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Member since May-31-05 · Last seen Sep-30-08
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   MaxxLange has kibitzed 1040 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-30-08 Sicilian (B20) (replies)
MaxxLange: actually, players only 200 points below you will be able to force draws sometimes. Refusal to admit that is called "playing for the loss" <Maxx: it actually looks survivable after:...> is that engine analysis, or your analysis? I'm sceptical that 11...Qb6 is the best move ...
   Sep-30-08 Sicilian, Najdorf (B90) (replies)
MaxxLange: <Cactus> 6.a4 is logical, sure, but it hasn't scored that well in GM level chess. Down in the fish tank, though, any playable system that you study and believe in can players are often booked up in a few main lines, but not in the sidelines. I won some nice games ...
   Sep-09-08 R Kuijf vs I Rogers, 1989 (replies)
MaxxLange: huh, I missed ...Bxh3 at the end
   Sep-08-08 Jansa vs Smejkal, 1969 (replies)
MaxxLange: You have to feel for the person(s) who pick these puzzles. If they use an old-style sac-the-queen-for-mate-in-1 on Mondays, we are all "This was TOO EASY - even for a Monday". But a problem like today? "Seems like it was a Tuesday or Wednesday puzzle" This was easy enough once you
   Aug-25-08 P Zilles vs V Kutsankov, 2005 (replies)
MaxxLange: missing a mate in three for a position where you are a pawn up isn't really all that fun
   Aug-17-08 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening (B00) (replies)
MaxxLange: very interesting...the Knight sac may have been too much, yes. it looks like the kind of thing I always used to play:) maybe too hasty. I'll fire up the computer tomorrow and see how it wants to play against 5 e6!?
   Aug-15-08 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
MaxxLange: <Dunclad> That's a Chess Informant symbol, and it means "with the idea"
   Aug-14-08 Viktor Korchnoi (replies)
MaxxLange: he's always been that way, that's how you stay competitive at an international level until age 70 maybe - a crazy, crazy need to NEVER LOSE A BOARD GAME, EVER
   Aug-14-08 Petrosian vs Pachman, 1961 (replies)
MaxxLange: <Master Chess (32 bit 20 MHz)> How old is that thing? One of my friends has one of those old Fidelity chess computers. It finds amazing stuff if you let it run long enough
   Aug-14-08 Fischer vs Myagmarsuren, 1967 (replies)
MaxxLange: <Woody Wood Pusher> The "King's Indian Attack" is a reversed KID: White plays Nf3, d3, g3, Bg2, etc. A lot of its devotees play it by transposition against the French or against Sicilians with ...e6 Why is there no "Queen's Indian Attack"?
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