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Member since Dec-28-06
I'm gonna win the US championship one day. Right now I'm training to become ranked in the top 50 in the US, right now I have no rating, it's provisional, but it won't be there for long.(o_O) All around I'm a nice guy but on the board I like to destroy my opponent. Especially ones that gloat. *sighs* -.-

   sezori has kibitzed 30 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Aug-10-10 Korchnoi vs Najdorf, 1969
sezori: To think they were playing like this in the 60's...Guess 40 years isn't that long when you look at it from a chessical sense, the trends change but the fundamentals are never-the-less the same...
   Aug-09-10 Ni Hua vs A Timofeev, 2010 (replies)
sezori: Interesting endgame technique by Ni Hua
   May-17-10 I Krush vs Akobian, 2010 (replies)
sezori: What I liked most about this game was Black played 10...c5 and instead of looking for a retreat square or simply taking the pawn, Krush plays f5!; doing two things... 1) If 11...c4 is played to attack the seemingly trapped bishop then 12. fxe6 saves it indirectly by threatening a ...
   Mar-28-10 Kramnik vs Mamedyarov, 2007 (replies)
sezori: Wonder why Mamedyarov played 28. Rb6??, he practically loses the bishop for free after... 29. Rxb2!. Can't take due to 29...Rxb2 30. Qxd4!! picking up the rook and bishop. If 30...Qe5?? Then 31. Nd7 forking king and queen probably with immediate resignation...Guess that "fresh eyes" ...
   Mar-22-10 Bronstein vs Botvinnik, 1951 (replies)
sezori: This game looks fishy, now Bronstein had 13. a4 to stop the advance of b5 and he could have held off on 13. Qd2 until the b5 threat was taken care of...Heck some may even argue 13. Qd2 is stronger than a4 due to the threat involved...fine, but after establishing the threat Botvinnik ...
   Jan-20-10 J Smeets vs Nakamura, 2010 (replies)
sezori: No need for giving redemption due to his status as a player, people frequently don't step up to the responsibilities they hold in various fields, it's common in humanity... He's just being normal, maybe he didn't feel like giving it his all for various reasons...Or maybe THIS was his
   Jan-20-10 Shirov vs J Smeets, 2010 (replies)
sezori: <zanshin: <The sacrifice Bxh6 is unsound> Most, if not all of Tal's sacrifices were of an unsound nature, according to Botvinnik anyway. Yet, throughout all this criticism he still managed to become world champion... Basically what I'm getting at is, in a computer sense, yes
   Jan-18-10 Leko vs Karjakin, 2010
sezori: Looks like 25...Re2 is a little more accurate, if White blunders with 26. Be3? Black wins a pawn and probably the endgame...However, I doubt Leko would miss this and probably would just play 26. Rd2 to stop that threat
   Jan-18-10 J Smeets vs Ivanchuk, 2010 (replies)
sezori: I'm not sure if it's strong, but 26...Ne3 forking both rooks looks interesting...The endgame wouldn't look too bleak for Ivanchuk if he had did this...Now that I'm looking at it with this engine, which I barely do, it's saying my suggestion is stronger than his continuation...Just ...
   Jan-14-10 Morozevich vs I Papaioannou, 2010 (replies)
sezori: People, people <smiles>... Let's not shun Moro on his creative play. In today's time, individuals are pressured into playing theoretically sound developments due to it's low percentage in error and criticism...However, this is probably why Fischer created FischerRandom chess. ...
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