Judit Polgar vs Peter Svidler
Corus Chess Tournament 2005  ·  Spanish Game: Marshall Attack. Modern Variation (C89)  ·  1-0

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  yoozum: <Artemis>, keep in mind that rapid games such as Kasparov-Carlsen greatly favor the young (despite Anand being the champion). If it had been a classical game, Carlsen would have probably lost.

It's not like Svidler lost to a complete unknown here. Polgar was always deeply respected, regardless of her gender. Defeating Anand and Kasparov is no easy task.

Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: After 26...Rc8 (instead of 26...Bxa2?)27.Bc5 Bg4 28.Rxd6! Bxf3 29.Bxh7+! (29.Rxd7 Bxe4 ) 29...Kxh7 30.Rxd7 ( posted analysis), White is up a clear pawn with a better position. However, Black still has some hope for a draw, compared to none with 26...Bxa2?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Calli: <GBKnight> Yes, Qd7 seems to ask for trouble. The alternative is 24...Rc8 but Svidler evidently did not like the passive position after 25.Be4 Qe8 (not c5? Bb7)


Jan-16-05   DocNZ: Accepted 26...Bxa2?? but what what about 28...c5(?!)

how about forcing a difficult B+B v R endgame with:
28...Re8 29.Bc5 Re6 30.Bf5 Re1+ 31.Kg2 Qf7 32.Rd6 Bd5 33.Rd5 Qd5 34.Qd5+ cd5

I dont think this position is an easy win for white.

Jan-16-05   Arawak: It's interesting that most of the men that disparage Judit can't beat her. She beat Svidler. Period.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sneaky: <No, I'm saying he's wasting his time if he devotes his entire life to chess, and still can't beat a woman who hasn't played chess in 15 months.> Yes, but he can beat a well rested Anand, so I guess Vishy could quit chess too. And he mops the floor with Kramnik (who hasn't had a baby recently) so I guess Kramnik should resign as world champion.

Like I said, in PinkPanther's world, nobody should be playing chess at all. An odd point of view coming from somebody who receives rook odds from 1400 players and still loses.

Jan-16-05   resty: What a woman!
Jan-17-05   Cecil Brown: Lubosh Kavalek on this game and Kramnik-Topalov:-

Jan-18-05   aw1988: Ariel and Judit sitting in a tree... :)
Jan-22-05   jondoe: Oh I get it, black loses bishop or queen.
Premium Chessgames Member
  artemis: <yoozum> point taken, but still, She is a very powerful grandmaster who has consistently beaten top players. Yes she took a break, but to assume that she was living in a cave and did not keep up with her chess is obviously incorrect. My point to pink panther was that people much better than Svidler have lost to people much worse than Polgar. If pink panther's comment <no, i'm saying he's wasting his time if he devotes his entire life to chess, and still cant beat a woman who hasnt played chess in 15 months> is seriously mean tfor this page, then I must ask of other grandmasters who have lost or drawn to people much worse then polgar. She is one of the top players in the world right now, and while her win here was unexpected, it is a magnificent feat for her, not a career ending blow to Svidler.
Jan-22-05   WillC21: Svidler's a joke. Can't play with the big boys but can beat everyone else underneath them and get a decent rating. Obviously not top 5 in the world.
Jan-22-05   WillC21: Qe6 was horrific in this game, and when he got drubbed by Kramnik last game or whenever Svidler showed little understanding of positional chess, king safety, or tactics. While Moro is just not playing like himself, Svidler is simply outclassed.
Jan-22-05   WillC21: Svidler did, however, manage to beat Van Wely today when Van Wely blundered with Ne7. But everything I said above still holds true, for the most part at least.
Premium Chessgames Member
  beenthere240: 30. c4 really is a beautiful move.
Jan-26-05   Castle In The Sky: 24...Qd7?? 24...Rc8 would have been much better covering the pawn and avoiding the deadly pin at the same time. Svidler's pawn snatching 26...Bxa2 only exacerbates the situation and doubly loses a lost game. Did he really think someone of Polgar's ability would leave a pawn hanging without consequence?
Jan-26-05   GreenDayGuy: Why didn't black play 26... Bg4 which wins the exchange? is there something that I am missing?
Premium Chessgames Member
  euripides: <gdg> After 26...Bg4 27 Rxd6 White comes out ahead after 27...Qxd6 28 Qxg4 or 27...Bxf3 28 Rxd7 Rxd7 29 Bxf3.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: <Sneaky: Like I said, in PinkPanther's world, nobody should be playing chess at all. An odd point of view coming from somebody who receives rook odds from 1400 players and still loses.> LOL same applies to WillC21
Sep-30-05   mego: svidler played 15)....Nf3? its I think g5 was better than this move
Jan-10-06   Averageguy: It's instructive how Judit Polgar gives back the material to kill black's attack, and from then on exploits her dynamic and static advantages.
Nov-20-07   DarthStapler: I like to play the Marshall so could someone explain to me the major things that black did wrong in this game?
Premium Chessgames Member
  acirce: Polgár pointed at these mistakes in her New In Chess annotations (2005/2):

22..f6? (creating weaknesses and giving White tactical opportunities on the a2-g8 and b1-h7 diagonals; 22..Qc7! 23.Qd3 g6 24.Rd1 Bf8 was supposedly better "and Black seems to be OK")

24..Qd7? (24..Rc8! and her main line now is 25.Rd1 Be5 26.Be4 "and White keeps pressure and an edge" -- after 24..Qd7 25.Rd1 the pin is a horrible problem for Black)

26..Bxa2? (pawn is poisoned -- 26..Rc8 is forced, but White keeps a huge edge; after the move in the game Black is just lost).

Nov-21-07   DarthStapler: Ok thanks
Premium Chessgames Member
  gjergj248: Bb6! is a great deflection and pin threat.
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