lampton's favorite games
Compiled by lampton

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Danish, Hartlaub-Testa
Hartlaub vs M W Testa, 1912 
(C21) Center Game, 24 moves, 1-0

Winawer (Nunn) Q sack on h-file
Nunn vs Sutton, 1984 
(C11) French, 29 moves, 1-0

Two Knights
Dubois vs Steinitz, 1862 
(C50) Giuoco Piano, 15 moves, 0-1

Two Knights
Grabill vs D H Mufridge, 1932 
(C50) Giuoco Piano, 14 moves, 0-1

Two Knights (G. pp)
V Knorre vs Chigorin, 1874 
(C50) Giuoco Piano, 14 moves, 0-1

Tal vs Scandinavian def.
Tal vs W R Chandler, 1974 
(B01) Scandinavian, 22 moves, 1-0

Catalan with pretty B/N mate
S Kuemin vs R Staechelin, 2005 
(E06) Catalan, Closed, 5.Nf3, 20 moves, 1-0

Torres/Alekhine B/N mate
J Torres Caravaca vs Alekhine, 1922 
(C79) Ruy Lopez, Steinitz Defense Deferred, 30 moves, 0-1

Goering Gambit
R Gaudin vs Bellut, 1956
(C44) King's Pawn Game, 17 moves, 1-0

multiple deep tactical ideas
Nezhmetdinov vs Myagmarsuren, 1965 
(C64) Ruy Lopez, Classical, 51 moves, 0-1

simplicity itself
A Skripchenko-Lautier vs Ye Rongguang, 1998 
(C46) Three Knights, 20 moves, 1-0

Hungarian def (Schiller) 0-1
C Schulien vs E Schiller, 1986
(C50) Giuoco Piano, 21 moves, 1-0

KGD stem game
Chigorin vs Kalinski, 1903
(C30) King's Gambit Declined, 22 moves, 1-0

Giuoco pp (Kramnik) seed game
Kramnik vs R Barcenilla, 1990
(C50) Giuoco Piano, 27 moves, 1-0

QGD w K-side attack
K Amir vs Z Saleem, 2006
(D55) Queen's Gambit Declined, 26 moves, 1-0

Nimzo miniature, 19 moves (0-1)
I Sokolov vs Aronian, 2006 
(E35) Nimzo-Indian, Classical, Noa Variation, ed, 19 moves, 0-1

tactical play by 9 yo Bacrot
Bacrot vs S Azarov, 1992 
(D36) Queen's Gambit Declined, Exchange, Positional line, 6.Qc2, 29 moves, 1-0

nicely annotated tactical French Tarrasch
Y Dembo vs D Driamin, 2000  
(C05) French, Tarrasch, 42 moves, 1-0

dismembering the kingside
T Lopang vs J Gilbert, 2006 
(E92) King's Indian, 26 moves, 0-1

Bishop's Opening (Boden-Kieseritsky gambit) 9 moves
Taylor vs Dreyer, 1934 
(C42) Petrov Defense, 9 moves, 1-0

Scandinavian 1-0, 9 moves
Mieses vs Oehquist, 1895 
(B01) Scandinavian, 11 moves, 1-0

simple yet startlling queen sac and mate
A W Fox vs H E Bauer, 1901 
(C67) Ruy Lopez, 21 moves, 1-0

stock sac in 2-Knights, 0-1
NN vs G H Derrickson, 1860 
(C55) Two Knights Defense, 17 moves, 0-1

2-Kn smothered mate
C Capon vs Taylor, 1873 
(C44) King's Pawn Game, 18 moves, 0-1

std sac against std pirc
Rublevsky vs G Chepukaitis, 2001 
(B06) Robatsch, 34 moves, 1-0

Adams-Kasparov miniature
Adams vs Kasparov, 2005 
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 26 moves, 0-1

spectacular Nimzo-Indian 1-0
Zhao Xue vs Koneru, 2006 
(E39) Nimzo-Indian, Classical, Pirc Variation, 29 moves, 1-0

Robatsch def, mating combo 1-0
T Pym vs M Dignam, 2005
(B06) Robatsch, 30 moves, 1-0

Bronstein contra Latvian Gambit
Bronstein vs V Mikenas, 1941 
(C40) King's Knight Opening, 25 moves, 1-0

threats and threats
Van der Wiel vs Flear, 1987
(C55) Two Knights Defense, 37 moves, 0-1

Tal vs Miller, 1988 
(C55) Two Knights Defense, 33 moves, 1-0

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