Robert James Fischer vs Mikhail Tal
"French Drawings" (game of the day Oct-15-07)
Leipzig Olympiad Final 1960  ·  French Defense: Winawer. Retreat Variation Armenian Line (C18)  ·  1/2-1/2

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  whatthefat: <whitehat>
The most beautiful thing about this tactical stoush is that it's extremely accurate. For me, that is the reason the game should be appreciated so much. In such a complicated position, these two brilliant minds navigated the way together to the destined result of a draw by perpetual.
May-02-06   Confuse: instead of 19. Qe5, could tal have done Bd3, Q or pond takes d3, Rxf2, with the queen threatening mate? i know this is just my fantasy, and tal's my hero neway, but i just see him winning this game ~ as a draw its still a good game for sure though. gg
May-03-06   Cyphelium: <Confuse> Indeed 19.- Bd3 20. Qh8+ Rg8 21. Qxg8+ Nxg8 22. Nxc7 Be4+ 23. Kg1 Kxc7 would be good for black, as would 20. Nxc7 Bxh7 21. Kxg2 Kxc7.

Unfortunately, there are other options. First, after 20. cxd3 Qe5 21. Kxg2 Qxe6 22. Qh8+ white picks up the c3 pawn and reaches an endgame that should be winning.

Second, there's the perhaps more Tal-like 20. Qh3!?. Then 20.- Qd7 21. Kxg2 Bg6 22. Qh8+ Be8 23. Qxc3+ Kb8 24. Qe5+ Kc8 is not good at all. Trickier is 20.- Qe5, but possibly 21. cxd3!? is the right move here. 21.- Rxf2? 22. Nc5+ is mate or loss of the queen.

Sep-25-07   smarterthanbobby: THE early mid game had some fireworks
in it...
Oct-15-07   patzerboy: I think it's a fantastic game! Of course, it's not perfect, but it's an allout slugging match by two of the most fearless sluggers of all time.

It's one thing to sniff, hold one's pinkie in the air, and say this game is over-rated from the safe confines of latter day computer analysis. It's quite another thing to actually PLAY a game like this. Fischer and Tal both regarded it as among their most memorable games ever. They never have claimed it was without errors.

Oct-15-07   King mega: I love this game sooo much
Oct-15-07   Erdkunde: I guess if 19. Kxf1 Rxh2 then 20. Nxc7 Rxh7 wins a piece by virtue of the Rh1+ threat, while if the White Queen goes to g7 or f7 then the complications following 20. ...Rh1+ lead to either mate or the loss of a piece for White.
Oct-15-07   Confuse: Cyphelium. Wow thanks for that post! I haven't seen this game in a long time and even forgot about this comment. Haha interesting lines, good times.
Oct-15-07   savagerules: If all draws were exciting as this game there wouldn't be a problem. BTW for Soltis to criticize this complicated game is absurd, he can only wish to play just one game like this in his life.
Oct-15-07   drpoundsign: WOW! what a slugfest. Like a Tyson brawl. would expect more positional play from those two
Oct-15-07   D4n: You can't win them all...
Oct-15-07   Granite: Yet another short GM draw. Shameful really.
Premium Chessgames Member
  TheaN: The pun is really bad XD.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Marmot PFL: Fisher was only 16 at the time, and players that age are much more likely to play tactically than strategically.
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: This game almost looks contrived-a composition,as it were. Tal was at his peak and Fischer was still a teenager at this time. So,I really don't know what to think...
Oct-15-07   ChessNe1: i like the pun...abstract drawings.
Oct-15-07   whiteshark: Did Huebner annotated this game in his usual manner ?
Premium Chessgames Member
  fm avari viraf: A thrilling encounter between the two Giants but sadly ended in a draw!
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  Hesam7: <<Benjamin Lau>: Many GMs believe it's a !. However, Tal himself later said that ...Qxe5!! instead wins. Later, some high level GMs studied the position and concluded that white was winning. Huebner and other after that group concluded that black was winning. Unclear.>

That is insane! Can you post any of the analysis you mention?? Here is Fischer's comments in "My 60 Memorable games". His analysis is convincing:


Playing for a win. After 15...Qxe5 16 Bxe7 Rh8 17 Rfe1 (17 Rae1? loses to Qb8!), Qxe1+ 18 Rxe1 Rxh7 19 Bxd8 Kxd8 (weak is 19...Bxb5 20 Bf6!) 20 Bxd7 Kxd7 21 Re3! bails White out.>

Premium Chessgames Member
  Hesam7: <<Benjamin Lau>: 13....o-o-o?

Analysis showed that black has the advantage after 13...Nxe5!>

Fischer clearly disagrees with that:


After the game Petrosian suggested 13...Nxe5 but 14 Nxe5 Qxe5 15 Bxd7+ Kxd7 16 Qd3! keeps White on top (if 16...Qe4? 17 Qxe4 dxe4 18 f3! wins a pawn).>

Premium Chessgames Member
  Hesam7: I must add that engines disagree with Fischer's last line: 13...Nxe5 14 Nxe5 Qxe5 15 Bxd7+ Kxd7 16 Qd3

click for larger view

here Fischer says that White has the advantage but Black can continue with 16...Qf5 (Fruit) 17 Qb5 Nc6 18 Qxb7 Kd6 19 g3 (forced) 19...Rab8 20 Qa6 Rh8:

click for larger view

And this hardly looks good for White.

Oct-17-07   RookFile: Well, as I recall, Tal himself disagreed with the line Fischer gave, but I don't remember his analysis.
Dec-03-07   BaranDuin: This game seems to be a popular game to replay by players who agreed to a draw before the game.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Calli: A bit of video of this game
Premium Chessgames Member
  PugnaciousPawn: Fireworks all over the place with this game!! Classic Tal/Fischer explosiveness. The positions are very complex and are extemely difficult for both sides to play.
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