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Member since May-05-06 · Last seen Sep-08-08
I haven't played in tournaments in many years due to my time-demanding job, but I am fairly strong and carefully follow the world chess scene.
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   maxi has kibitzed 275 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-08-08 Robert James Fischer
maxi: It would seem Fischer committed spiritual suicide. It is all the rage nowadays, everybody is doing it.
   Sep-02-08 Capablanca vs H Steiner, 1933
maxi: I always have been bothered by Steiner's statement. Chessgames gives Capa 4 wins and a draw against Steiner. A fixing of this game seems to be completely uncharacteristic of what I know about Capa. I wonder if Steiner lied.
   Sep-01-08 Bagirov vs K Grigorian, 1976 (replies)
maxi: Wasn't this a correspondence game?
   Aug-29-08 Kasparov vs Deep Blue, 1997
maxi: Surprise, Kasparov! A program, like any other player, can play some positions better than other.
   Aug-29-08 Alekhine vs Van Mindeno, 1933 (replies)
maxi: <VooDooMoves> There are two old rules to remember when calculating lines, and nobody tells you this. First, when calculating a combination try all possible orders of the moves. Second, just before moving give the board a last quick look, to make sure you are not getting mated or ...
   Aug-26-08 Bronstein vs Fidelity, 1991 (replies)
maxi: <TiTi> 6.Nxe4 d5
   Aug-24-08 Sliwa vs Bronstein, 1957 (replies)
maxi: David should have played 29...Bf5; you never know, White could move his Knight and get mated.
   Aug-15-08 Karpov vs Kramnik, 1994 (replies)
maxi: Absolutely. I have always liked them, although they tend to be a tad sensationalist.
   Aug-04-08 E Alekseev vs L Dominguez, 2008 (replies)
maxi: What an interesting game!
   Aug-03-08 M Gerusel vs Lombardy, 1957 (replies)
maxi: Bronstein had a theory that one should not try to refute a weak move, because usually it is a prelude to an even weaker move.
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