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Member since Oct-28-06
1 P-K4 P-K4 2 P-KB4 PxP 3 N-KB3 P-Q3!
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   Current net-worth: 2,785 chessbucks
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   gorash has kibitzed 220 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Dec-17-08 Elista Grand Prix (2008) (replies)
gorash: <notyetagm> don't forget that he had only seconds left on his clock
   Nov-19-08 Zoltan Almasi
gorash: <Katu> the white bishop stands on b5 as far as I can make it out, so it's a 4.d3 Bc5 Ruy Lopez Berlin instead
   Nov-17-08 Olympiad (2008) (replies)
gorash: 124.Rf8 was the only move to hold the draw.
   Oct-21-08 Anand-Kramnik World Championship Match (2008) (replies)
gorash: I'm rooting for Anand but I feel sorry for Kramnik. He does not deserve to be at -3 after the first half. Hope he doesn't give it up mentally after all this atrocity.
   Oct-05-08 Morozevich vs Svidler, 2008 (replies)
gorash: wonderful endgame by Svidler
   Sep-22-08 A Nickel vs The World, 2008 (replies)
gorash: <BAG> I don't understand you comment. Which knight capture would open up our "castle"?
   Sep-12-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
gorash: Chucky is either a genius or a fool: down to 3 minutes
   Aug-27-08 Leko vs Gelfand, 2008
gorash: white can't afford to hold on to that pawn, his position is just too passive
   Aug-25-08 Tal Memorial (2008) (replies)
gorash: Leko wins with the neat Ra3!
   Aug-09-08 FIDE Grand Prix (2008) (replies)
gorash: <Slaven MNE> the position you are talking about is a tablebase draw
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