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Member since Mar-22-08 · Last seen Sep-12-08
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   NewLine has kibitzed 44 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-12-08 H Uuetoa vs A Mayo, 1999 (replies)
NewLine: No way is this sac sound! Unless you have such a weak opponent and you want it to be interesting...
   Sep-08-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
NewLine: I am wondering, according to the rating of the two contested WCC players, what kind of respect the next champion will get...
   Sep-03-08 Topalov vs Aronian, 2008 (replies)
NewLine: Anand looks like he doesn't will to play at all, even with white. While Radjabov had tried to avoid the draw earlier in the game, Anand had just forced it. This is very uncool. He just ruins the game!
   Aug-27-08 R Bancod vs M Russell, 2007 (replies)
NewLine: Since 15...g5, black had started a deadly attack on the white king; however white just toying on the queen side with 19.Nxb5, 22.Qb2, 23.bxc4, 25.cxd5, eventually leaving his king hopelessly. Not wise choices by white IMO.
   Aug-26-08 Tal Memorial (2008) (replies)
NewLine: No doubts both Carlsen and Ivanchuk had shown the most inspired chess of this year. Carlsen did win more tournaments, but Ivanchuk had beaten Carlsen... I would give them both...
   Jul-24-08 Kharlov vs Ivanchuk, 2005 (replies)
NewLine: <zooter> 56.g5+ Kxg5 57.f4+ Kh6 (Kh5 58.Rh7#) 58.Kg4 win. 56.g5+ Kh5 57.Rh7+ Kxg5 58.f4#
   Jul-20-08 Christiansen vs Wojtkiewicz, 2006 (replies)
NewLine: This game makes me feel uncomfortable with the sicilian. It looks so fragile!
   Jul-13-08 A Zakharov vs A Petrushin, 1973 (replies)
NewLine: Some explanations about the mid-game attack will be great. I mean, a can't understand what's going on from the 25th move... Brilliant puzzle, BTW, close to "Impossible" level, so I don't blame Zakharov for not seeing the correct move during the game...
   Jul-06-08 Sparkassen Chess Meeting (2008) (replies)
NewLine: I can't imagine a world champion with so poor performance. Maybe there is a problem with FIDE system after all?
   Jul-06-08 Ivanchuk vs Kramnik, 2008 (replies)
NewLine: 48.Kh2 Rb1==
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