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Richard Taylor
Member since Feb-14-05 · Last seen Feb-14-09
I live in New Zealand. I was born in 1948.

I am divorced. Have three children.

I have been involved in many occupations in my life and returned in about 1990 to do a degree in English literature - I am mainly a writer - or I call myself a "textualiser".

I have have a Blog - no Chess there as yet but some may find it interesting - it is called "Eyelight"

Here is an interesting political/ poetical / historical/N.Z - Blog - but it also has history about NZ and many other matters it is run by a good friend of mine


But I have quite wide interests. (In fact I had about 50 or more jobs in my life!) I have only been to Fiji in 1973 and New York in 1993. Both fascinating places in different ways. But most of my life I have lived here in Auckland.

I like all styles of play - sometimes in OTB I enjoy the complexities of double-edged tactical stuff - but also enjoy the 'Karpovian' manouevres in slower games - always learning.

As to a favourite players: all the greats are there - Alekhine, Rubinstein, Keres, Capa, Lasker..Fischer of course, Tal, Botvinnik, Smyslov and many others

I am not a very highly rated player - I have played in two NZ Correspondence Championships and an International Teams Tournament for NZ about 1986.

Chess is a struggle (but when playing try to feel for your opponent -he/she is also struggling) - it is rarely clear who is winning (we know the obvious positions) - most positions it is best to examine "strengths and weaknesses" - improve the position of pieces and so on. Be confidant but VERY wary while playing. Chess is infinite!

Below is a good link to Australian and New Zealand live events. Link:

>> Click here to see Richard Taylor's game collections. Full Member

   Richard Taylor has kibitzed 5780 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Feb-14-09 Kibitzer's Café (replies)
Richard Taylor: I studied biology (till I was about 17) so I have no problem with evolution - I was never convinced by any religion but I try to keep an open mind on the question of "consciousness"... My son believes in God (or at least in a soul - but I don't (or not in any simplistic ...
   Feb-08-09 Richard Taylor chessforum (replies)
Richard Taylor: <Benzol> No it was just Saturday.
   Feb-07-09 M Wu vs P Stuart, 2007 (replies)
Richard Taylor: Good game by Michael - Peter Stuart plays this opening exclusively as answer to 1 e4
   Feb-05-09 V Kovacevic vs T O'Donnell, 1990
Richard Taylor: Hard case!
   Feb-05-09 Patrick Wolff
Richard Taylor: It seems he is a good player - and I wish him all the best - but it seems from the above that is an evil capitalist.
   Feb-04-09 Karjakin vs Stellwagen, 2009
Richard Taylor: I mixed up my games I was thinking of a a game where Karjakin was Black...thisis Paulsen - similar themes to the Najdorf though...
   Feb-02-09 Karjakin vs Movsesian, 2009
Richard Taylor: Excellently played ending by Karjakin
   Jan-27-09 H De Bie vs H Kerkmeester, 2001
Richard Taylor: Good ending by De Bie
   Jan-24-09 R Taylor vs M Steadman, 2008 (replies)
Richard Taylor: <euripides> thanks! Fritz wasn't so enthusiastic - but there was only really one defence... for a Club game it was combative!
   Jan-21-09 R Kukk vs R Taylor, 1985
Richard Taylor: <Ychromosome: If 31...Rfe8 32.Rf6+ Kh7 33.Bd4 Rcd8 34.Rd6 Rxd6 35.cxd6 and white doing well with the connected passed pawns.> Yes this looks right also (thanks for your time and interest) - I don't think I resigned I think it was adjudicated against me but I cant ...
(replies) indicates a reply to the comment.

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Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <ARival> Thanks -I found the link when I realised it wasn't via ACC - who are pretty slack - everything on there it is out of date - my brilliant victory over Steadman is not recorded!!

I spotted the Closet GM - it is a good tournament - shadowed by this Isaerli attack on Gaza - as they let an Israeli play. I feel there is a case here for a protest against his inclusion in - he may be a wonderful person and a good player - but politics is politics.

After all we get oil from the Arabs - what do we get from Israel? - it's just that it is basically a US base used by them as a diversion when it suits them - the US pour huge amounts of cash into Israel to keep it going...

I see BTW that the NZ Master Wade was a Communist. Interesting what they like to keep quiet in the Chess World.

So far neither the NCF or FIDE have any initiatives about the rogue state of Israel.

Meanwhile Israelis have leisurely picnics on the hills overlooking Gaza and cheer as the child-killing bombs and rockets slam into Gaza as the Palestinians carry on a heroic struggle against fascism. I only wish the Lebanese etc would attack. They did well in 2006. Israel was forced to a stalemate... And Hamas etc need more weapons - the Palestinians have been driven from their land by fascists - we shouldn't be playing chess with such people.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: <Is that Talbot Park on Pilki Road leading to the Roundabout?>

That's the one. Have they got their facts right about the original homestead being on West Tamaki Road? I might see if I can find it sometime.
I presume that the Taylor brothers mentioned are no relation to you.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> I haven't seen that homestead. I know the ones round Mt Wellington.

No - no relation. My father came out from England (London) about 1929 or so and my mother from Bedford or Northamtonshire, England (via Aussie). She came here when my grandfather left Kiribati about 1939 or so - that is before the Japs could get there...

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: There was also a farm I'm pretty sure owned by Courts - that is those who became George Courts. There were a lot of Chinese market gardens round here in the 30s to 40s and on to the 50s or so and even more recently. There was also race horse place here - and a famous race horse came from a farm on here somewhere - that is in GI - I forget the name...of the horse. Not the famous one the Aussies stole off us...forget the name (blanked on it)...

BTW I am starting to use "Flicker" so I will get my pics up there and organise them - a lot show scenes around here...I am going to upgrade my comp soon so I have only put a few up so far...

Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: That horse was Phar Lap I think. Wasn't aware of any horse from around GI though.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: Phar Lap - yes, that was the one I "blanked" on - but there is another famous horse (it was from GI) than won races - it is on the (historical and local) information sign on the footpath leading to GI on Pilki Road.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: The commentary on the Q-T International is quite witty and informative on that Blog (the Closet Grandmaster) - he is an Aussie I think. Gino Thornton is on and van Riemsdijk's son and so on and the commentator is there with a camera and also he keeps people informed of game progress if they ask and also if not. Diagrams and links are also given.

I actually fell asleep and woke up and all the games were finished but even reading through the comments (afterwards) is amusing...

Peter Wells and Cooper both tripped over one the big pawns (Paul Spiller;s)/ Smith it was noticed is always intense (he had draw with van Riemsdijk who beat him at last year's congress - I watched that game) and much else was noted...

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: Some of the commentary -the picture wouldn't copy but you can see it all up on the Blog

And coming to you live for round 4 from Queenstown.
2 Aussies in action on boards 1 and 2 . Both Sicilians. David in a sharper line. 12:24
[Comment From Andrew Stone]
I thought you were actually playing in the tourney amiel 12:24
No Stone...I secured another assignment which required me to actually pay attention to everything else. 12:26
[Comment From Gino T]
Shhh stone.
[Comment From Andrew Stone]
alrighty then, how come live game is not on yet
They are....3 of them, as usual
[Comment From Gino T]
They are
The round opened this afternoon with the usual announcements. Charamova scored a book prize (they hand these out daily) courtesy of Gambit Books. 12:28
Then they asked the titled players + foreigners for a photo op. 12:29
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
good evening/night to all
[Comment From Andrew Stone]
is it sunny there too? Just came back from running around welly.... courtesy of gambit books? more like courtesy of murray chandler? 12:29
Hey vanRFH....your dad just stopped by. He said it's already very late there in Brazil. 12:31
[Comment From Andrew McIntosh]
What is happening on board 2? Why has Jones not moved yet?? 12:31
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
00:30 in point
Jones isn't here yet
[Comment From Andrew Stone]
jones not there i think
[Comment From Gino T]
Will you be adding a queenstown set soon? Amiel.
Soon...when I get a chance. Maybe today when things quiet down. It's just that I'm always partying. 12:32
[Comment From Gino T]
Your such a genuis stone. How did you work that out?
Here's a group shot of the titled + foreign players. 12:33
[Comment From Gino T]
No problems Amiel. Yeah partying more important!!
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
oh dad is on front row :P
My goodness....Moro losing in 25 moves! In Corus, that is. 12:34
26 moves...I meant to say.
[Comment From Gino T]
Yeah. Smashed!!
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
Corus was very... violent today ^^
[Comment From Andrew Stone]
he's not that stable anyways
But, of course, Wesley So defeats Nijboer in the endgame. Nice. 12:36
A new service here in Queenstown was also published for today's round. Bulletins. 12:37
Very nice, if you can get them. But, my God, the event's carbon cost is surely soaring. The bulletins are printed on only 1 side of the paper. 12:37
[Comment From Gino T]
I see mike steadman is basically in front of you. What kind of opening is it? 12:38
It looks to be a Modern.
I see....lots of decisive games in Corus. Look at Howell losing to Bosboom! 12:40
[Comment From Andrew McIntosh]
Jones has turned up on board 2 :-)
Yes, and you should see him on the cam
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
I am lucky I got to see see it live and now see here live, good tihng to be on vacation ^^ 12:44
I was just walking around the centre of Qtown today when I saw a film crew doing some filming. It was a Bollywood movie. Rozentalis was there, too. I don't know about the GM, but I was quite amused by it all. 12:44
[Comment From MichaelF]
So how the weather in the deep south today?
Weather is fine, sunny. All that grey hasn't completed lifted, though. 12:45
Rozentalis is here on hols. He said it's the first time he's been to this part of the world. Post the event, he'll be driving around NZ. Too bad that we coudn't secure his appearance for an Aussie event. 12:46
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
I like Bollywoodian films, a bit silly sometimes, but I just love musicals 12:47
The Indian chicks are nice. At one time I think I may have been completel in love with Aishwarya Rai 12:48
[Comment From Gino T]
she is stunning!. She could level you with her eyes.
Jesus Gino, that's kinda deep.
12:48 [images_google_com]
[Comment From vanRiemsdijk FH]
Heh ture some of thme mare really beautyfull but there are nice woman all around the world 12:48
[Comment From Gino T]
Hahahaha i stole it from a movie.

Jan-19-09   Tactics0: Hello, sir. I just saw your post in Kibitzers' Cafe about the plane with the miscalculation about the amount of gas and that was successfully landed. I was wondering whether you were referring to the plane that was dubbed the "Gimli Glider" (possible misspelling). There was a episode of 'Air Crash Investigation' about it on Nat Geo sometime back.

(If you were not referring to it, please ignore this post completely.)

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Tactics0>

I'm not sure - but they made a film of it - it was somewhere in the North I think. The chief flight engineer was on board and they studied the manual!

It's a misconception that the big planes cant glide. But of course you need height and thermals etc as well as skilled flying (and some luck - as in a chess game!).

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: At the Queenstown Classic
GM Gawain Jones (Wales,England) lost this game today to GM Rozentalis, Eduardas (Lithuania) Interesting ending

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.0-0 Bd6 6.d4 exd4 7.Qxd4 f6 8.b3 Ne7 9.h3 Ng6 10.Ba3 Nh4 11.Qe3 Nxf3+ 12.Qxf3 0-0 13.Rd1 Qe7 14.Bxd6 cxd6 15.Qd3 Rd8 16.c4 Be6 17.Nc3 b5 18.Ne2 bxc4 19.bxc4 Qf7 20.Rac1 c5 21.Nf4 Rab8 22.Qc3 Rb4 23.Nd5 Bxd5 24.Rxd5 Qb7 25.Qd3 Rb8?

This is not a good plan - the ending he heads for is probably lost - better such as 21.. ..Qc7 and even then Rb6 and just holding on

26.Rxd6 Rb1 27.Rf1 Rxf1+ 28.Kxf1 Qb1+ 29.Qxb1 Rxb1+ 30.Ke2 Rc1 31.Rxa6 Rxc4 32.Ke3 Rc2

The ending is lost for Black - although many R + P endings are a draw with just one pawn up - I think the fact of having a central majority and an outside pawn decides here.

33.a4 Rc3+ 34.Kd2 Ra3 35.f4 h5 36.a5 Ra4 37.Kd3 Ra3+ 38.Kc4 Ra4+ 39.Kxc5 Rxe4 40.Rc6 Rxf4 41.a6 Kh7 42.a7 Ra4 43.Kb6 Kg6 44.Rc5 1-0

Instructive ending.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: In this game IM Paul Garbett as White should have drawn with GM Mastrovassilis but tragically made the wrong check...

[Event "Queenstown Classic 2009"]
[Site "Queenstown, NZ"]
[Date "2009.01.21"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Paul Garbett"]
[Black "Mastrovilis"]
[Result "0-1"]

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 c6 4. e3 f5 5. Ne5 Nf6 6. Bd3 Bd6 7. f4 O-O 8. O-O Qe7 9. Nc3 Ne4 10. Nxe4 dxe4 11. Be2 Nd7 12. Nxd7 Bxd7 13. c5 Bc7 14. b4 a5 15. bxa5 Rxa5 16. Rb1 Rxa2 17. Rxb7 Bc8 18. Rb2 Ra8 19. Qb3 Ba6 20. Bxa6 Rxa6 21. Qb7 Rfa8 22. Bd2 Qd7 23. Rfb1 R6a7 24. Qb3 h6 25. Qc4 Kh7 26. Bc3 Bd8 27. Rb8 Rxb8 28. Rxb8 Bc7 29. Rb4 g5 30. fxg5 hxg5

IM Paul Garbett has played well here - holding the game up against the GM.

31. Ra4 Rb7 32. Rb4
Ra7 33. Ra4 Rb7 34. Rb4 Rxb4 35. Qxb4 Kg6 36. g3 Qc8 37. Qb3 g4 38. Qa2 Bd8 39. Qa7 Bf6 40. Kg2 Qd8 41. Kg1 Qd5 42. Qb8 Qa2 43. d5!??!!

Courageous, and imaginative, but risky (and probably sound) - but Paul could have just played say 43. Qb2=

click for larger view

Bxc3 44. Qg8+ ??

This loses. Gino Thornton correctly commented that 44. Qe8+! draws. And using Fritz (and playing carefully) it does.

Bg7 45. Qxe6+ (checkmate is now forced) Kg5 46. Qxc6 Qb1+ 47. Kf2 Qc2+ 48. Ke1 Bc3+ 49. Kf1 Qd1+ 0-1

A tragedy for P Garbett - he didn't need to take risks...

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: GM Johansen of Australia had the advantage when he repeated moves - and unlike poor Paul he got some points against a strong player the Israeli Victor Mikhalevksi (Yes I am not happy with an Israeli player being involved - BUT this is not personal to Victor) Politics and slaughter aside he is a good player. Johansen did well...

1.c4 e6 2.Nc3 d5 3.d4 Bb4 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bf4 c5 6.e3 Nc6 7.dxc5 Qa5 8.Nge2 Bg4 9.f3 Be6 10.a3 Bxc3+ 11.Nxc3 Qxc5 12.Nb5 Rd8 13.Rc1 [13.Nc7+ Kf8 14.Bb5 d4 15.Rc1 Qb6 16.Qd3 Nf6] 13...Qe7 14.Qa4 g5 15.Bc7 Rd7 16.Bg3 Bf5 17.Kf2 Qf6 18.Nd4 Nge7 19.h4 g4 20.h5 0-0 21.Bh4 Qe5 22.Bg3 Qf6 23.Bh4 Qe5 24.Bg3 Qf6 ½-½

My computer gave an advantage for White but that is easy for me with a computer sitting 600 miles away! - in fact it is complex position and it is hard to see how White can gain ground - Johansen did the right thing. OTB chess is not computer chess! And draw with a 2600+ GM is nothing to cry about!!

Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: <Richard> The Leonard Cohen concert last night was brilliant. For a 74-year-old he was very active on stage and his baritone voice is still intact for songs like "Bird On A Wire", "Democracy", "First We Take Manhattan", "Who By Fire" and the lovely "Suzanne". He also did a few things that I wasn't familiar with but many others in the audience obviously were. A poem called "A Thousand Kisses Deep" and a some others kept the fans enraptured. I need to explore deeper into his back catalogue.
It was a very entertaining and pleasant evening and one I'm glad I was there to experience.
Jan-23-09   Crocomule: Thanks for the reply!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> Great! I have heard his songs - I have a woman friend and one romantic evening - lol - she was playing Cohen - I met her in the poetic - uni-circle and am still a friend... in those days I imbibed quite a bit of the sacred Ichor so it fueled my romantic inclinations (relaxing me - one good thing about the Ichor!) - but also the Cohen songs.

Then later I picked up three of his books of poetry.

In addition I sold "Beautiful Losers" his novel for a reasonable amount...

Just now going through some poetry in big book I got from the library (with CDs) and while I have a wide knowledge of literature there are writers there I wasn't so familiar with - there are many of the "usual suspects" from Tennyson (recorded on Edison's wax cylinders) and to Whitman and on to Yeats, Joyce, Eliot to Laura Riding (one time lover of Robert Graves who is also on there) Bishop and so on but there are many I either didn't know or hadn't paid much attention to - such as St Vincent Millay, Louise Bogan, HD, Langston Hughes, Robinson Jeffers, May Swenson (wonderful reading voice she had and great poems)and many others; no Cohen though but I will find him reading somewhere for sure.

He is unusual for a singer/poet in that his poetry is also present in his lyrics (most singers have lyrics that - read without music - are quite terrible!) ...perhaps one who can bridge music is my publisher Bill Direen (Titus Books) - who sings, writes poetry, novels, plays in bands in Germany and France and also teaches at Uni in NZ ! Also he tours here - his performances are a bridge between the spoken word and poetry and song...he is - when he gets going quite unusual and a kind of genius.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: Another factor: Why I will be considering actively opposing Israeli Chess players in NZ (and elsewhere) in the future. This may mean that I will become unpopular and I may have to give up OTB Chess. So be it.

This shows the pernicious and obscene relationship of the US Imperialists to Israel and explains where the Israeli Militarists get their weapons etc

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 8 (IPS) - The devastating Israeli firepower, unleashed largely on Palestinian civilians in Gaza during two weeks of fighting, is the product of advanced U.S. military technology.

The U.S. weapons systems used by the Israelis -- including F-16 fighter planes, Apache helicopters, tactical missiles and a wide array of munitions -- have been provided by Washington mostly as outright military grants.

The administration of President George W. Bush alone has provided over 21 billion dollars in U.S. security assistance over the last eight years, including 19 billion dollars in direct military aid as freebies.

"Israel's intervention in the Gaza Strip has been fueled largely by U.S. supplied weapons paid for with U.S. tax dollars," says a background briefing released Thursday by the Arms and Security Initiative of the New York-based New America Foundation.

"The Bush administration has been unwilling to use its considerable influence -- as Israel's major military and political backer -- to dissuade the government in Tel Aviv from its pattern of claiming self-defence while perpetrating collective punishment, human rights violations and undertaking massively disproportionate attacks that harm and kill civilians," Frida Berrigan, senior programme associate at the New America Foundation, told IPS.

Besides military aid, the United States has contracted more than 22 billion dollars in arms sales to Israel in 2008 alone, including a proposed deal for 75 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, nine C-130J-30 military transport aircraft and four combat ships.

"So, when Israeli forces engage in combat in Gaza or the West Bank, they are more often than not using U.S.-designed systems that were either made in the United States or produced under licence in Israel," says the New America Foundation.

The two-week military onslaught has resulted in the deaths of over 700 Palestinians, including more than 300 civilians, mostly victims of U.S. weaponry.

In comparison, the Israeli death toll is about seven soldiers and four civilians, primarily due to "friendly fire", or victims of rocket attacks by Hamas.

Mouin Rabbani, contributing editor at the Washington-based Middle East Report, says the intimacy of the U.S.-Israeli military relationship, and the frequency with which Israel launches wars, means that the Israeli military also performs the function of testing newly-developed weapons systems in actual warfare, which is of value to both Israel and the United States.

"Twice over, in fact, because less effective versions of these same weapons systems are subsequently sold at hugely inflated prices to Arab states, which effectively subsidises the U.S. weapons industry and U.S. military grants to Israel," he told IPS.

Tracing historical links, Rabbani said Israel replaced South Vietnam as the primary recipient of U.S. foreign military aid in the 1970s and has maintained that status ever since.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: With consistently fewer exceptions over the years, he pointed out, Israel has the run of the U.S. arsenal, particularly with regard to obtaining new and advanced weapons that are not sold (or, as in the present case, given) to non-NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) allies.

He said that Israel is also permitted to participate in various U.S. weapons development programmes, meaning that in addition to weapons deliveries it benefits enormously from the transfer of military technologies.

"Israel also has access to various U.S. intelligence programmes and data, and the list goes on for quite some length," Rabbani added.

Last week, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Democrat of Ohio) wrote a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice pointing out that Israel's use of U.S. weapons in Gaza may constitute a violation of the requirements of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) of 1976.

The AECA outlines the conditions under which countries may use U.S. weapons systems, primarily for "internal security" or "legitimate self defence".

The letter says that Israeli forces have used U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter planes and Apache helicopters "to precede and to support ongoing ground actions such as the one in which 40 Palestinians were killed while taking shelter in a U.N. facility."

"Israel is not exempt from international law and must be held accountable," he added.

Berrigan said that with the onslaught about to enter its third week, hundreds of Gazans killed and wounded, 10 Israelis killed and more wounded, Hamas continuing to launch rocket attacks and a grave danger that the conflict will widen to include Lebanon, President-elect Barack Obama "will step into a bed of molten hot quicksand on Jan. 20."

"It will be difficult for the new administration to turn the tide of U.S.-Israeli relations and challenge Israeli exceptionalism, but it is urgently necessary," she added.

Rabbani pointed out that given the level of U.S. military assistance to Israel, the deployment of these weapons in the current onslaught against the Gaza Strip, and U.S. political support for Israel during this crisis, Palestinians could be forgiven for insisting the U.S. shares direct responsibility.

"While I would by no means dismiss the issue of U.S. military transfers to Israel in their various forms and dimensions, the key issue is nevertheless the impunity with which these are used," he added.

It is this impunity, rather than the weapons transfers in and of themselves, that accounts for Israel's ability to sow widespread death and destruction throughout the Gaza Strip at will.

Asked if there would a change in policy under an Obama administration, Rabbani said: "I don't see any indication that things are set to change once Obama takes office".

Premium Chessgames Member
  Jonathan Sarfati: Solomon,S (2460) - West,G (2346) [C10]
Queenstown Classic Queenstown (9.7), 23.01.2009

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.g3 Ngf6 6.Nxf6+ Qxf6 7.Nf3 Bd6 8.Bg5 Qg6 9.Bd3 f5 10.Qe2 0-0 11.0-0-0 e5 12.h4! exd4 13.h5 Qe8 14.Bc4+ Kh8 15.Nh4 h6 16.Ng6+ Kh7 17.Nxf8+ Qxf8 18.Bf4 Bxf4+ 19.gxf4 c5 20.Rde1 Nb6 21.Qe7! Bd7 [21...Qxe7 22.Rxe7 Nxc4 23.Rg1 Kg8 24.Rgxg7+ Kh8 (24...Kf8 25.Ref7+ Ke8 26.Rf6 Nb6 27.Rxh6 Kf8 28.Rhh7 Be6 29.h6) 25.Rg6 Nb6 26.Re8+ Kh7 27.Reg8] 22.Rhg1 Nxc4 23.Qxd7 Nb6 24.Qxb7 Rb8 25.Rxg7+ Qxg7 26.Qxb8 Nd5 27.Qd6 1-0

Premium Chessgames Member
  Jonathan Sarfati: The Queenstown victor, IM David Smerdon (Australia), wins convincingly against GM Rozentalis (Latvia):

1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.c4 Nb6 5.exd6 cxd6 6.Nc3 g6 7.Bd3 Nc6 8.d5 Ne5 9.Nge2 Bg7 10.0-0 a5 11.Be3 0-0 12.b3 a4 13.Bc2 axb3 14.axb3 Rxa1 15.Qxa1 Ng4 16.Bd4 e5 17.dxe6 Bxd4 18.Nxd4 fxe6 19.h3 Nxf2 20.Nde2 d5 21.Rxf2 Rxf2 22.Kxf2 d4 23.Ne4 d3 24.Bxd3 Qxd3 25.Qe5 Bd7 26.Nf4 Qc2+ 27.Kg1 Qxb3 28.Nxe6 Bxe6 29.Qxe6+ Kf8 30.Nd6 Qd1+ 31.Kh2 Qf1 32.Qe8+ Kg7 33.Qe7+ Kg8 34.Qd8+ 1-0

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Jonathan Sarfati> Two good games -thanks - I saw the Smerdon game - Rosentalis's attack was ingenious but he lost control of the a1 - h8 and the dark squares etc I think he had to play 19 .. Nf6 (not good (psychologically at least!) to retreat but 19 ..Nxf2 while interesting and courageous was unsound I think..

The top Aust players seemed younger overall than the kiwis...

Solomon did well also.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: Hermann van Riemsdijk won the MIT 25 5 rapid today - I scraped up 2 points. Good turnout of strong players in the A - also the B and C were well attended. Well run tourney (by ARival, John McRae, and Bruce Pollard etal)
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: <Richard> Is there any play on Sunday?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Richard Taylor: <Benzol> No it was just Saturday.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Benzol: <Richard> 2nd Queenstown Chess Classic (2009)
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