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Woody Wood Pusher
Member since Jun-09-08 · Last seen Sep-12-08
My favourite player is Anatoli Karpov. I got a copy of his best games when I was just starting out and it has remained my model for chess play ever since.

I also like Kasparov, and the brilliancies of Alekhine and Tal, but positional play remains the most appealing to me!

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   Woody Wood Pusher has kibitzed 552 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-12-08 O Bernstein vs Metger, 1907 (replies)
Woody Wood Pusher: < ToTheDeath: I went with 20. Neg5 fxg5 21. Nxe5 threating to take on d7 and the classic smothered mate. This should win but Bernstein's line is much stronger.> Hey <TTD> I saw 20. Neg5, fxg5 and the threats and actually spent more time working out whether 21. ...
   Sep-12-08 Viswanathan Anand
Woody Wood Pusher: < GK "had personal problems"> Polgar is on record saying she would not have played a match under the same circumstances. A match for the WC is much more stressful than any tournament. If GK had underlying personal/emotional pressure there is a good chance only a ...
   Sep-11-08 Woody Wood Pusher chessforum (replies)
Woody Wood Pusher: <Dom> <not the later stuff about ghost wars between million-year-old aliens inside us> I don't know much about Scientology, but that just sounds too unbelievable......what will they ask us to believe next? I know, Tom Cruise was born of a virgin, sorry I ...
   Sep-11-08 Nigel Short (replies)
Woody Wood Pusher: <He may use some of the same words, but notice he also makes coherent points. And it doesn't make him a troll.> What is it with people labeling others trolls just because they do not agree with them? Would there even be a point in a site like this if everyone agreed ...
   Sep-11-08 Kasparov vs Karpov, 1990
Woody Wood Pusher: 8...Nb6 was a novelty prepared by Karpov's seconds in the match. Unfortunately for Karpov, he did not check the analysis throughly himself and the position, instead of being slightly favourable for black was heavily in white's favour. Kasparov had analysed this line ...
   Sep-11-08 Kramnik vs Anand, 2008
Woody Wood Pusher: <Abejorral: I love to see the draw master Kramnik losing> LOL Anytime Drawnik the coward 'champion' loses it is a good day for chess!
   Sep-11-08 Karpov vs Nedelin, 1961
Woody Wood Pusher: Great game, black pushes too hard and loses. But seeing as Karpov was only 10 I guess his opponent didn't have too much to go on. lol
   Sep-11-08 Kramnik vs Kasparov, 2000 (replies)
Woody Wood Pusher: During this game, Drawnik decided 'if I win, I will run with the title rematch for this guy, he plays too well!'
   Sep-11-08 Anatoli Karpov (replies)
Woody Wood Pusher: Ooops.... I meant 'at 15 he became the youngest chess master in the soviet union'...still impressive enough though!
   Sep-11-08 Znosko-Borovsky vs M Lewitt, 1906 (replies)
Woody Wood Pusher: < TheCap: 25. Nh6 gxh6 26. gxh6 Kh8 27. Rg5 Qf7 28. Rhg3 and mate in 6> LOL I'm afraid that just loses you the knight for no decisive attack. 27...Qf6 28. Rg3, Be7 and you have nothing - +
(replies) indicates a reply to the comment.
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Premium Chessgames Member
  hms123: <WWP> I just saw your post on the puzzle of the day page (Jansa vs Smejkal) and I have some friendly advice. That is pretty tight-knit, and respectful and friendly, group--so if you want to post there you should probably try to adapt to their norms. Disrespectful comments about GMs (especially when you didn't do your own checking first on who they are) are not likely to go over big.

I mean this to be helpful advice. It probably applies generally--every little subgroup has its quirks. You will be welcome everywhere--but it is up to you to figure out how to fit in. thanks--hms

Premium Chessgames Member
  Woody Wood Pusher: <hms123> I call it like I see it pal, if somebody gets their toes stepped on because their player happened to play a poor game well they can just go cry me a river.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Woody Wood Pusher: <dom> thanks for the directions, <jessica> pointed out how to do it as well so thank you both.
Premium Chessgames Member
  hms123: <WWP> That's fine with me--I like those who are straight-forward in their views and their comments. Stop by my place any time. thanks--hms
Premium Chessgames Member
  hms123: <WWP> you're quick! thanks for the visit--hms
Premium Chessgames Member
  Red October: though we dont agree about Kramnik, we certainly do about Karpov! what a player!! another player I like is Robert Huebner
Premium Chessgames Member
  ToTheDeath: Congrats on the forum WWP. <hms123>- You act as if people who post on this site should try to fit in with some clique. They really don't have to.
Premium Chessgames Member
  jessicafischerqueen: There are cliques here?

How do I sign up? Is there a fee?

Premium Chessgames Member
  ToTheDeath: Yes there is <jessicafischerqueen>, but you too can join for the low, low rate of $99.95 a month. Just send your Paypal payments to
Premium Chessgames Member
  jessicafischerqueen: <To The Death>


I will send my payment immediately. Unfortunately I'll have to pay with Koran Won.

I want to join the <irresponsible posting> clique, please.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: Heh. What <Jess> *really* means - if I may be so bold, milady - is that she wants to join *both* factions of the <irresponsible posting> clique, and set 'em at one another's throats.

She enjoys bear-baiting too. And making frogs jump.

Premium Chessgames Member
  jessicafischerqueen: Hey! No accusing me of being in <Yojimbo>!!

Do I LOOK like a <Manly Japanese Film Star Samurai guy>???

Also, that <frog> had it coming. Turns out he had friends in very high places though.

Luckily <Eyal> warned me before I got whisked off to the back room of a lily pad.

Premium Chessgames Member
  chessmoron: はい
Premium Chessgames Member
  Boomie: <Domdaniel: Heh. What <Jess> *really* means - if I may be so bold, milady - is that she wants to join *both* factions of the <irresponsible posting> clique, and set 'em at one another's throats.>

Let's sign Jessie up on one side, Mrs. Alekhine on the other, stand back and watch the fur fly.

Premium Chessgames Member
  jessicafischerqueen: <GM Timofeev>:

You better not side with that old bag over me buster!

Premium Chessgames Member
  Boomie: <jessicafischerqueen: <GM Timofeev>:

You better not side with that old bag over me buster!>

To get next to her hubby, ya gotta suck up.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: <watch the fur fly.> Yeah, sounds like fun. <watch the skin and hair fly> is another variation.

I'm currently watching The Tulse Luper Suitcases -- Greenaway being self-referential. Those suitcases are the only old bags which interest me at the moment.

btw, Mme Alekhine was ladies' chess champ of Paris in 1944. When do we see some games? Did she ever play Mrs Duchamp? Or Rrose Selavy?

Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: <Woody> Forgive the intrusion. Anyway, I'm more of a Karpov fan too. Remember when he said his hobbies were 'Marxism and stamp collecting'?

Me too, for a few weeks at the age of eleven.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Woody Wood Pusher: <Me too, for a few weeks at the age of eleven.>

Marxism at 11? What next Scientology at 14?

Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: <Woody> Close enough, actually. I lived somewhere where mounds of Hubbard writings arrived in the mail, aimed at a previous tenant. No forwarding address. So naturally I kept it and read it all.

Like Marxism, though, I was never inclined to actually join up. Just to observe.

Premium Chessgames Member
  boz: Sorry to interrupt, Woody. What did you find out <Domdaniel>? I'm curious to know. Didn't Hubbard spy on Crowley at one time?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: <boz> I don't know if it was spying exactly, but Hubbard moved in Crowleyan circles in L.A. around 1940. But my info here is from a book -- The Bare-faced Messiah, by Russell Miller -- which is *not* approved by the scientologists. It's also hilarious.

One story -- around the early 1970s, L.Ron ran the show from 'sea org' - a 'fleet' of three small-ish ships cruising the Mediterranean. One day, one of his smaller boats cut across Ron and almost collided with him. He was furious.

At this point, scientology rules decreed various levels of punishment for members who transgressed (the highest level was called 'fair game', which is self-explanatory). A lesser, non-lethal punishment said that the violator could not wash, shave etc and had to wear a dirty rag tied around his arm, until deemed to be purged.

So Ron ordained this punishment for the boat that cut across him. They tied a dirty tarpaulin round the funnel, and were not allowed to scrub the decks ...

As far as I know, btw, the author of Bare-faced Messiah, Russell Miller, was declared 'fair game' and got some serious harassment from the church. William Burroughs was also declared outcast for writing 'Naked Scientology'.

Burroughs, interestingly, had joined in good faith. He liked the sound of Ron's ideas (the earlier ones about psychological reprogramming and engrams, at least - not the later stuff about ghost wars between million-year-old aliens inside us).

Burroughs wrote: either Hubbard has made the most important discoveries of the century - in which case he should share them with the scientific community and the world - or he is a charlatan.

Of course, with L.Ron dead, scientology has moved on to the next phase. Weber called it 'the routinization of charisma' -- the stage where the bureaucrats and marketeers repackage the original ideas and settle down for the long haul. Christianity did this too, around the end of the 1st century AD.

Crowley's longest stay in America was during World War I, as far as I know. He lived until 1947, but his later years were spent in England and Italy mainly. The people Hubbard associated with were Crowleyites - but I don't know whether the two ever met.

Both, of course, were fantastic liars. There's a neatness in having them spy on one another (or a movie plot -- any offers?) but as to whether it would ever yield actual information ....

Premium Chessgames Member
  Pyke: <Woody Wood Pusher> Good to see that you have a forum now.

Enjoy it.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Woody Wood Pusher: <Dom> <not the later stuff about ghost wars between million-year-old aliens inside us>

I don't know much about Scientology, but that just sounds too unbelievable......what will they ask us to believe next? I know, Tom Cruise was born of a virgin, sorry I forgot.

Premium Chessgames Member
  jessicafischerqueen: <scientologists> are bush league compared to <Mormons> when it comes to making laughable truth claims.

Heh-- there was an Old School Hip Hop act called "900 foot Jesus" in honor of the <Mormons>.

Ok they saw Jesus in the desert in America. Fair enough. But why did he have to be 900 feet tall?

You'd think his stature would be guaranteed by history-- no need to make him into a Goliath.

Plus, the unintentional irony that Jesus was all for the "Little guy" etc.


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