Aron Nimzowitsch vs Siegbert Tarrasch
"Tarrasch the Thought" (game of the day Sep-01-05)
St.Petersburg-1 1914  ·  Queen's Gambit Declined: Tarrasch Defense. Pseudo-Tarrasch (D30)  ·  0-1

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  MorphyMatt: <<zabbura2002><Mate in 7! lol>> Think that's impressive?

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Black to move and mate in 11!

Mar-01-06   OBIT: <MorphyMatt>:Let's see - 1...Qxa2+ 2. Kxa2 (2. Kc1?? gives Black mate in 2) Bd3+ 3. Kb3 (3. Qa5?! Rxa5 4. Kb3 Rb5+ leads to a faster mate) c4+ 4. Kb4 Nc6+ 5. Kb5 (5. dxc6?? Rfb8mate) seems to get the king hunt off to a fast start. However, then the best I can come up with is 5...Nd4+ 6. Kb6 (6. Kb4 Rfb8+ 7. Kc3 Ne2mate) Rfb8+ 7. Kc7 Nb5+ 8. Kd7 Ra7+ 9. Kc6 Ra6+ 10 Kd7 Rb7+ 11. Kc8 Rc7+ 12. Kb8 Rb6+ 13. Ka8 Ra7mate. That's mate in 13.
Mar-01-06   goldenbear: Pretty sure 11.Re1 makes the most sense here, freeing f1 for bishop or knight. I think white has a nice advantage after that.
Mar-01-06   goldenbear: the idea behind that is that 10.Qe7 is surely a mistake. 10.Qc7 looks alot better after 11.Re1.
Mar-01-06   zhentil: <morphymatt> It's actually mate in 10. 1... Qxa2+ 2. Kxa2 Bd3+ 3. Kb3 c4+ 4. Kb4 Nc6+ 5. Kb5 Nd4+ 6. Kb6 Rfb8+ 7. Kc7 Nb5+ 8. Kc6 (8. Kd7? Ra7+ 9. Kc6 Rc7#) Ra6+ 9. Kd7 Ra7+ 10. Kc6 Nd4#
Premium Chessgames Member
  dakgootje: Nice attack by Tarrasch!

If i would have to mate white in the last moves totally intuitively, then i would have played 31. ...Bh3, which doesnt mate probably but Re8 seems so....strange...

Aug-28-06   hkakos: <MorphyMatt> In the game you posted, where can I find it in
Oct-02-06   DarkHorse: That game posted by <MorphyMatt> looks like a Benko Gambit with white castling queenside -- if so, that is very bold of white!
Oct-29-06   bluealchemist: nice game. the gueen's gambit provided good cover for the two bishops. 18. ... d4! was the pivotal point. everything was in place for black's final assault.
Oct-30-06   Fisheremon: As I noted in connection with Kasparov vs Portisch, 1983

a single sac 19...Bxg2 might be nicer at least it could give a fierce attack leading to a quicker win in all variations.

Feb-12-07   Articcircle: Another game with a double bishop sacfrice is Alekine vs Drewitt Portsmouth 1923.
Premium Chessgames Member
  tpstar: <Articcircle> Here is a nice Game Collection which contains that example = Game Collection: Double Bishop Sacrifices (dedicated to Anatoly K
Feb-12-07   Articcircle: <tpstar> Thank you very much! :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  fm avari viraf: A very scintilating game where Tarrasch launches a sizzling Double Bishop Sac to rip open the vulnerable White's fortress & even the Great Master Nimzowitsch could not provide a safe haven for his King.
Jul-24-07   Dr. Siggy: In my humble opinion, this is the most sublime double bishop sacrifice in the History of Chess: a real work of Art! White's permanent mate threat and Black's problem-like pure mate are but two of the many strategical and tactical beauties which make this particular game a 'must' in every collection.

As astonishing as it may seem, the best of all the moves played by both sides was, in Tarrasch's own opinion, 17... Nxd2!!: "An entirely improbable move. Exchanging the well posted knight on e4 for the 'stalemated' white one is either a blunderer's move - or a master's move."

Premium Chessgames Member
  KingG: I wonder if Tarrasch actually saw 19...Bxg2!, but decided to play the more flashy combination? In any case, the fact that there was a simpler win takes some of the gloss away from this game in my opinion. Of course, this game wouldn't be as famous if it wasn't for the double Bishop sacrifice, and maybe that's why Tarrasch played it instead, but i don't think adding unnecessary complexity makes things more beautiful.
Jan-25-08   Dr. Siggy: <KingG>: Your comment is not new. As far as I know, one can find the same comment about virtually all the "brilliancies" there are in the History of Chess. Even a great champion as Capablanca had the same opinion about the matter...

Still, I find this very, very hard to agree with. I strongly believe that, if one can win with a beautiful combination (such as the one performed by Tarrasch in this extraordinary game), he should play it, even if he has a simpler way to do it.

After all, a game of Chess should mean something more than a simple point in a tournament crosstable...

Apr-01-08   Zickzack: Tarrasch does not finish Nimzo off with 19. ... Bg2:, and he does not go for the quickest mate after move 26. The final position is close to a "perfect mate". It is all about beauty.

Actually, this reminds me of something. How many beautiful games, do you think, have actually been agreed on before? I.e. - one player looking for a willing victim in exchange for future favors? Pachman points out that at least as many chess games as boxing matches are fixed. And fixing beautiful games seems entirely natural after that.

Anyway, Tarrasch and Nimzo hardly fixed anything...

Apr-16-08   Pianoplayer: wowwowowowowwowowow
Premium Chessgames Member
  PinnedPiece: <dakgootje: ...If i would have to mate white in the last moves totally intuitively, then i would have played 31. ...Bh3, which doesnt mate probably but Re8 seems so....strange..>

Seems to me it does mate, just as quickly, but with K on a different square:

31 Ke6 Bh3
32 Ke7 Qc7#

I guess its preferred to do it with minor pieces when you can!

Premium Chessgames Member
  dakgootje: You are quite right sir, think I overlooked Qc7... but hey, it's 2 years ago so can't recall what I thought :P
Sep-02-08   Bear With Me: Tarrasch could not possibly have worked all this out when he played Bxh2+. He probably sacrificed on gut instinct reasoning that there must be something in this position once the king was flushed out into the open: A nice finish at the end, ironic that after all the sacrifices, the material in the final position is the same, though black has just won the white king !!
Dec-11-08   WhiteRook48: Dr. Tarrasch gives Nimzo his medicine.
Jan-04-09   WhiteRook48: hmmm...amazing mate
Jan-20-09   WhiteRook48: nice Tarrasch win.
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