Edgar Colle  20 games
Akiba Rubinstein  14 games
Mikhail Chigorin  7 games
Emanuel Lasker  7 games
Geza Maroczy  6 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
Koltanowski vs Defosse, 1936
L Filatov vs S Mayer, 2000
Colle vs Delvaux, 1929
K Gerassimov vs Smyslov, 1935
Bogoljubov vs Capablanca, 1924
Alekhine vs NN, 1925
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 page 1 of 30; games 1-25 of 727  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. W Potter vs Zukertort  ½-½40 1875 London mD05 Queen's Pawn Game
2. W Potter vs Blackburne 0-171 1876 LondonD05 Queen's Pawn Game
3. J Mason vs Zukertort ½-½57 1878 ParisD05 Queen's Pawn Game
4. Blackburne vs Englisch  ½-½53 1880 WiesbadenD05 Queen's Pawn Game
5. Paulsen vs W Paulsen ½-½41 1880 WiesbadenD05 Queen's Pawn Game
6. Blackburne vs J Minckwitz 1-042 1881 DSB-02.Kongress Berlin ;HCL 12D05 Queen's Pawn Game
7. Blackburne vs Chigorin 1-048 1881 DSB-02.Kongress Berlin ;HCL 12D05 Queen's Pawn Game
8. A Schwarz vs Max Weiss ½-½49 1882 Vienna itD05 Queen's Pawn Game
9. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal 1-032 1883 Tnmt, LondonD05 Queen's Pawn Game
10. Chigorin vs Mackenzie  1-034 1883 Tnmt, LondonD05 Queen's Pawn Game
11. Zukertort vs Blackburne 1-041 1883 Tnmt, LondonD05 Queen's Pawn Game
12. Gunsberg vs Max Lange 0-197 1883 03.DSB-KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
13. Von Bardeleben vs J Schwarz  1-070 1883 DSB-03.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
14. Von Bardeleben vs Max Weiss  ½-½35 1883 DSB-03.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
15. Von Bardeleben vs J N Berger 1-041 1883 DSB-03.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
16. Mackenzie vs W Paulsen  ½-½45 1885 DSB-04.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
17. Mackenzie vs Tarrasch  1-038 1885 DSB-04.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
18. Mackenzie vs J Mason 0-141 1885 DSB-04.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
19. Mackenzie vs M Bier 1-022 1885 DSB-04.KongressD05 Queen's Pawn Game
20. Burn vs Mackenzie 0-152 1886 London mD05 Queen's Pawn Game
21. Mackenzie vs Lipschutz 0-166 1886 New York mD05 Queen's Pawn Game
22. Zukertort vs Blackburne  0-154 1887 MatchD05 Queen's Pawn Game
23. Burn vs Metger  1-031 1887 Frankfurt (Germany)D05 Queen's Pawn Game
24. Burn vs Von Scheve  1-050 1887 Frankfurt (Germany)D05 Queen's Pawn Game
25. Burn vs Taubenhaus  1-036 1887 Frankfurt (Germany)D05 Queen's Pawn Game
 page 1 of 30; games 1-25 of 727  PGN Download
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Apr-20-04   Dudley: This is as close as this site gets to the Colle system because it doesn't have its own ECO code. If white follows with Bd3, Nbd2, c3 then its a Colle system. If white follows with c4 its a type of queen's gambit. The Colle system is one one of the easiest "good" openings to learn.
Jun-18-04   ruylopez900: <Dudley> Also playing Bd3, Nbd2, 0-0, b3 and Bb2 leads to the colle Zukertort, one of the sharper lines (I believe your line is the Koltanowski variation which is more solid).
Jun-19-04   Dudley: The Zukertort line was just used in a prominent game Vanagian(sp?)vs. Adams which white won. You probably saw the huge argument about it on the Adams web site. I have used the Colle-Kolti line for blitz, and even though it seems pretty tame, black has to be alert or bad things can easily happen. Haven't tried the line you mentioned but it seems a lot like the stonewall attack the Colle can transpose into, more closed. I like the Kolti line because it opens up quickly.
Oct-23-04   Larsenb3: The only time I lose with this opening is because I get to closed, any suggestions?
Dec-26-04   Dinochess: What do you mean Larsenb3?

I have a French Tarrasch game listed under D05!!??

That is extremely annoying for database statistics.

Feb-13-05   SchemeSC: In the Colle System, after ...c5 is played, does black usually develop his QN to c6 or d7?
Premium Chessgames Member
  refutor: can anybody suggest a good anti-colle line? i get frustrated playing against it or the zukertort
Mar-13-05   Dudley: The Colle is ineffectiv against a King's Indian setup with ...d6 and ...e5. Another good line is a Kside fianchetto with ...d5,..c5, ...Nbd2 but holding back the e pawn. Koltanowski recommended this line in his own book on the Colle. There are really a lot of good Colle counters,you just have to be patient.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Eric Schiller: <refutor> My students run into 3...Nc6 a lot, and 4.Bb5 is the correct reply.
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  Eric Schiller: There are really two different openings discussed here in D05. The traditional Colle with c3 and the Moeern Colle (Rubinstein) with b3. I am a big fan of the latter, which is the choice of many strong players. The c3-colle suffers too much from a bad bishop, IMHO. As for remedies, John Watson and I gave some advice in iur Big Book of Busts, and we are working on some new ideas for a d-pawn volume follow-up to our Survive and Beat Annoying Chess Openings (Vol. 1 just has 1.e4 e5). Once Black has played ...Nf6, ...d5 and ...e6, there are no anti-Colle ideas left. Neither Colle works well against Black's kingside fianchetto, so in that case I recommend c4, going back to main lines.
Mar-15-05   Dudley: I didn't know that Bb5 would be good against 3...Nc6 ,which is a common line. It's kind of a problem because if White follows with Bd3, Black has Nb4, so White has to waste a tempo with c3 to prevent it ,but that gives Black time to move ...e6 ,...Bd6 and ...e5 before White can move e4. Of course, I am referring to the Kolti variation. I usually move 4.c4 in response to 3...Nc6, heading for Chiorgan's defense lines. Maybe White could just forget about moving the c pawn altogether and if ...Nb4,...Nxd3 he can recapture with the c pawn and strengthen the e4 break. The basic problem seems to be that there is no real pressure on Black's d pawn. It is a Black opening reversed, after all.
Premium Chessgames Member
  An Englishman: Good Evening: There might be a mixup of openings here. 1.d4,d5; 2.e3 is usually an attempt to get into the Stonewall Attack with the eventual f2-f4 and c2-c3. After 2...Nf6 (Nc6!?); 3.Bd3,Nc6; 4.f4 or 4.Nf3 run into 4...Nb4. But if White plays 4.Bd3-b5, Black's lead in development will grow large enought that he can probably get away with 4...Bd7 or even 4...Qd6, with the idea 5.Nf3,Bg4, followed by ...a7-a6.
Premium Chessgames Member
  An Englishman: Dear Mr. Schiller: I used to play many games against a Colle expert who favored this move order--1.d4,Nf6; 2.Nd2!? If Black played 2...d5, great, he'd head into Colle territory. If Black played 2...d6 or 2...g6, no problem, he would play the system Geller created vs. the Pirc, namely 3.e4, with c2-c3, Ng1-f3 and Bd3 to follow.

Best against 2.Nd2 might be 2...c5.

Mar-15-05   Dudley: <an Englishman>I think we were talking about 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 Nc6 which seems to be a common respose among the uninformed to the Colle system, as if you are playing a Ruy Lopez or something. At least that's what I was talking about. The move...Nc6 really can work well against the Stonewall , in fact it's supposed to be a theoretical refutation.
Premium Chessgames Member
  An Englishman: Dudley: A mixup sounds about right. I was referring to refutor's Mar-05-04 post and Eric Schiller's Mar-13-05 post. Darn all of these miscellaneous QP openings!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Eric Schiller: I've posted excerpts from my forthcoming book on the Rubinstein Attack (thanks to friends for the proofing help!) at The book should be available from BrownWalker in a couple of months. I posted a couple of games by Rubinstein himself. It is a real shame that ECO has dumped the opening into several codes [A46 and A47 as well as D05 and a few others].
Premium Chessgames Member
  Eric Schiller: <Dudley> 3...Nc6 does come up from time to time, and then White must abandon the Rubinstein/Colle formula, because Black will be able to play ...e5. If White is to gain an advantage in the opening, the liberating move ...e5 must be prevented so that a White knight can use e5 as an outpost. So, after 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e3 Nc6, White might as well play 4.Bb5 or switch to the White side of a Chigorin Defense with 4.c4.
Sep-16-05   Paul123: The Colle is a reversed Slav so as someone who plays the Colle 1. d4 …2. Nf3…and 3. e3 I play a reversed French against KID. Black equalizes in the French when he faces the KIA. So being a move up white gets good play

For example, 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.e3 Bg7 4.c4 0–0 5.Nc3 d6 6.Be2 Nbd7 7.b4 e5 8.0–0 Re8 9.a4 etc... (got the idea from a great book on the Colle system by Smith and Hall.

However, I don’t like the line they recommend when someone slips into a Grunfeld against you.

It is actually a bad line in the Closed Catalan

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 g6 4.Bd3 Bg7 5.c3 c5 6.Nbd2 Nbd7 7.0–0 0–0 8.b4 !? it gives you a slight plus but once black pushes c4!? Then all white can do is to push a4 and put a knight on d4 when black eventually pushes e5. There is play but very little in my opinion

A better line is in my opinion (i.e again a Catalan with the colors reversed …….

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e3 g6 4.Be2 Bg7 5.c3 c5 6.Nbd2 Nbd7 7.b3 0–0 8.Bb2

Sep-29-05   jdlasmarias: hi everyone..isn't this the colle system? where play goes 1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 e3 followed by White's Bd3, Nbd2, 0-0, Re1 and this a good opening?

i've read somewhere that black equalizes after 1 d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 e3 and now Bf5 or Bg4..Bg4 is particularly quite annoying..:)

Dec-25-05   Dudley: Yes 3... Bf5 or Bg4 are annoying but if you are going to play the Colle, you have to learn when to switch to a Queen's Gambit and those two moves definitely call for it with 4.c4 followed by Qb3, trying to exploit the absence of Black's QB. This isn't what White was hoping for but is not exactly dangerous. These lines take some analysis as there are some exact moves needed to extricate the queen if Black allows Qxb7. As always in chess, no free lunch.
Jul-02-06   James Demery: Against the Kings Indian or the Dutch is it best to transpose into the Queens Gambit? I read the Colle is not very effective against those systems. Is that true?
Nov-25-06   Kwesi: What about this for my new crazy idea:

1. d4 d5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. e3 e6
4. Bd3 c5
5. c3 Nc6
6. Nbd2 g5?!!

borrowing ideas from the shirov-shabalov gambit in the semi-slav.

May-26-07   unluckythirtyfive: Hello everyone. I just discovered the Colle system and I like it a lot! The only problem is, I don't know how to pronounce it. Would it be pronounced "Coal" or "Cah luh"? I am totally clueless! Help please.
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  suenteus po 147: <unluckythirtyfive> My understanding is that it is pronounced "Collie" like the dog.
Jul-10-07   Nicholai: I'm currently studying Eric Schiller's New Book "Rubinstein Attack". I decided to learn this opening as my first for white.

As for "Black" I have no idea what to learn, Someone Mentioned That Colle Was A Reversed Slav, maybe I'll Start There.

Anyhow If Your Seeing This Mr. Schiller, Its An Honor.

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