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Member since Sep-23-06 · Last seen Sep-09-08
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   binshkeerfortt has kibitzed 16 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Dec-08-07 Carlsen vs Kamsky, 2007 (replies)
binshkeerfortt: This is going to be an explendid match!!! go!! Carlsen and Kamsky Both are good, show us some power in the board.
   Nov-19-07 Ivanchuk vs Kramnik, 2007 (replies)
binshkeerfortt: What a Happy Ending!!! :P
   Nov-15-07 Kramnik vs E Alekseev, 2007 (replies)
binshkeerfortt: I Think that one fianchetto is going to be made, by any of them or just one, but that across line will be done. I wonder if Kramnik Will make a Reti opening or even a Kings Indian Attack.
   Jul-17-07 Fischer vs Fine, 1963 (replies)
binshkeerfortt: Could somebady please explain me correctly all this puzzle, I'm not quite shure of how is it going, please if anybody tells me, I'll thank him a Lot.
   Jul-01-07 Y Shulman vs The World, 2007 (replies)
binshkeerfortt: Look, (for everyone), we have the double os pawns than he has, and we have an advantage for the rook, that its a powerful piece against that two bishops that are in fianchetto, because one have to protect the king, and the other is blocked by that pawn. Also, our Queen, (now,
   Sep-24-06 Kramnik vs Topalov, 2006 (replies)
binshkeerfortt: Kramnik should focus on a hard-concrete attack, I have been analyze the other 2 games, and Topalov use to focus on debilitate centre, and Kramnik always use all the possible attacks. In My opinion "Kramnik: make a massive attack, a semi defensive-ofensive attack".
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