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old coot
Member since Sep-15-05 · Last seen Aug-26-08
I live in New York City, have not played tournament chess in over 20 years, and my interest now is almost entirely in playing over GM games. My last USCF rating was 1793, but doubt I could play at that level now.
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   old coot has kibitzed 15 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Apr-02-08 Lasker vs Ed Lasker, 1924 (replies)
old coot: <boomie> goes to six pieces and is free
   Mar-21-08 G Sigurjonsson vs L Ogaard, 1978 (replies)
old coot: <Udayan Owen et al> keep the long analysis coming. I very rarely follow it out (would be better player if I did) but I like knowing it is there, and others may want to see it. Been following this site for 3 years now and have no trouble scrolling through what I do not read.
   Oct-22-07 Kan vs Botvinnik, 1935 (replies)
old coot: <Kapustka: 7.Qb5 looks like an opening trick> Opening explorer indicates that this is the move in most of the games. According to it, black erred with his 9th move, which should have been Ne6.
   Jul-31-06 A Volokitin vs Morozevich, 2006 (replies)
old coot: Offield: What is an icosatriophobe? Can't find it in my Merriam-Webster. Or in my Funk&Wagnalls.;
   Jun-28-06 S Nyysti vs O Sisatto, 2002 (replies)
old coot: The dovetail mate may be named not for the bird, but for the dovetail joint, which occurs in carpentry and cabinetmaking.
   May-14-06 Benko vs Vukcevich, 1969 (replies)
old coot: Last!
   May-08-06 Sherard / Wilmot vs Burn, 1897 (replies)
old coot: Thanks, FICSwoodpusher.
   Feb-26-06 Nimzowitsch vs J W Baird, 1905 (replies)
old coot: I read the book 30+ years ago, and my memory is fuzzy, but it seems to me I learned a lot. "Chess Praxis" was a game collection to illustrate the principles in the book "My System" and was best studied in combination with that book.
   Oct-10-05 Adams vs Topalov, 2005 (replies)
old coot: If English were the only language allowed, I would not have learned my one phrase of Bulgarian: Ima li Bulgari tuka .
   Oct-09-05 Topalov vs Morozevich, 2005 (replies)
old coot: A draw like Anand-Topa would indeed be disappointing, but no one should complain if we get one like Svidler-Kasim . I'll watch draws like that every day.
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