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Member since Oct-01-03
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   Whitehat1963 has kibitzed 8205 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Sep-13-08 K Rybenko vs Kosteniuk, 1996 (replies)
Whitehat1963: Time for a rematch between these two. I propose a 24-game match ... in bikinis, of course! Hey, if the Olympics can have beach volleyball players in bikinis, why can't FIDE sponsor a beach chess tournament in bikinis. Imagine what it could do for ticket sales!
   Sep-13-08 A Nickel vs The World, 2008 (replies)
Whitehat1963: Whoops:
   Sep-12-08 Yifan Hou vs Koneru, 2008 (replies)
Whitehat1963: Made it look easy.
   Sep-12-08 Anand vs Topalov, 2008
Whitehat1963: Regardless of how long this game is, it still looks like a bloodless draw. Oh well.
   Sep-12-08 Chessgames Bookie chessforum (replies)
Whitehat1963: So, what do you say, <Chessbookie>? How about a bet on Nickel's sixth move?
   Sep-12-08 Short vs Damljanovic, 1990
Whitehat1963: I like the way the Player of the Day locks up Short's bishop and makes it all but irrelevant in this Richter-Rauzer.
   Sep-12-08 D Jakovenko vs Z Rahman, 2007
Whitehat1963: Another impressive endgame from Jakovenko.
   Sep-12-08 D Jakovenko vs Z Almasi, 2007
Whitehat1963: He's being called the best endgame player alive by some experts. This game surely shows he has a strong grasp.
   Sep-12-08 Aronian vs D Jakovenko, 2007
Whitehat1963: Some believe Jakovenko to be if not the best, at least one of the best endgame players alive.
   Sep-12-08 Odd Lie (replies)
Whitehat1963: I love Sarah Palin! So hot! So smart! So much honesty and integrity! What grit! What's not to love?
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