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Member since May-28-08 · Last seen Sep-10-08
<<<<My fics rating at the moment: Blitz 1920; Standard 2018; Lightning 1688; Wild 1719 >>>>

I leik teh Hippo

gBizzle said: <this game just goes to show that kings gambit players suck, along with their opponents>

<"I must now take the pawn; declining teh pawn would only have been an open admission of my idiocy on moves 7 and 8."> - Raymond Keene

Jim Bartle said: <And moreover, what about the KING's gambit? Where is the king sacked?> IMFSTJP said: <The authors of these gambit names should be sacked.>

< Larsker: <How else you gonna see pictures of the players?> Ever heard about Google?

JordanKwiatek: "Larsker" [ever heard of google?]
Of course I have, what an idotic question. >

kvcs said: <Maatalkko has posted: "It says "Internet USCF", so i think that ACDC was the guy's online handle." He is correct. This game was not played by the Australian hard-rock band ACDC.>

ThomYorke said:< Is the Petrosian that posts here the real Petrosian?>

Jaymthegenius said: <I got my girlfriend Hiarc's 9.0 for Valentines day, I just think that Hiarc's has a very cute style of possitional play suited for a girl (also known for aggressive attacking abilities, so is also suited for a man in that respect.)>

Jaymthegenius said: <Deep Blue a man? Thats silly! As for me, I try to avoid playing girls in chess whenever I can because there is still a risk of loosing (a lesser risk then playing another man, but still a risk nonetheless)>

Jaymthegenius said: <but for some reason losing to a girl (master or not) IS embarrassing, this is NOT a genderism, as if you lose to a girl she assumes you do it on purpose to feed her ego, and shows she is capable of outsmarting, but to defeat at chess a girl shows you are not afraid to win a match no matter who you play>

Jaymthegenius said: <Did ANYBODY hear this statement? This post is NOT a genderist. My girlfriend sayd "Oh yeah! I've heard of a girl who defeats Karpov." I say " Don't be silly! No girl beats Karpov!" She say "Oh yeah! go to this site and look on the search!" Then I say " you win again! How does a girl defeat my favorite players? Makes no sense." I lose to her, I dont like pushing my pawns, when I play dragon, she castles queenside and pushes her pawns, after white move g4, h5 I was sad, I do not like when my opponent has pawns storming into my territory, and girlfriend does this alot.>

Jaymthegenius said: <An update! I defeat my girlfriend! Thats right! I havent played her in quite a while, I have improved alot since then (MCO, Killer chess tactics, hypermodern white repetoire, Secrets of the Dragon by Gufeld and Schiller, How to think in chess, and Turn advantage into vicotory in chess have helped me wonders!) Also, Fritz evaluation of many Staunton games (Me and Staunton play rediculously alike, see>

Jaymthegenius said:< Lucena the greatest opening inventor of all time? I think not! Richard Reti and Aeron Nimzowhich are far superior to Lucena in all aspects of chess. I would play the Reti vs. anyone from back then and win, I know I would win because I have read opening hypermodern repetoire for white by eric Schiller.>

Jaymthegenius said: <Did Lucena analyse 1.b3? Or did I imagine that? (I bet Nimzovich refuted any line Lucena gives!)>

Jaymthegenius said: <Kf2???? that's terrible! instead of 5.d4 he should have played 5.Nc3 instead. I mean, I've been told by many people that Philidor would be more then capable of defeating Chessmaster, and this game is proof that my case is right in that he would NOT be able to! As chessmaster said that Kf2 was a blunder>

Jaymthegenius said: <I would definately defeat Philidor, I would play the bishops opening like here, but would play 8.a4,bxa4 9.Bxa4 instead. As Eric Schiller has said "as it turns out, history recapitulates the learning of the average player" So Philidor today would probably be a class-J opponent in modern America (rated 100-300, around he would be!) though I am using USCF terms because I lack knowledge on the french system, (except I know that instead of R they write T for rook. for tour)>

Jaymthegenius said: <My comment's about Philidor are well grounded by the theory (which should be considered law by now) that people get smarter as the years go by, back in the 1500's Long devision was taught in the universities, but nowaday's anybody with a 3rd grade education can do it. Nowaday's we are better overall in chess then we were 200 year's ago, because not only the chess theory, but the smarter mind's of the people overall.>

Jaymthetactician said:< Also, I would like to see Kramnik and Kasparov team up against Hydra! A combined rating of almost 5600 would easily crush Hydra!>

Jaymthetactician said:<
Also on the chessbase database I've ran some games through a computer and how do you feel about McDonnell, Morphy, and Philidor calculating more accurately then youre sister Judith, Short, and Anand? (my point is that it is said that chessbase has many false games, and with Bird defeating Lasker and Steinitz, as well as McDonnells computer like calculation against Labourdonnais in a few games (though most horrendousely flawed). I have no doubts that some games are false. And some ratings are innacurately reported in them.>

Jaymthetactician said: < When it came to my sister, many were commenting about her body parts. Many wanted to know if she is married and if she is would she still be willing to date them. Women players are facing discrimination and harassment every day. See! This is why the option for girl only tournament's I approve of! I see all GM's in the same light, male or female, chess is about being objective, and these rude comment's are NOT objective!>

>> Click here to see Xeroxx's game collections.

   Xeroxx has kibitzed 362 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-09-08 Svidler vs B Grachev, 2008
Xeroxx: yay for the last move
   Sep-07-08 Tian Kuan-Kuan
Xeroxx: he likes to eat froot-froot
   Sep-07-08 Eivind Fonn
Xeroxx: eat the froot and feel frooty
   Sep-07-08 Hope
Xeroxx: mate in twelve muves thats the spirit of a republican.
   Sep-07-08 Attila Kiss (replies)
Xeroxx: sixpence none the froots
   Sep-02-08 Silli (replies)
Xeroxx: That sounds ridiculus if its true.
   Sep-02-08 Radjabov vs Topalov, 2008 (replies)
Xeroxx: well, the scotch doesnt lead to very complex positions
   Aug-31-08 Mamedyarov vs Tkachiev, 2008
Xeroxx: I wouldn't recommend a move like Bb5
   Aug-30-08 Shamkovich vs G Botterill, 1977
Xeroxx: My compoter (a crappy one) swallowed 22..Qe1 then after a few moves it went from +2.00 to -99.99
   Aug-30-08 Kramnik vs Movsesian, 2008 (replies)
Xeroxx: opening disaster
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