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Marmot PFL
Member since Apr-04-06 · Last seen Sep-11-08
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   Marmot PFL has kibitzed 4705 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-11-08 Portisch vs Short, 1989
Marmot PFL: A hard fought draw.
   Sep-11-08 Bilbao Grand Slam Chess Final (2008) (replies)
Marmot PFL: It's an unusual system, as there is no such thing as sitting on a lead. Normally 2 draws would all but guarantee Topalov a share of first place, but here any of 3 players could pass him with just 1 win. it's kind of like introducing the 24 second shot clock in basketball to force
   Sep-10-08 Karpov-Kasparov World Championship Rematch (1986) (replies)
Marmot PFL: Wow, even Maggie looks young in that photo. Too bad Princess Di wasn't a chess fan but I guess her hobby was riding.
   Sep-10-08 Fischer vs Spassky, 1972 (replies)
Marmot PFL: Normally once the rook has left f8 black doesn't worry much about Nd5, as Nd5 Qxd2 Nxe7+ Kf8 and Rxd2 fails to Kxe7. Here Spassky got careless(or lazy) and forgot that Bc4 was also loose. he probably would hold that position otherwise as there were no weaknesses to attack.
   Sep-10-08 Petrosian vs A Matanovic, 1959 (replies)
Marmot PFL: < johnlspouge> You are right, objective analysis is the way to go, but some of us need hints...Up to Wed/Thurs I can usually find best moves based on position, but from Fri on am often guessing.
   Sep-10-08 Anand vs Aronian, 2008 (replies)
Marmot PFL: according to rybka the wins are there, but black has missed several. However there is still no way out for white.
   Sep-10-08 Topalov vs Carlsen, 2008 (replies)
Marmot PFL: Just technique now. Too many mistakes by both players for this to be great game though.
   Sep-10-08 Bogoljubov vs Alekhine, 1922 (replies)
Marmot PFL: <Maybe somebody's already explained this: Why not 25.Qxc4 in order not to lose a pawn?> Good question. Black plays Nf6-d5 I guess, followed maybe with Ra6-c6-c3 and a huge positional edge, but no forced win so far as I can tell.
   Sep-09-08 Aronian vs Topalov, 2008 (replies)
Marmot PFL: This 5.a3 line seems to be white's best try for advantage, unless some improvement in 5.cd5 Qxd5 6.e3 Qf5 is found. My impression was that in the game line 6...Ne4 gave white more problems than 0-0. For instance 6...Ne4 7.Qc2 Nc6 8.e3 e5 9.cd5 Qxd5 10.Bc4 Qa5+ 11.b4 Nxb4 12.Qxe4 ...
   Sep-09-08 Carlsen vs Ivanchuk, 2008 (replies)
Marmot PFL: This should be in a future Ivanchuk game collection. He outplayed the wunderkind completely today.
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