Veselin Topalov vs Vladimir Kramnik
"A Knight's Tale" (game of the day Jan-24-08)
Corus 2008  ·  Semi-Slav Defense: Anti-Moscow Gambit (D44)  ·  1-0

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Veselin Topalov vs Vladimir Kramnik (2008)
photograph courtesy of "LostEmperor"

Kibitzer's Corner
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Apr-01-08   Riverbeast: Hate to break it to you guys, but that story is an April Fools Day farce.

Apr-01-08   Augalv: <What would you do? (remember they promised to not reveal he gave the idea, does it apply now he is not here?)>

I wish people let know which ideas came from Bobby, because if it's true, then these letters are priceless.

If it's not, it was because it's April fool's and wanted to play a prank on us.

Apr-01-08   stratomaster: Quite the elaborate prank-I didn't realize April Fools day was a world-wide semi-holiday. Nice job by chessbase on that one.
Apr-01-08   Ashram64: i just read those letters on

I wonder how legit are these emails are...or just someone using bobby fisher's name to create some controversy. Very interesting.

Premium Chessgames Member

This is of course an Aprils fools joke, what else!

Apr-02-08   SniperOnG7: Playing a prank by using our recently deceased hero. *Sound of one-handed clapping* ~~Sniggers at Chessbase~~
Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: <SniperOnG7: Playing a prank by using our recently deceased hero....>

I ain't dead, yet!

Apr-02-08   303chess: 29 dxe6... i thought of this in my head and the move might not be good but it looks good because it opens the diagnal and i hope u guys see what i am thinking. There's a passed pawn and white will win mattireal.

OH... I see... i just went over the position again and the b pawn is unstopable.

Again i will lose in a match... if i had that position... my move is good but it does not stop the b pawn. I think thats why topalove did not play that.

SO what do u think... is 29 dxe6 good... or bad.... Its bad to me... i see a passed pawn... but if there was not a passed pawn, is it good?

Apr-07-08   SniperOnG7: <WannaBe: <SniperOnG7: Playing a prank by using our recently deceased hero....> I ain't dead, yet!>

I wish that were true.

Apr-24-08   Bryce101: good game to watch but the 12.Nxf7 move by topa wasant thought up over the board(not that it has to be but it does take away some of the 'wow' factor) but it wasant even him who thought of this move!, which furthermore takes away the 'wow' factor. But, it must be said that it was some well thought up opening preperation. oh and is it true that topa and cheperinov had this novelty in mind for 3 years and cherinov saved it for topa to play it,,and it was only to be played against kramnik??and that some lines ran 30 moves deep??
Apr-24-08   ongyj: Man this game looks great even when I replay the moves. It seems that there's no proper refutation yet, if I'm not mistaken? Any new names for this move / line yet?
Apr-25-08   ivan999: cheparinoff works for topalov using vesko's resources (computers) so it is OK if topalov used nxf7 i think.
Jun-03-08   sheaf: i dont know about the quality of this game as kramnik has raised some serious doubts over Nxf7, its not really clear whether its indeed a high quality. but the photograph here is probably the best picture available in chess world.
Premium Chessgames Member
  acirce: I'd very much like to see if Topalov would repeat 12.Nxf7 - against anyone, but especially against Kramnik. I don't doubt that Kramnik would allow it. That would be a much better test of its objective qualities. Somehow I suspect it was just meant as a one-off surprise weapon though.
Jun-12-08   ivan999: has someone allowed the anti-moscow against either toplaov or cheparinof yet? i don't think so
Sep-04-08   medstu56: topalov is legion
Sep-04-08   pacorrum: Topalov is the Tal of computer age chess...
Sep-13-08   shahjinan: <stratomaster: According to this article,, Bobby Fischer reccomended this line to Topalov. Pretty cool.

Apr-01-08 llauro: <stratomaster> it will be really really very interesting knowing if the telling is or not true. If it is true... how many new ideas coming from Fisher would have being played in the last +30 years? And who played them?

Unfourtunatly Fisher is dead, but (if the story is true) will people let know which ideas came from B.F. or not?

What would you do? (remember they promised to not reveal he gave the idea, does it apply now he is not here?)>

Wake up guys!!! There wasn't internet in 1978. That was definitely April Fool trick. Fischer was definitely the best geneous that ever been...I hate such kind of prank on the best who is dead right now.

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  Woody Wood Pusher: This game doesn't count, I read Drawnik left his Pocket Fritz on the train so wasn't playing at his usual level.
Oct-09-08   gulko: There is a new defence for black that could refute 12 Nxf7. Here is the line; 14 Ne4 Rab8 15 Nd6ch Ke7 16 Qc2 c5 17 Qg6 Qg8 18 Bg4 Nf8 19 Qh5 cxd4 20 f4 Nd7 21 Bxe6 Qxe6 22 f5 Qxe5 and black is better!
Dec-04-08   tommy boy: interesting photo at this game
Premium Chessgames Member
  notyetagm: 12 ?

click for larger view

12 Ne5xf7!?

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Topalov's 12 Ne5xf7!? just won the Chess Informant Prize for <The Most Important Novelty of Chess Informant 102>:

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