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Member since Oct-01-03
A former player and trainer from Israel, not in buisness for 20 years. These days I follow games in, read books of and about the greatests and about chess thought.

   erimiro1 has kibitzed 301 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Aug-02-08 Hort vs S Kagan, 1970
erimiro1: Intereseting defence by Kagan, who gave up his 2 rooks for 2 bishops. It worked so good that at the final position I'm not sure who stands better. Probably the 2 players didn't want to take any risk, so they agreed to draw.
   Jul-19-08 Browne vs Kosteniuk, 2004 (replies)
erimiro1: <kevin86>I also thought about that song
   Jul-14-08 Geller vs G Garcia, 1978 (replies)
erimiro1: Ah, sorry <pastpawn> I see that you've asked the same question before me
   Jul-10-08 Korchnoi vs Geller, 1954
erimiro1: The key moment is 14.Rg1!?. Geller accepted the challenge by 14.-N:f3? that probably was the losing move. Better move 14. -R-c8! was tried also in 1954 in Jugoslavia, and black won. So 14.Rg1 is considered to be too risky. In 1955 a Spanish player (Pablo Moran) tried another move: ...
   Apr-10-08 Rohde vs I Rogers, 1982 (replies)
erimiro1: Also deadly and more elegant: 19.-B:e3
   Apr-09-08 Karpov vs Piskunov, 1962 (replies)
erimiro1: <al wazir>That's why I rejected 35. Ne5 for 35.Nf4 that isn't blocking the e rank. Black is helpless against N:g6
   Oct-15-07 Znosko-Borovsky vs Salwe, 1907 (replies)
erimiro1: <MostlyAverageJoe> You are wrong. After 46.Ra8 R:h7 47.Ra4+ K-g5/e5 48.K:f3 It's a draw
   Sep-19-07 Euwe vs Tal, 1961 (replies)
erimiro1: To sac a queen against Tal? Euwe, far from his glory days, proved by 12.e5!!, that once a world champion - always a world champion. He had to calculate his brilliant combination very accurately, and to realise, for instance, that the B at g7 is going to be captured. Tal, on the ...
   Sep-09-07 Fischer vs V Kovacevic, 1970 (replies)
erimiro1: Lucky Kovacevic - the game took place 30 years and more before Hydra and Fritz. Otherwise some of Fischer fanatic fans could have claimed that the winner of this game used a secret chess software. Now they can only use Petrosian's wife, Korchnoi's uncle and Geller's sister, to ...
   Aug-19-07 B Jonsson vs Zsuzsa Polgar, 1988 (replies)
erimiro1: The basic line of the combo is not hard to find, and the first moves were easy to calculate. After realizing that 16.Kf1 is not possible because of 17.Qd2, I was convienced that this is the solution. Even from a pure positional point of view, without direct threats on the white ...
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