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Member since Mar-23-04 · Last seen Sep-14-08
b. 1949; IM 1972; =1st 1980 World Open; 1st Canadian Ch. 1990; played 13 olympiads; semi-retired since 2001; living in Toronto.
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   IMlday has kibitzed 1568 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-14-08 M Davenport vs L Day, 1982
IMlday: 3..Nc6? and 4..Ne5?? loses a piece. 6..Ne5 7.Bf4 is a symmetrical mangle, either ..f6 8.Bxe5 and Qh5+ or ..d6 8.Bxe5 and Bb5+, either way crushing. Luckily after 6..e6 there were some complex technical problems and White got into time trouble.
   Sep-14-08 Lawrence Day (replies)
IMlday: [DIAGRAM] (1746) Mate in 2 by S. Zimmermann, 1894. The solution to 1745: 1.Qc8. Game was Roussel-Roozmon vs Charbonneau, Montreal '08. Notes gave also Ftacnik-Cvitan '98 with a pretty mate. Both scores are in the CG database. If you didn't get the puzzles page you're missing the
   Sep-10-08 Anand vs Carlsen, 2008 (replies)
IMlday: Sorry wrong numbers. I meant 20.Qxc6 Bd4 21.e5 Bd5 22.e6 Rxf2 etc which favours Black.
   Sep-02-08 I Zugic vs Nakamura, 2008
IMlday: The big mistakes were 7..Nd7 letting the B stay on the board and 18..Bg4 losing the exchange where 18..Bg6 might still hold.
   Sep-01-08 Mikhail Tal (replies)
IMlday: This was from the 1959 Candidates not the 1961 tournament at Bled where they drew. Keres vs Tal, 1959
   Sep-01-08 A Kovalyov vs P Charbonneau, 2008
IMlday: I loved this grand battle. Black's defence looks like something Suttles would have played. 12.Bxh6!? changes the complexion to a roughly balanced positional struggle featuring a hefty blockade at f4. 25.h4!? declines the gambit a-pawn. 25..Ne6!? was an interesting option. Time flies.
   Aug-28-08 T Roussel Roozmon vs P Charbonneau, 2008
IMlday: It looks like 20..Bf8 is a TN improving on 20..Nh7.
   Aug-27-08 D Lautier vs Lautier, 1976
IMlday: Oops. This is L. Day vs Daniel Lautier (Joel's father)
   Aug-26-08 Hikaru Nakamura (replies)
IMlday: TRR-HN, Rd3 1. Nf3 f5 2. d3 Nf6 3. e4 d6 4. exf5 Bxf5 5. d4 Qd7 6. Nc3 e6 7. Bd3 Bxd3 8. Qxd3 Nc6 9. a3 d5 10. Bf4 Bd6 11. Bg3 O-O 12. O-O Nh5 13. Rfe1 Rf6 14. Ne5 Bxe5 15. Bxe5 Nxe5 16. Rxe5 Nf4 17. Qd2 Raf8 18. Re3 Qf7 19. Rf1 h5 20. Kh1 h4 21. Nd1 h3 22. g3 Ng2 23. Rb3 Rf3 24. ...
   Aug-15-08 R South vs L Day, 1975 (replies)
IMlday: <Jesspatrick> 17.Qd2 was probably best to deny Black use of the h6 square. 17..Nc5 can be met with 18.Ra3 but after 18..Qb6 White has only a slight theoretical advantage. Later on 43..Kb6!? is a strong if impish play to win.
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