Napoleon Bonaparte vs The Turk
"Napoleon Torn Apart" (game of the day Feb-09-08)
Schoenbrunn 1809  ·  King Pawn Game: Napoleon Attack (C20)  ·  0-1

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Feb-09-08   dumbgai: This is the worst quality "game of the day" I've seen in a long time. Judging by Napoleon's play, I think I could have beaten him.
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  al wazir: What kind of patzer would play 14...Nxe1+ ? Black wins immediately with 14...Nf4+ 15. gxf4 (15. Kxf3 Qh5+ 16. g4 Qh3#) Qg4+ 16. Kh1 Qh3#.

The Turk was a turkey.

Feb-09-08   stupidiot21: This is the worst quality "game of the day" I've seen in a long time. Judging by Napoleon's play, I think I could have beaten him.

Napoleon was a conqueror not a chess player

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  whiskeyrebel: dumbqai, could you whip him on his turf..the battlefield?
Feb-09-08   cyruslaihy: napoleon "blown" apart would be a better pun
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  waustad: I'm often startled at how bad pre-Morphy chess often was, though Boney was hardly known for his chess play. If you look at his other games he seems to have had a couple of interesting mates in the middle of the board after several sacs to get the king moving around. Nobody seems to even think of getting developed in these games.
Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: Worst Pun Ever!
Feb-09-08   sneaky pete: <WannaBe> <... worst pun ever> Thank you, sir. The administrators ripped off my poor attempt from A Bonaparte vs Dubois, 1866.
Premium Chessgames Member
  patzer2: After 11...Nxh3+! it appears Napoleon is busted, as the Turk's Knight Fork threats are too strong
Feb-09-08   Riverbeast: "Solazzo is known as the Turk...He's supposedly very good with a knife...but only in matters of business, or some reasonable complaint"
Premium Chessgames Member
  Phony Benoni: It's a good pun, but I have to agree with <cyruslaithy> that "Napoleon Blown Apart" would have been even better.

<al Wazir> It may have been a prudent move to let the Emperor last 20 moves.

Premium Chessgames Member
  eternaloptimist: Napoleon apparently didn't have enough sense to understand that moving your Q out too early is normally a bad idea (esp. on the second move):P. Four of his first ten moves were w/ the Q - a recipe for disaster. In a nutshell, he got spanked.:D
Premium Chessgames Member
  al wazir: Besides missing a mate in 2 on move 14 in order to grab the white Q (see my post above), black missed the best continuation on the next move: 15...Nf4+ 16. gxf4 (16. Kg1 Qxg3+ 17. Kf1/Kh1 Qg2#; 16. Kf1 Qh3+ 17. Kg1 Qg2#) Qxf2+ 17. Kh3 Qxe1, and black mates shortly with the B and Q.

Supposedly Philidor was the first of the chess masters who sat inside the "automaton" and made the moves. Whoever his successor was when this game was played, he was no Philidor!

Premium Chessgames Member
  chessamateur: <al wazir> Perhaps, but I can't get the idea out of my head of the guy (I know the guy played inside the machine) making Napoleon sweat it out in embarrassment. Of course on the other hand, that could also be most unwise for obvious reasons.
Feb-10-08   JeremyBrowne: Although 11..Nxh3+ is an attractive looking move, in my view either 11... Nf3+ or 11...Qg5 is much stronger. Either move wins the queen or leads to mate.
Premium Chessgames Member
  mike1: To Al-Wazir

Edgar Allen Poe got it right.He said:
" its a man, Schlumberger".Maybe not as good as Philidor but he won nearly all the games during his "Turk"-time.

Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: The pun reminds me of an old (and sick) war joke:

What did they call the Frenchman who dove on a granade? Napoleon Blownapart.

What did they call the Russian who dove on a granade? Destroyed Evsky

What did they call the American who dove on a granade? Lucky,because it was a dud.

I warned you it was sick.

Premium Chessgames Member
  waustad: An artificial chess machine would do well in Schoenbrunn. The Hapsburgs even had fake Roman ruins built there. It is a lovely place if you like palaces. It's a great view from the Gloriette.
Feb-11-08   Riverbeast: Who was shorter, Napoleon or the guy hiding in the machine?
Feb-11-08   HOTDOG: 5.a3 is a waste of time,better 5.Nc3 or 5.0-0.then 6.h3 was better to avoid Bg4.then 9...Qh4 was perhaps stronger,and for this reason White had to play 10.Qg4! equalizing,instead 10.Qd1?? is a blunder leading to a lost position.Black played now 10...Nd4? but 10...Qg5! was better,leading to a mate in 8:for example 11.g4 Nxh3+ 12.Kh2 Qh4 13.Bxf7+ Kxf7 14.Qe3(other moves lose more quickly)Nf4+ 15.Kg1 Qxg4+ 16.Qg3 Qxg3+ 17.Kh1 Qg2 mate.after 10...Nd4? White could have played 11.Qd1 limiting the damage(11...Qg5! 12.Qg4 Qxg4 13.hxg4 Nxc2),but 11.Bb3?? is a blunder again;however 11...Qg5! or 11.Nf3+! win more quickly.
Mar-28-08   mistreaver: Imho this opening is so bad what is the point of such and early queen advance with 2 Qf3 except of instant threaths that can easily be parried
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  FizzyY: Napoleon Attack!

for such a great strategist
what a horrible opening strategy.

Nov-26-08   Pa3PyX: Opening is suboptimal... ultimately it was 11. Bb3 that was his doom, though. Had he played 11. Qd1 instead, the game could have been salvageable -- or at least, he would not have been defeated as quickly. Here is one entertaining simulation; at move 55 good old Napoleon draws by perpetual check!

1. e4 e5 2. Qf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ne2 Bc5 5. a3 d6 6. O-O Bg4 7. Qd3 Nh5 8. h3 Bxe2 9. Qxe2 Nf4 10. Qe1 Nd4 11. Qd1 Qg5 12. Qg4 Qxg4 13. hxg4 b5 14. Bd3 h5 15. g5 h4 16. Nc3 h3 17. g3 Nf3+ 18. Kh1 Nxd3 19. cxd3 c6 20. b4 Bd4 21. a4 bxa4 22. Rxa4 a6 23. b5 Bxc3 24. dxc3 cxb5 25. Rb4 Ke7 26. Be3 Rhc8 27. c4 bxc4 28. dxc4 Ke6 29. Ra1 Rc6 30. Rc1 Rac8 31. Rc3 a5 32. Ra4 Ra8 33. Bc1 Nd4 34. Kh2 Rb6 35. Ba3 Rb1 36. Kxh3 Rf1 37. f4 Rh1+ 38. Kg4 Re1 39. c5 Rxe4 40. cxd6 exf4 41. gxf4 Rxf4+ 42. Kh3 Re4 43. Rd3 Rh8+ 44. Kg2 Rhh4 45. d7 Reg4+ 46. Kf2 Rf4+ 47. Ke1 Kxd7 48. Bc5 Kc6 49. Bxd4 Kb5 50. Rda3 Rxd4 51. Rxa5+ Kb6 52. Ra7 Rh1+ 53. Ke2 Re4+ 54. Kd3 Rb4 55. R3a6+ 1-2/1-2

Nov-26-08   anandrulez: Proves a great leader need not be a great chess player .
Nov-26-08   anandrulez: Btw qwas The-Turk such a fool to defeat Napolean like that ? He whopped his A$$ omg
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