Mikhail Botvinnik vs Vasily Smyslov
Botvinnik-Smyslov World Championship Match 1954  ·  King's Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation. Classical Fianchetto (E67)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Feb-07-05   beatgiant: <shor: how did smyslov win?> In the final position, Black threatens to finish off White's king with ...Bd4 followed by ...Rxf2+, ...Ne5, etc. and it looks like White has to give up major material to prevent this.
Premium Chessgames Member
  LIFE Master AJ: This game is DEEPLY annotated on my website!!!
Feb-22-05   aw1988:
Premium Chessgames Member
  LIFE Master AJ: <aw1988>
Aw shucks, aw.
(Thanks for the ad.)
Feb-24-05   chess man: Black's rook,Knight,and two Bishops are more than enough for the white Queen and rook to handle in this situation.
Premium Chessgames Member
  LIFE Master AJ: <chess man>
Actually, Black threatens ...Bd4. (With a quick mate.)

Botvinnik had no defense to this threat ... this is why he resigned.

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  Calli: yeah, I'll bet 22...Bxa8!! woke Botvinnik up. Too late Mikhail.

Smyslov pointed that White was not in much trouble until 21.Rb1? Instead he gives 21.Bxb7 Qxb7 22.Rc3 h6 23.Bf4 Nf3+ 24.Rxf3 Qxf3 25.Bxd6 (Smyslov)

Premium Chessgames Member
  An Englishman: Good Evening: This was one of the greatest games from one of the greatest rivalries of the 20th Century. Many of their best games feature dizzying complications I've never been able to understand.
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  LIFE Master AJ: <An Englishman>
Yeah these two guys (Smyslov-Botvinnik) played a ton of games. And their rivalry was as intense as Kasparov and Karpov's.
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  fred lennox: Smyslov gives energy to an opening which was held suspect due to it's cramp potentail. 8...c6, though Steinitzesque, was new over the expected ...b6. Now if 9.dxe5...dxe5 black's foothold on the center is stronger. The more aggressive 10...Qb6 is an improvement over...f6.
May-25-05   aw1988: <LIFE Master AJ> From your website:

This is game # 14, (played on Mar. 16th?); of the (1954) FIDE World Championship Match, played between Smyslov and Botvinnik. (These two played a monumental FOUR 4 WCS matches.)

Unfortunately, they played 3. 1954, 1957, and 1958.

Sep-18-06   anjyplayer: Throw something unexpected and champions falter, why botvinnik failed to calculate traps in this variation ? Lesson for players - Champions are not angels.
Oct-16-06   Inf: even tho someone pointed out that black threatens bd4, cannot mate quick. but the advance of the pawn is inevitable. 11...exd4 was the surprise for botvinnik since he did not expected this. and then 22...Bxa8 is the winning move since black parts with the queen but gets a winning position. good game from black.
Nov-06-06   MrPatzer: This is one of those games that make me feel like I don't get chess.

Let's look at white's 18th move. I can see why Botvinnik felt he needed to deal with the A and B pawns; but my first thought in a position like this would be to get the bishop out of a8 while I still could, either by 18. Bg2 or maybe Bd5. Or is there something I'm not seeing?

Nov-06-06   Inf: <MrPatzer> <but my first thought in a position like this would be to get the bishop out of a8 while I still could><This is one of those games that make me feel like I don't get chess> remeber: "when you see a good move look for a better one" thats what smylov did.
Premium Chessgames Member
  who: Yes but Botvinnik would have done well to have followed patzer's advice; it seems that trying to be fancy with his a8 bishop is what lost him the game.
Apr-24-07   Tomlinsky: Mind blowing.
Jan-01-08   DanLanglois: 11...exd4? is weak.

'Smyslov pointed that White was not in much trouble until 21.Rb1? Instead he gives 21.Bxb7 Qxb7 22.Rc3 h6 23.Bf4 Nf3+ 24.Rxf3 Qxf3 25.Bxd6 (Smyslov)'

Well, except that 22...h6? is inexplicable, and Black can play the immediate 22..Nf3+! So, no, 18 Rc1? is the actual culprit (18 Qxd6!).

Mar-20-08   Knight13: But this one doesn't end up as Game of the Century.
Premium Chessgames Member
  positionalgenius: A mind-blowing brilliancy.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Calli: "Well, except that 22...h6? is inexplicable, and Black can play the immediate 22..Nf3+! So, no, 18 Rc1? is the actual culprit (18 Qxd6!)."

<DanLanglois> If 22...Nf3+ 23.Rxf3 Qxf3 24.Be7 Rc8 25.Bxd6 is no real difference. It would be astounding if the simple 22...Nf3+ won and Smyslov missed it in analysis.

Premium Chessgames Member
  talisman: well came to this game tonight after the cubs won.22...Bxa8 kind of reminds me of the ted williams AD that says "make mine a MOXIE". that's some move.on second thought i think john prine may have said it better "he got more balls than a big brass monkey".
Jul-23-08   whiteshark: There was an afterplay in this variation four games later: Botvinnik vs Smyslov, 1954

Aug-31-08   Miachonzinho: Hey ppl, i need some help.
I wanna know how i can insert anotations in games (if it's possible), cause i have a book with selected games of Smyslov with comments of him, this book was published on Brazil on 70's and i think it was published in USA on 50's or 60's and i think this is a rare item and a really want to share the comments of Smyslov with the members of ChessGames comunitie. It's all. Thanks
Oct-08-08   Xeroxx: <Miachonzinho:> Why not post it here! In the commentbox!? Ó__Ň
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