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lost in space
Member since Apr-03-08 · Last seen Sep-12-08
I am 46 year old, living in Wiesbaden, Germany. Was playing in a chess club from 1980 to 1995, droped it due to time reasons afterwards. Today playing chess just for fun. Full Member

   lost in space has kibitzed 456 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-12-08 O Bernstein vs Metger, 1907 (replies)
lost in space: Very nice combo 20. Neg5! fxg5 or 20...Qf5? 21. Nf7+ Kg8 22. Nh6+ Kh8 23. Qg8+ Rxg8 24. Nf7# (love this mate, impossible not to post it!) 21. Rxd7! Qxd7 or 21...Bf6 22. Qf7 Qf5 23. Nd2 Rc8 24 Ne4 is hopeless for Black (but maybe comps will see the line as best) 22. Nxe5 ...
   Sep-11-08 Znosko-Borovsky vs M Lewitt, 1906 (replies)
lost in space: A puzzle without participation of <dzechiel> is not really complete....
   Sep-11-08 Karpova chessforum (replies)
   Sep-11-08 A Nickel vs The World, 2008 (replies)
lost in space: for the list: voted for 5...g6
   Sep-10-08 Petrosian vs A Matanovic, 1959 (replies)
lost in space: <<ycsidneyY> wrote: I am lost>. You are welcome, I am lost in space.
   Sep-09-08 Waitaka chessforum (replies)
   Sep-09-08 R Kuijf vs I Rogers, 1989 (replies)
lost in space: Just saw, that 31. Nxf6+ gxf6 32. Qd8+ Kg7 33. Qe7+ Kh6 34. Qf7 Qe6 35. Be3+ Nf4 36. Qf8+ is maybe a little less forcing but at the end even better than the text
   Sep-08-08 Jansa vs Smejkal, 1969 (replies)
lost in space: <<YouRang> wrote: Took me a long time to find it. :-( (snip) Nothing to be proud of here... :-p > Same with me
   Sep-07-08 G Vescovi vs R Szuhanek, 1994 (replies)
lost in space: Hi <MostlyAverageJoe>, Could you please join the workd team with your wonder comp and your program. Could be really helpfull.
   Sep-06-08 Anand vs Carlsen, 2008 (replies)
lost in space: I found 17.... Rfh6 18...Rhf6 especially strange (not so much move 17, but 18) . Any obvious reason I am overlooking?
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