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Member since Nov-20-02 · Last seen Jun-06-03
USCF rating about 1150; I'm merely a beginner trying to better my game on the chessboard of life.
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   GregorMendel has kibitzed 81 times to chessgames   [more...]
   May-20-03 Keres vs Spassky, 1965 (replies)
GregorMendel: Was 38. Qb3 a blunder?
   Apr-13-03 Morphy vs Schrufer, 1859 (replies)
GregorMendel: It must have been interesting to know if Morphy announced "mate in ten"...I know it's not all forced, but the relentless barrage of threats that he couldn't defend against should have caused Black to resign a long time before.
   Apr-10-03 Miles vs Browne, 1982 (replies)
GregorMendel: Is 22. Qf6+ necessary? Can't the rook be pushed just then?
   Mar-31-03 King's Indian (E61) (replies)
GregorMendel: I love the KID. I play it almost all the time with Black against 1. d4. I have mixed results, but I always get a good game.
   Mar-31-03 Lasker vs NN, 1903 (replies)
GregorMendel: Whoa on earth could Lasker have calculated the Queen and Knight sacrifice? That's amazing!
   Mar-27-03 Anderssen vs J Finch, 1851 (replies)
GregorMendel: Amazing concluding combination. Qxg2+ is something I would never see...
   Mar-24-03 Judit Polgar vs Ponomariov, 2002 (replies)
GregorMendel: Yeah, why didn't Judit play fxg6 as soon as the board allowed (move 18, I think). I see nothing wrong with it...does anybody see if there is?
   Mar-24-03 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
GregorMendel: My list, for what it's worth: 1. Morphy. 2. Fischer 3. Capablanca 4. Kasparov 5. Tal 6. Em. Lasker 7. Alekhine
   Mar-20-03 Radjabov vs Ivanchuk, 2002 (replies)
GregorMendel: Quite bold of him (IMHO) to play O-O-O despite the already shattered pawns. I wouldn't even have considered it.
   Feb-27-03 Lasker vs Steinitz, 1895 (replies)
GregorMendel: Why didn't Black play something like Qe8 instead of 28...Ne6, getting more than a knight for the queen?
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