Judit Polgar vs Anatoli Karpov
7th Essent 2003  ·  Russian Game: Classical Attack. Jaenisch Variation (C42)  ·  1-0

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Oct-17-03   Cyphelium: patzer2> I agree with HC. 24.- g6 25. Rg3 Qb3 26. Qh5 still seems dangerous, and I wonder why the computer doesn't like it? The threat of Bxg6 is strong..

Honza> Yes, I agree, it's ok for white, but maybe a good fighting chance for black too.

Oct-17-03   Alchemist: AussiePatzer... I agree

25. g6 was implied to be the best move, but as I said the line allows white to escape by pushing f6 to either interpose on the dark bishop after 26. Qh6 and to create an escape route in the event of a queen rook battery on the h file.

So we both agree, you're just confused.

Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: Congretulations for having this game in the database quicklier than most distinguised databases. Congretulations Judith for winning the tournament. I wonder what Garry Kasparov has to say this time about again a women's success. <#%??x$:-(>.
Oct-18-03   mrvertigo: running through the game, for me Rb5 was the daring move that initiated the collapse.
Oct-18-03   Diggitydawg: Congratulations Judith on the tournament win! Thank you Benjamin Lau for the news alert on the cafe; he was probably the one that uploaded this game. And for those people that think Judith is only good in rapid games, the Essent tournament was in classical time control:
Oct-18-03   Benjamin Lau: <Diggitydawg>

No, I didn't upload the game; I only posted the moves on the cafe. I've never tried to upload a game with PGN before. Maybe I'll learn how to do that in the future. :-) Maybe lostemperor uploaded it? He's nuts for Polgar. :-)

Oct-18-03   Jack21221: That was a pretty interesting way to double rooks. I will have to remember that one.
Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: Well is perfectly capable of spotting where the action is and getting those games;).

At the prizeceremonie the winner traditionally received a glasschessset besides the honour, 4,000 euro and a gain of ratingpoints. Judith said she is most content about the chessset: <"the honour and the points you forget soon and the money is spent just as easily, but the chesset will be put at home in a showcase. I still can look at it every day"> How many GM's will say something like this. That's why many and I are Polgarnuts or may become one:). And it may be her 4th glasschessset.

Premium Chessgames Member
  AdrianP: Bill Paschall plays over this game with light commentary on (Game of the Day).
Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: Perhaps the difference between men's and women's chess and the reason of Polgar's success this tournament? While the male participants were playing for honour, money and ELO points, Judith mainly desired to have the glass' chessset.
Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: After your insightful recommendation of 24...g6 25. Rg3 Qb3 26. Qh5!, Fritz gives the only move to equalize and save the game for black with 26...Rxe5! (other moves lose quickly for black)

Now white must be careful to reply with 27. Rxe5, as 27.Qxe5? Re8! leads to a clear black advantage.

Fritz 8 gives the variation as slightly favoring black after 24...g6 25. Rg3 Qb3 26. Qh5 Rxe5! 27. Rxe5 [not 27. Qxe5? Re8! (-0.75)] 27. ..Qxc3 28. Qe2 [not 28. Bxg6?? Qc1+ and black mates] 28. ..Qa1+ 29. Qe1 Qxe1 30. Rxe1 Nb7 31. Kf1 a5 32. Rge3 Nc5 33. Bc4 a4 34. Rb1 Ra8 35. Ra3 (-0.25 & 16/42 depth & 728kN/s).

After the final analyzed Fritz 8 position above, black has the inititive and white is fighting for a draw after black plays 35. ..Rb8 with advantage.

Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: The following site provides some interesting insights on this game and the Hoogeveen tournament won by Judit:
Feb-25-04   Chess Champ: a classic!
Premium Chessgames Member
  BobbyBishop: 17. Rb5! Great move! White gets to double rooks in 2 moves rather than have to use tempi to clear the back rank. I can't believe Karpov fell into such a rudimentary attack. How could he of all players not sense the danger after 24. Re3 with the Bishop pair eyeing h7 & g7 and the Queen eyeing h5? He got smashed.
Sep-15-05   samvega: <BobbyBishop> Took a second for your observation about 17.Rb5 to sink in!!
Nov-23-05   Chopin: Polgar finishes in fine fashion. A beautiful game.
Jan-10-06   Averageguy: The rook manaeuvre Rb1-b5-e5-e2 was very imaginative and quite aesthetically pleasing.
Jan-13-06   sciacca khan: Karpov was very very unaware how vulnerable his K-side was, especially with Polgar's loose rook. I am surprised. His own rooks are very flat-flooted.
May-05-06   spirit: <BobbyBishop> you underestimate the psychology of 24.Re3. me thinks even GAZZA would have fallen at this point! thinks the game was lost from 22...Bxe5
Dec-19-06   Total Blunder: That's so funny... Karpov seems to love double bishop sacrifices!
Dec-23-06   Tamerlan: Weak play by Karpov.
Sep-08-07   D4n: Which Polgar is the best?
Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: Well, if you base upon title(s) won, it would be Susan. If you go with potential and possibilities, that debate can go on for ages.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: Most successful: Judit
Most talented: Judit or Zsofia
Strongest: Judit
Jan-29-08   Billw1106: <"the honour and the points you forget soon and the money is spent just as easily, but the chesset will be put at home in a showcase. I still can look at it every day"> Judit sounded like a physicist of the yesteryears who cared about creativity more than $$$. Einstein once gave part of his stipend to another colleague as he had more than enough for himself. Go Judit, for world champion!!
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