Gata Kamsky vs Alexey Shirov
Ch World (team) 1993  ·  Semi-Slav Defense: Botvinnik System (D44)  ·  0-1

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Kibitzer's Corner
Aug-07-03   PVS: A great tactical game that begins with 1.d4. Shirov's king moves were masterful and suspenseful.
Aug-07-03   PVS: Is there something better than 20. Nxb5 to prevent black's onslaught on moves 20, 21 and 22?
Aug-07-03   Ashley: Both the bishop and knight capturing the pawn on d5 looks even worse.
Aug-07-03   PVS: <Both the bishop and knight capturing the pawn on d5 looks even worse.>

I agree, has anyone looked at 20.g4?

Premium Chessgames Member
  refutor: <has anyone looked at 20.g4>

shirov has slightly...

"..neither 20.Bxd5 Nxd5 21.Nxd5 Qa6, threatening 22. ... Qxa2 and 22. ... Rd6; nor 20.Nxd5 Bxd5 21.Bxd5 c3! with the idea of 22.b3 c4! 23.bxc4? c2! 24.Qxc4 Nxc4 offers White much hope; but probably his best chance was still 20.g4"

Apr-04-06   Jim Bartle: Shirov: "...obviously the golden moment for me in the Botvinnik variation."

"It's bizarre that although White has no less than ten discovered checks with his bishop, they are all worthless because of 28...Nxd1+. The double checks don't help either."

Apr-04-06   iamverywellatchess: 32.Kd2 is the next play. A very easy one today!
Nov-03-06   PolishPentium: I'm surprised by the comment 'The double checks don't help either.' Wouldn't 28 Bc6++ (double-check) be of use? The Black king of course must move, so if it takes the B at c6, 29 QxRf6+ and White can fight on. Contrariwise, if the Black K on move 28... doesn't take, but instead plays Kb7, then Re7+, and White can still take the f6 Rook later with its Q.

Of course, no doubt one of you wiser than i am can expose the flaws in my analysis. Please do so, if i have erred. Thank you.

Nov-03-06   PolishPentium: 'iamverywellatchess': Excuse me for saying this, but isn't 32 Kd2 an illegal move? Surely you mean 32 Ke2, in which case 32...Re8+ or Re6+. White can wiggle around for a while (B or Q interpositions at e4, for example), but basically he's doomed.
Premium Chessgames Member
  TheBB: <Of course, no doubt one of you wiser than i am can expose the flaws in my analysis. Please do so, if i have erred. Thank you.>

28. Bc6+ Kxc6 29. Qxf6+ Kb5 leads to mate (my Fritz can't seem to decide how fast ... it's mate in 11 at one move and mate in 7 on the next ply?), although a very tricky one. But it's hard for Shirov not to win.

Nov-21-08   dwavechess: 24/30 moves by shirov concur with rybka 2.3.2a at 14 ply
Apr-14-09   dwavechess: concur 22/31 using Rybka 3 at 3 min. per move for shirov

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