Benoni (A61)
1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 Nc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 Nf3 g6

Number of games in database: 628
Years covered: 1927 to 2008
Overall record:
   White wins 43.2%
   Black wins 25.8%
   Draws 31.1%

Popularity graph, by decade

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With the White Pieces With the Black Pieces
Ljubomir Ftacnik  14 games
V Tukmakov  14 games
Wlodzimierz Schmidt  13 games
Mihai Suba  43 games
Nick DeFirmian  24 games
Dimitri Gurevich  22 games
NOTABLE GAMES [what is this?]
White Wins Black Wins
Zsuzsa Polgar vs P Hardicsay, 1985
Nimzowitsch vs Marshall, 1927
Kasparov vs Wahls, 1986
Spassky vs Fischer, 1972
Ivkov vs K Van Schoor, 1958
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 page 1 of 26; games 1-25 of 628  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Nimzowitsch vs Marshall 1-030 1927 New YorkA61 Benoni
2. Gligoric vs Petrosian ½-½41 1953 ZurichA61 Benoni
3. Petrosian vs Tolush  ½-½44 1953 TournamentA61 Benoni
4. Lilienthal vs Suetin  1-050 1954 URS-ch21 Kiev ,URS-cA61 Benoni
5. V Saigin vs Tal ½-½47 1954 RigaA61 Benoni
6. G Borisenko vs Sokolsky  1-064 1954 URS-ch21A61 Benoni
7. Gligoric vs M Czerniak  1-042 1954 Amsterdam ol (Men) pre-IIIA61 Benoni
8. K Darga vs E Gereben  ½-½40 1954 Amsterdam ol (Men) fin-AA61 Benoni
9. Kholmov vs Petrosian  ½-½27 1954 URS-ch21A61 Benoni
10. J H Donner vs Petrosian 0-141 1955 Goteborg mA61 Benoni
11. G Borisenko vs Tal 1-041 1955 RigaA61 Benoni
12. S G Lebedev vs Tal 0-144 1955 RigaA61 Benoni
13. K Darga vs J Fuller  ½-½67 1955 Hastings 5556A61 Benoni
14. J Kozma vs A Zaruba  ½-½41 1955 CSR-chA61 Benoni
15. G Borisenko vs Polugaevsky  1-041 1956 Leningrad Ch URSA61 Benoni
16. Antoshin vs Tal  ½-½42 1956 LeningradA61 Benoni
17. Shamkovich vs Vasiukov 0-183 1956 URS-ch sfA61 Benoni
18. Najdorf vs Larsen 1-042 1957 DallasA61 Benoni
19. A M Giustolisi vs Tal  0-136 1957 ItalienA61 Benoni
20. Gligoric vs A M Giustolisi  ½-½31 1957 Dublin ztA61 Benoni
21. Gligoric vs P Trifunovic  ½-½35 1957 YUG-chA61 Benoni
22. J Lahti vs Lombardy  0-150 1957 WchT U26 04thA61 Benoni
23. J Kozma vs B Sandor  1-044 1957 BratislavaA61 Benoni
24. J Kozma vs Spassky  0-138 1957 WchT U26 04thA61 Benoni
25. Ivkov vs K Van Schoor 0-141 1958 MunichA61 Benoni
 page 1 of 26; games 1-25 of 628  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Jan-15-06   blingice: Interesting opening. Seems to give black an advantage because of the weak d pawn because it is distant from all your pieces. It does restrict a lot of black's close movement, though. Does anyone play it here?
Jan-15-06   hintza: The d-pawn isn't weak.
Jan-15-06   Ludamad: the d pawn is a strong point
Jan-15-06   blingice: It, superficially at least, seems weak because it has two supporting pieces, which both can't move naturally because they have to support that one pawn. The fact that the d-pawn is indeed strong drags down the mobility of all the other pieces because they have to worry about it.
Jan-15-06   EnglishOpeningc4: e4 and the knight can move, the d pawn is not whites problem, the black b pawn is
Aug-29-06   yanez: <blingice> I play it but with an early ...a6 to stop the tamianov attack(7. Bb5+)
Sep-01-06   blingice: Hahah, I appear to be wrong on many levels about this opening.
May-31-08   Xeroxx: Blacks backward d-pawn can become weak though.
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