Mikhail Botvinnik vs Paul Keres
Moskva Alekhine-mem 1966  ·  English Opening: King's English. Four Knights Variation Fianchetto Lines (A29)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Apr-11-03   JustAFish: ... Qxb8 28. Qxh4 Ng5 29. Bxg5 Rd8 30. Qh7+ Kf8 31. Qh8#
May-19-03   ZScore: Wasn't this problem already posted?
May-19-03   JGD: Yes, ZScore, this was posted before. I was rather pleased to have solved it about a month ago. A definite classic.
May-19-03   sanath: oooh
May-19-03   Fulkrum: What was the purpose of 24. ...Ra7 Was this move a blunder? It seems to weaken the back rank and allow for the combination.
Premium Chessgames Member Sorry folks, this one slipped into the list twice. Additionally, I've become horribly confused as to which ones have been shown and which ones haven't. Our apologies if you see some "summer re-runs" for a while.
May-19-03   pgunn: Even so, you can go back over the game to see the moves that led to the position. I think that can be instructive.
Dec-15-04   aw1988: I know that Qxb8 Qxh4 wins right away, but what about Qxb8 Qxh4 Ne7+?
Dec-15-04   aw1988: Looks to do the same (or nearly the same) mate, only a move more.
Dec-15-04   aw1988: Kh8 Qxh4#...
Feb-06-05   aw1988: LOL, Ne7+ Rxe7. Well well, that was dumb.
Feb-06-05   aw1988: No. Ne7+ Qxe7.
Feb-06-05   WMD: Yes, but 27...Qxb8 28.Ne7+ Rxe7 29.Qxh4 would be the equivalent of kicking sand in the opponent's face.
Premium Chessgames Member
  notyetagm: Wow, a great <removal of the guard> combination: 27 Rb8+!! Qxb8 28 Qxh4 Ng5 29 Bxg5 Rd8 30 Qh7+ Kf8 31 Qh8#. Notice how critical it is that the White d5-N controls the e7 square, the Black king's flight square off of the back rank. <Controlling the e7(e2)-square is often critical for the success of an attack down the h-file>, else the enemy king simply runs away.
Nov-10-05   n30: this is a great game with surprisingly few posts. <cg>: this would make a nice puzzle (?) I for once would have never thought of b8 - then again, I'm no GM, IM or whatsoever-M ;)~
Nov-10-05   ughaibu: If you read the "surprisingly few posts" you'll see it has already been a puzzle.
Dec-10-05   TalEl: A lot of maneuvering and then bang! 27.Rb8!
Dec-19-05   DeepBlade: This game looks like the Overprotection Immortal, the attack suddenly pops out, of an (extremely compicated) position.
Premium Chessgames Member
  chancho: 18 years later,(from 1948) and Botvinnik is still kicking poor Keres's ass.
Jun-18-06   sixfeetunder: What is the purpose of 18.Kg1 and 21.Kh2? To wait for Black to reveal his plan?
Jun-18-06   WMD: Yes, waiting for Keres to be finally persuaded of the wisdom of throwing the game.
Jun-22-06   sixfeetunder: <Yes, waiting for Keres to be finally persuaded of the wisdom of throwing the game.> Can you prove that?
Premium Chessgames Member
  plang: Why can't people accept that Botvinnik was a really tough opponent for Keres.

Look at the game in the 1941 absolute russian championship where Botvinnik massacred Keres with the black pieces for instance.

Jun-22-06   ughaibu: I think the chances that WMD wasn't joking are infinitesimal.
Jun-01-07   exchangesacrifice: After Botvinnik had moved 27.Rb8, Keres fell from his chair.
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