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The purpose of this page is to alert an administrator against possible misconduct in the discussion forums ("kibitzing" areas). Fill out the form below and an administrator will review the case and take action where appropriate.

All complaints registered on this page are 100% confidential.

     PROBLEM PAGE:  Tal vs Portisch, 1976

                    Type the user's screen name, correctly.

       PROBLEM(S):   The username is inappropriate.1
                     Spamming, advertising, or duplicating posts.2
                     Obscene, profane, racist, or sexist content.3
                     Personal attacks against other user(s).4
                     Post may violate U.S. law.5
                     Post is off-topic.6
                     Post reveals personal information.7

                    If none of the above violations apply, select "OTHER".
                    Please use this choice sparingly; for things that do not
                    violate the rules above are probably not violations.

SAMPLE POST(S): Copy sample message(s), especially the highlights which you believe are inappropriate. COMMENTS: Leave additional explanation/comments to Chessgames administrators below. YOUR EMAIL: In case we need to contact you. This is optional. THANK YOU FOR HELPING CHESSGAMES!
  1. Usernames which are obscene, profane, racist, or otherwise in very poor taste are not permitted. Usernames should be G-Rated, free of sexual innuendo or violent overtones. Usernames may not imitate another Chessgames username with the purpose of mocking, or creating confusion.

    Usernames may not be names of famous living chess players, unless the person who owns the account is actually that player. Out of respect, we strongly discourage usernames to be of players who recently passed away.

    Usernames cannot contain the prefix "GM", "IM", "FM", "WGM", or any other chess title, unless that title has actually been earned. In ambiguous cases where the letters exist apparently by accident (e.g. "IMemorizeOpenings") we may be forgiving; the final determination is the ability of the name to confuse the average member.

  2. Repeating any message, whether or not it is of commercial nature, is spamming by definition. This includes "signatures" (lines of text automatically added to the end of every post) which are strongly discouraged here. Members may present URLs in their messages, including URLs to commercial websites, as long as it is done in the context of the discussion.

  3. While there are a few specific words which are absolutely forbidden on the site (the "f-word" etc.), we leave it to you--the users of the site--to tell us what you feel is obscene, racist, sexist, or profane. Keep in mind that children of all ages read this site. Ideally, members should type everything as if they are in the presence of children.
    1. Our software has a built in filter to prevent people from typing certain vulgar English expressions.
    2. It is forbidden to attempt to trick the software by intentional misspelling, substituing numbers for letters, inserting spaces, etc. This includes expressions like "f---!" where the majority of the word is blocked but the intention remains obvious.
    3. We rely largely on non-English readers to inform us when cursing takes place in languages other than English and Spanish, and even on English speakers to tell us what is offensive in a certain dialect.

  4. It is acceptable to criticize other members if done in a civil way; however:
    1. This line may be crossed if we witness repeated criticisms from one member to another ("cyberstalking").
    2. Any form of name-calling (e.g., making up a pejorative nickname for another member) is forbidden, whether based on the screen-name or their name in real life.

  5. Illegal activity may include exposing a user's private information against their will, posting credit card numbers, making death-threats, soliciting illegal activity, conducting illegal gambling, and much more. This rule can also apply to potential copyright infringements.

  6. Although we urge members to stick to the topic for which the pages are designated, a certain amount of off-topic banter is a natural occurrence, and therefore tolerated. However, we would like to be notified when you think that it has gone beyond what you consider reasonable.

  7. By "personal information" we mean any information of the person's life which is not manifestly apparent by their screen-name and profile. This includes but is not limited to their real name, their profession, their family members, where they live, details of their current or past life, and photographs of them. It is against our rules to link to somebody Facebook profile, or profile on any other site which discloses personal information. It is against our rules to reveal a member's real name, if they have not clearly made that name public. Most users at Chessgames use pseudonyms to protect their privacy. Those who choose to do that deserve our full protection.

  8. Not every problematic post can be captured by a small set of rules; if you believe that somebody has done something outside of the scope of our rules, and still causes problems, use the "OTHER" caetegory.
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