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Member since Mar-11-06 · Last seen Jun-04-08
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   DUS has kibitzed 819 times to chessgames   [more...]
   May-28-08 Bazna King's Tournament (2008) (replies)
DUS: <Veryrusty> after 43...hg, the white plays 44.h7+. The only answer is 44 ...Kf8, and then 45. Rf7+ is winning the game.
   May-28-08 Bosnia Sarajevo Tournament (2008) (replies)
DUS: <Paragua: Can anybody please help me to know when did GM Movsesian became a grandmaster...thank you very much> In 1997.
   May-27-08 Sergei Movsesian (replies)
DUS: <It Looks like GM Sergei Movsesian has benefited greatly from his living in Slovakia.> <For your information, I'm not ex-, I always was, I am and I would be Armenian and I'm proud of this,... Sergei Movsesian >
   May-17-08 Nelli Aginian
DUS: In any case K. van der Weide must be a gentleman, while <sitzkrieg> ...
   May-17-08 M-Tel Masters (2008) (replies)
DUS: <Microdot:... <wallytherhino> Dear wallytherhino, unfortunately I am not a GM but in the past I reached a rating over 2500!, I was very close to GM title. Some of my students from United Arab Emirates: Taleb, Moussa GM Salem,Saleh IM AlHuwar, Jasem FM Abdul, ...
   May-16-08 Aronian vs Radjabov, 2008 (replies)
DUS: You don't know Russian? Sorry! I simply asked maybe your last name is Minasian? (fimiliya = last name, not a family :) And Minasian is an Armenian last name. Rimember, GM Artashes Minasian? I am an Armenian, that's why I asked you on this.
   May-16-08 Levon Aronian (replies)
DUS: Apres <haik> jan. Ankax ays mrtsashari ardyunkits, es el vstah em vor Levone sharunakelu e ir paylun xaghe. Ays nerka mrtsasharum kanonnere tarorinak en.
   May-06-08 Samvel Ter Sahakyan
DUS: The norm was 6.5 points, and Samvel had 7 points. I wish he will continue to improve as he does now. By the way, he also has a very talented chess teacher. But the most important is the player's talent of course. <Hovik>, yes he did both IM and GM norms at once, and very young. ...
   May-02-08 European Individual Championship (2008) (replies)
DUS: The most impressive among representatives of Armenia was young (14 or 15) FM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan, who has 7 points, 5 victories perhaps all against GMs! I hope soon he will get a GM title and will be a member of national team. Perhaps he will play on board # 4.
   Mar-19-08 Amber Tournament (Rapid) (2008) (replies)
DUS: <...If he gets cought cheating again, then we perceive a pattern and suspect a character flaw. And, of course, even with that, he could become world champ.> The criticism was only for what you said above. You are saying "if he gets cought cheating again, then we... And, of course,
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